HF 2976 (Noor) Creating the emerging developer fund program; requiring reports; appropriating money.
- Peter McLaughlin, Executive Director, Local Initiative Support Corporation Twin Cities
- Nawal Noor, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Noor Companies
- James E. Terrell, President and Chief Operating Officer, Fortis Capital
- Brian K. Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Fortis Capital
- Dean Dovolis, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, DJR Architecture
- Damaris Hollingsworth, Principal Architect, Design By Melo
- Abe Demmaj, Owner, G&L Furniture (Minneapolis)
- Sheri Hansen, Director of Communications, Advocacy & Public Outreach, American Institute of Architects Minnesota
- Mohammed Lawal, Chief Executive Officer and Principal Architect, LSE Architects
- Russ Adams, Manager of Corridor Recovery Initiatives, Lake Street Council
- Jamil Ford, Owner, Ideal Development Group
- David McGhee, Executive Director, Build Wealth Minnesota Inc.
If you would like to testify, please reach out to Committee Administrator, Nick Stumo-Langer
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