HF 4355 (Noor) Workforce and Business Development Finance and Policy Omnibus Bill [THIS HEARING WILL BE FOR WALKTHROUGH AND PUBLIC TESTIMONY. NO ACTION WILL BE TAKEN]
- Overview from Nonpartisan House Staff
i. Ashley Engh, Fiscal Analyst, House Fiscal Analysis Department
ii. Anna Scholin, Legislative Analyst, House Research Department
- Public Testimony
i. Marc Majors, Deputy Commissioner of Workforce Development, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
ii. Kevin McKinnon, Deputy Commissioner of Economic Development, Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development
iii. Elena Gaarder, Chief Executive Officer, Metropolitan Consortium of Community Developers
iv. Peter McLaughlin, Executive Director, Local Initiatives Support Corporation Twin Cities
v. Gloria Perez, President, Women’s Foundation of Minnesota
vi. Kenya McKnight-Ahad, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Black Women’s Wealth Alliance
vii. ThaoMee Xiong, Executive and Network Director, Coalition of Asian American Leaders
viii. Shep Harris, Lobbyist, Center for Economic Inclusion
ix. Baba Letang, Director of Community Engagement, Neighborhood Development Center
x. Lynn Shelton, Vice President of Marketing & Organizational Development, Enterprise Minnesota
xi. Sam Richie, Economic Development Association of Minnesota
xii. Scott McMahon, Executive Director, Greater Minnesota Partnership
xiii. Carrie Bendix, Director, Southwest Minnesota PIC Workforce Development Board
xiv. Jane Graupman, Executive Director, International Institute of Minnesota
xv. Shelly Hanson, President, Hibbing Area Chamber of Commerce
xvi. Ben Wogsland, Executive Vice President, Hospitality Minnesota
xvii. Marie Ellis, Public Policy Director, Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
xviii. Katina Mortensen, Director of Public Policy, Minnesota Council on Foundations
If you're interested in testifying in-person, virtually or submitting written testimony, please contact Committee Administrator Nick Stumo-Langer at Nick.Stumo-Langer@house.mn.
This hybrid committee hearing will be held in-person in State Capitol Room 120 with remote participation from members and testifiers available. The capacity for State Capitol Room 120 is 60 audience seats, please plan accordingly. This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page:
All events are closed-captioned.
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