Agenda items and bills may be added or removed. Bills will be heard on an informational only basis.
HF2213 (Hornstein) - Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board permitted to reduce speed limits on parkways under its jurisdiction, and local approval required.
HF2169 (Richardson) - Rondo Land Bridge project development funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF___(Hornstein) The Hazardous Substances Transportation Safety Act – see attached language coded MB052-1
HF___(Hornstein) The Sustainable Transportation Act – see attached language coded MB051-1
This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page: NOTE: HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.
Written testimony is encouraged and will be accepted by emailing Written testimony is entered into the committee’s record, shared with committee members, and posted to the committee’s webpage.
Materials related to this meeting are available online:
This remote hearing is taking place pursuant to House Rule 10.01, which you may view here:
If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122. Please do not contact her with questions about the substance of the meeting agenda.