I. HF2632 (Murphy) Elections; redistricting publishing and reporting requirements modified.*
II. MG058 (Murphy) Redistricting: Adopting a congressional districting plan for use in 2022 and thereafter**
* The committee will work from the delete everything amendment posted on the House Redistricting website 11/19/2021 and the corresponding L2101-0 map.
**The committee will work from the MG058 congressional district plan document posted on the House Redistricting Committee website 11/23/2021 and corresponding C2101-0 map. After final committee action, it will be introduced as a committee bill when the legislature reconvenes on January 31, 2022.
Proposed maps can be found at
https://gis.lcc.mn.gov/redist2020/plans.html and clicking on desired plan.
NOTES: Member amendments for both sets of redistricting plans are due by Tuesday, December 7, 2021 at Noon. Additional public testimony is not planned beyond the December 2 meeting. Committee votes on amendments and plans for the legislative and congressional districts will be taken at this meeting.
PUBLIC VIEWING: This remote hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page:
https://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/htv/schedule.asp NOTE: HTV 1 and HTV 2 will provide live closed captioning. Video archives of meetings streamed on HTV 3, 4, and 5 will have closed captions added. Other reasonable accessibility accommodations may be made with advance notice.
PUBLIC ACCESSIBILITY: If you have questions about the accessibility of remote hearings or require an accommodation, please contact John Howe at: John.Howe@house.mn or by leaving a message at 651-296-3208. Please do not contact him with questions about the substance of the meeting agenda.
MEETING DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents will be posted on the House Redistricting Committee website at
This remote hearing is taking place pursuant to Rule 10.01, which you may view here: