**Bills may be added**
Note: HF445 added
HF445 (Mariani) State Aid For Emergencies (SAFE) account and aid program established to reimburse local governments and state agencies for emergency response expenses
HF133 (Becker-Finn) Conveying state land interests provisions modified, state parks added to and deleted from, and state land sales authorized
HF30 (Hansen) Environment and natural resources trust fund money appropriated, and previous appropriations modified (LCCMR FY21 Recommendations)
HF91 (Hansen) Dry cleaner environmental response and reimbursement account expenditures prioritized, perchloroethylene banned, cost-share program funding provided
• This meeting will be held in accordance with House Rule 10.01, which may be viewed here:
• Members of the public with questions about this process may contact committee staff at chris.mccall@house.mn.
Public Viewing Information:
This remote hearing will be live-streamed via the House webcast schedule page:
NOTE: Channels HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice. If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact Jenny Nash at: jenny.nash@house.mn or by leaving a message at 651-296-4122.
Meeting documents will be posted on the House Ways and Means Committee website at