HF 4183 (Long) Appropriating money for a grant to Unidos MN Education Fund and the New Justice Project MN.
- Rod Adams, Executive Director, New Justice Project
- Maricruz Lozano Rios, Program Manager, Unidos MN
- Kyle Makarios, Training Program Consultant
- Megan Hennen, Director of Government and Public Affairs, Associated Builder and Contractors of MN/ND
HF 4647 (Berg) Providing for a licensing fee holiday
- Charlie Durenberger, Assistant Director of Construction Codes and Licensing Division, Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
HF 4663 (Xiong, T.) Providing for military salary differential overpayments [INFORMATIONAL HEARING ONLY]
- Don Kerr, Executive Director, Minnesota Department of Military Affairs
- Britta Reitan, Deputy Commissioner, Minnesota Management and Budget
- Dorilee Leland, Enterprise Director for Employee Classification and Compensation, Minnesota Management and Budget
HF 165 (Dettmer) State Building Code; new buildings with pitched roofs exempted from window cleaning dedicated anchorage requirements.
- Greg Metz, State Program Manager of Construction Codes and Licensing Division, Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
HF 4484 (Lislegard) Duluth Air National Guard Base aircraft shelter funding provided, and money appropriated.
- Don Kerr, Executive Director, Minnesota Department of Military Affairs
- Jennifer Cady, Chair of Military Affairs Committee, Duluth Chamber of Commerce (Retired Member of the 148th Fighter Wing)
HF 215 (Lislegard) State Building Code inspection exemptions clarified.
- Joel Johnson, Legislative Director, IBEW State Council
- Mike Bull, Director of Policy and Regulatory Affairs, Minnesota Rural Electric Association
- Todd Green, Assistant Director of Construction Codes and Licensing, Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
If you would like to testify, please contact Committee Administrator Nick Stumo-Langer at
This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page: https://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/htv/schedule.asp
All events are closed-captioned.
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