**Please note this time has changed to 10:30AM - 12:00PM
Staff walkthrough of the Omnibus Transportation Finance and Policy Agreement. See attached document labeled 'HF10 1st Engrossment.' This is an informational meeting and no official action will be taken.
If you would like to submit comments via written testimony, please send it to John.Howe@house.mn by 8:00AM on Tuesday, June 22. Written testimony is entered into the committee record, shared with committee members, and posted to the committee’s webpage.
This remote hearing is taking place pursuant to Rule 10.01.
This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page:
If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: jenny.nash@house.mn or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122. Please do not contact Ms. Nash about the content of this meeting.
Meeting documents will be posted on the committee website: