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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Commerce Finance and Policy


2023-2024 Regular Session - Wednesday, March 13, 2024



Representative Zack Stephenson, Chair of the Commerce Finance and Policy Committee, called the meeting to order at 12:59 P.M. on March 13, 2024, in Room 10 of the State Office Building.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members Present:
STEPHENSON, Zack (Chair)
KOTYZA-WITTHUHN, Carlie (Vice Chair)
CHA, Ethan
KRAFT, Larry
NISKA, Harry
PFARR, Brian

Members Absent:

A quorum was present.

Vice-Chair Kotyza-Witthuhn moved to approve the minutes from March 11, 2024. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF4745 (Long); MinnesotaCare public option established, eligibility expanded, premium scale established for public option enrollees, state-funded cost-sharing reductions provided, contingent health insurance premium tax credit established, commerce commissioner required to seek section 1332 waiver, and money appropriated.

Chair Stephenson moved that HF4745 be re-referred to the Health Finance and Policy Committee.

Chair Stephenson moved the A3 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Long presented HF4745 as amended.

• Megan Paul, ISAIAH
• Dan Endreson, Minnesota Council of Health Plans
• Angela Knutson, Nurse, SEIU Healthcare
• Bentley Graves, Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
• Stephanie Whitehorn, Small Business Owner
• Mary Krinkie, Minnesota Hospital Association
• Luke Sanders, Farmer
• Mike Anderson, Minnesota Association of Health Underwriters
• Sarah Abaddi, UnidosMN
• Michelle Benson, Health Plans
• Abby Loesch, Minnesota Business Partnership
• RaeAnna Lee, Americans for Prosperity

Chair Stephenson renewed the motion that HF4745 be re-referred to the Health Finance and Policy Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF4746 (Hassan); Transportation network companies regulated, civil cause of action provided, and criminal penalties imposed.

Chair Stephenson moved that HF4746 be re-referred to the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee.

Representative Hassan presented HF4746.

Chair Stephenson moved the A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAIELD. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

• Steven Cooper
• Eid Ali, President, Minnesota Uber/Lyft Drivers Association
• Shueb Mohamed
• John Reich, Lyft
• Mohammed Egal

Chair Stephenson renewed the motion that HF4745, as amended, be re-referred to the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF4717 (Hemmingsen-Jaeger); Virtual currency terms defined, and additional disclosure requirements added for virtual currency transactions.

Chair Stephenson moved that HF4717 be placed on the General Register.

Representative Hemmingsen-Jaeger presented HF4717.

• Tom Ehrenberg, Police Commander, Woodbury Police Department
• Larry Lipka, Counsel, CoinFlip

Chair Stephenson renewed the motion that HF4714 be placed on the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF4853 (Bierman); Health maintenance organization transactions oversight provided, and nonprofit conversion transactions regulations and prohibitions established.

Representative Bierman moved that HF4853 be re-referred to the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee.

Representative Bierman moved the A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Bierman presented HF4853 as amended.

• Robert Haider, TakeAction
• Justin Stofferahn, Minnesota Farmer’s Union
• Dan Endreson, Minnesota Council of Health Plans

Representative Bierman renewed the motion that HF4853 be re-referred, as amended, to the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF3320 (Kraft); Boat wrap product stewardship program established to promote recycling.
Representative Kraft moves HF3320 be re-referred to the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee.

Representative Kraft presented HF3320.

• Avonna Starck, State Director, Clean Water Action

Representative Kraft renewed the motion that HF3320 be re-referred to the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:22 P.M.

Representative Zack Stephenson, Chair

Morgan Durfee, Committee Legislative Assistant

More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF3320 (Kraft) - Boat wrap product stewardship program established to promote recycling, and money appropriated.
  • HF4746 (Hassan) - Transportation network companies regulated, civil cause of action provided, human rights commissioner powers and duties modified, and money appropriated.
  • HF4717 (Hemmingsen-Jaeger) - Virtual currency terms defined, and additional disclosure requirements added for virtual currency transactions.
  • HF4745 (Long) - MinnesotaCare public option established, eligibility expanded, public option enrollee premium scale established, section 1332 waiver required to be sought by commissioner of commerce, and money appropriated.
  • HF4853 (Bierman) - Health maintenance organization transaction oversight provided, nonprofit health coverage entity conversion transaction requirements established, transaction conversion prohibited, enforcement authorized, and data classified.
House TV Video:
View Archive

00:29 - HF4745 (Long) MinnesotaCare public option established, eligibility expanded, premium scale established for public option enrollees, state-funded cost-sharing reductions provided, contingent health insurance premium tax credit established, Commerce commissioner required to seek section 1332 waiver, and money appropriated.
34:18 - HF4746 (Hassan) Transportation network companies regulated, civil cause of action provided, and criminal penalties imposed.
46:59 - HF4717 (Hemmingsen-Jaeger) Virtual currency terms defined, and additional disclosure requirements added for virtual currency transactions.
1:05:35 - HF4853 (Bierman) Health maintenance organization transactions oversight provided, and nonprofit conversion transactions regulations and prohibitions established.
1:16:23 - HF3320 (Kraft) Boat wrap product stewardship program established to promote recycling.
Runs 1 hour, 23 minutes.

HF4746 (Hassan); Transportation network companies regulated, civil cause of action provided, and criminal penalties imposed.

Discussion and testimony will be limited to insurance provisions of the bill. When signing up, please indicate if you will be speaking to the insurance portion.

HF4745 (Long); MinnesotaCare public option established, eligibility expanded, premium scale established for public option enrollees, state-funded cost-sharing reductions provided, contingent health insurance premium tax credit established, commerce commissioner required to seek section 1332 waiver, and money appropriated.

Testimony may be limited pending committee capacity. Submitting an intent to testify will not guarantee an opportunity to testify orally.

HF3320 (Kraft); Boat wrap product stewardship program established to promote recycling.

HF4717 (Hemmingsen-Jaeger); Virtual currency terms defined, and additional disclosure requirements added for virtual currency transactions.

HF4853 (Bierman); Health maintenance organization transactions oversight provided, and nonprofit conversion transactions regulations and prohibitions established

Bills may be added, removed, or taken up in any order at the Chair's discretion

If you would like to testify or provide handouts to the committee please email, preferably 24 hours prior to the hearing. IF YOU ARE SIGNING UP FOR HF4746 OR HF4745 PLEASE SEE THE DISCLAIMERS ABOVE.

The hearing will be broadcast through House Information Services, for more information visit:

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To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.