02:46 - Presentation on the February 2022 Budget and Economic Forecast.
08:25 - HF3719 (Reyer) Soil and water conservation district aid program established, and money appropriated.
31:46 - HF3586 (Torkelson) Morton; 2021 aid penalty forgiveness provided, and money appropriated.
33:51 - HF4064 (Youakim) Mahnomen; local government aid calculation modified, and property tax reimbursement program aid increased.
1:04:03 - HF3794 (Lislegard) Local government aid annual appropriation increased.
1:13:24 - HF4155 (Hertaus) Local government aid; city aid program modified.
The Committee Recessed.
Runs 1 hour, 54 minutes.
00:04 - HF2929 (Marquart) School building bond agricultural tax credit amount increased.
06:02 - HF3782 (Stephenson) Energy storage system exemption established.
12:53 - HF2181 (Anderson) Solar generating system real property classification provisions modified.
27:30 - HF4281 (Youakim) Various pooling provisions clarified, administrative expense limitations clarified, and application of violations and remedies expanded.
The Committee recessed.
Runs 39 minutes.
00:04 - HF3678 (Schultz) Airport property tax exemption modified.
Runs 20 minutes.