HF 3943 (Sandstede) Hibbing; the Boys and Girls Club of the Northland grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
- Ruvarashe Tsoka, Lead for Minnesota Fellow, City of Hibbing
- Carrie McDonald, Principal, Greenhaven Elementary School (Hibbing)
- Kim McLaughlin, School Board Member, Hibbing School Board (Northeast Higher Education District)
HF 3953 (Berg) Builder apprenticeship preparation program funding provided, and money appropriated.
- Megan Hennen, Director of Government and Public Affairs, Associated Builders and Contractors of MN/ND
- Tom Dicklich, Executive Director, Minnesota State Building and Construction Trades
HF 3940 (Greenman) Latino Economic Development Center grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
- Henry Jimenez, Executive Director and President, Latino Economic Development Center
- Manuel Rutiaga, Owner, Gorditas El Durango
HF 2579 (Schultz) Grant to fund physical accessibility improvements to performing arts spaces.
- Gaelynn Lea, Vice President and Co-Founder, Recording Artists and Musicians with Disabilities (Musician and Public Speaker, Gaelynn Lea Music)
- Gabriel Rodreick, Performing Artist, Young Dance
HF 4198 (Marquart) Counties provided grants for education, jobs, and workforce development; Community Career Workforce Academies established, report required, and money appropriated.
- Brandon Lunak, Superintendent, Moorhead Public Schools
- Katherine Grindberg, Fargo-Moorhead Area Chamber of Commerce
HF 3798 (Agbaje) Summit Academy OIC funding provided, and money appropriation.
- Louis King, President and Chief Executive Officer, OIC of America
- LeRoy West, President, Summit Academy
- Mire Abdulle, Graduate, Summit Academy
HF 2978 (Xiong, J.) Small business partnership grant program funding provided, and money appropriated.
- Christine Lukudu, Program Manager for Business Development, African Development Center
- Abdi Daisane, Owner and Manager, Blooming Kids Childcare (St. Cloud)
- Denise Butler, Director of Economic Development, ACER, Inc.
*Bills May Be Added*
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