• HF 3605 (Rasmusson) Broadband; financial assistance program to extend service to unserved areas established, and process to allow existing easements for use of service established.
• HF 2739 (Becker-Finn) Civil legal services funding provided, and money appropriated.
• HF 2738 (Becker-Finn) Public Defense funding provided, and money appropriated
• HF1404 (Becker-Finn) Government data practices provisions modified, data classified, Legislative Commission on Data Practices reestablished, and entities required to timely process visa certification documents.
*An author’s Delete-All amendment to House File 1404 (Becker-Finn) will be posted on Tuesday, March 29, 2022. The deadline to submit amendments to the DE is 3:00pm on Wednesday, March 30, 2022.
**All other Amendments are due by 10 am Wednesday, March 30th
***Agenda items may be added, deleted and/or taken in any order.
****If you are interested in providing written testimony, oral testimony, or a handout, please email the Committee Administrator and copy the Committee Legislative Assistant by 10am the day before the hearing. Public oral testimony may be limited.
CA: Brynn.Sias@house.mn
CLA: Mikayla.Brunner@house.mn
Any meeting documents will be posted on the House Judiciary Finance and Civil law committee website at
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