Overview of Unemployment Insurance from Department of Employment and Economic Development
Steve Grove, Commissioner, DEED
Evan Rowe, interim Deputy Commissioner Workforce Services, DEED
HF 3000 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) Unemployment insurance; school worker unemployment insurance provisions modified, unemployment trust fund replenished, employer base tax rate frozen, assessment provisions modified, and money appropriated.
Liza Anderson, Eden Prairie Schools
Jessica Webster, Legal Aid
Bill Schwandt, Bloomington Public Schools
Tina Burkholder, MN Association of School Business Officials
HF 2728 (Haley) Unemployment trust fund replenished, tax rates frozen, COVID-19 claims excluded, and money appropriated.
Mark Urdahl, President and CEO, Red Wing Shoe Company
Scott Ferrell, Down In the Valley
John L. Reynolds, State Director, Minnesota, NFIB
Andy Wilke, Greater Mankato Growth
Lauryn Schothorst, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
Jamie Pfuhl, President, MN Grocers Association
HF XXXX (Noor) A bill relating to unemployment insurance; replenishing the unemployment trust fund; repaying interest; modifying the base tax rate for calendar year 2022; eliminating the special assessment and additional assessment for calendar year 2022. (Language Attached)
Eric Harris Bernstein, Policy Director, We Make Minnesota
Richard Gordon, Owner of L.U.V. Microgreens LLC, Minneapolis
Danny Schwartzman, Owner of Common Roots Cafe, Minneapolis
Kelly Gibbons, Executive Director, SEIU Local 284
Teresa Jakubowski, Bus Driver, District 196
If you would like to testify please contact Committee Administrator Travis Reese, travis.reese@house.mn
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