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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Children and Families Finance and Policy


2023-2024 Regular Session - Tuesday, March 14, 2023



Representative Dave Pinto, Chair of the Children and Families Finance and Policy Committee, called the meeting to order at 8:34 A.M. on March 14, 2023, in Room 200N of the State Office Building.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members Present:
PINTO, Dave (Chair)
KEELER, Heather (Vice Chair)
HANSON, Jessica
HUDSON, Walter
LEE, Liz
NELSON, Nathan

Members Excused:
DANIELS, Brian (GOP Lead)

A quorum was present.

Vice Chair Keeler moved that the minutes from March 8, 2023 be approved. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF 2478 (Hill) Way to Grow program funding provided, and money appropriated.

Vice Chair Keeler moved to bring HF 2478 before the committee.

Representative Hill presented HF 2478.

Testifying on HF 2478:
• Carolyn Smallwood, CEO, Way to Grow
• Sydney Beane, Parent, Way to Grow

Chair Pinto laid over HF 2478.

HF 2281 (Hill) Early education teachers required to be licensed, and definition of teacher modified under Public Employment Labor Relations Act.

Vice Chair Keeler moved to bring HF 2281 before the committee.

Vice Chair Keeler moved the A1 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Hill presented HF 2281 as amended.

Testifying on HF 2281 as amended:
• Sarah Craig, M.A. and Preschool Teacher, South Washington County Schools
• Dominic Kirkpatrick, President, Eden Prairie Education Association and Eden Prairie Preschool Education Association
• Brianna Ostoff, Director of Community Education, Farmington Area Public Schools

Chair Pinto laid over HF 2281 as amended.

HF 2514 (Hassan) YWCA Minneapolis grant established for early childhood and youth programming, and money appropriated.

Vice Chair Keeler moved to bring HF 2514 before the committee.

Representative Hassan presented HF 2514.

Testifying on HF 2514
• Luna Allen-Bakerian, Public Policy Manager, YWCA Minneapolis
• Stephanie Thomas, Vice President of Early Childhood Education, YWCA Minneapolis

Chair Pinto laid over HF 2514.

HF 1994 (Pryor) ParentChild+ program funding provided, and money appropriated.

Vice Chair Keeler moved to bring HF 1994 before the committee.

Representative Pryor presented HF 1994.

Testifying on HF 1994:
• Kristi Murray, Program Manager of ParentChild+, Jewish Family and Children’s Service of Minneapolis
• Leslie Limón, Director of ParentChild+, Rice County
• John Smith, Executive Director, Promise Neighborhood of Central Minnesota

Chair Pinto laid over HF 1994.
The meeting was recessed at 9:57 A.M.

The meeting was reconvened at 6:33 P.M.

HF 1806 (Clardy) Assessment of school readiness required for children entering kindergarten.

Representative Coulter moved to bring HF 1806 before the committee.

Representative Coulter moved the DE2 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Clardy presented HF 1806 as amended.

Testifying on HF 1806 as amended:
• Cyndi Cunningham, Public Policy Chairperson, Minnesota Child Care Provider Information Network
• Chas Anderson, Co-CEO and Senior Principal, Park Street Public
• Shana Moore, Assistant Director, Minnesota Department of Education

Chair Pinto laid over HF 1806 as amended.

HF 993 (Coulter) Education finance; developmental screening aid increased, and money appropriated.

Representative Coulter moved to bring HF 993 before the committee.

Representative Coulter presented HF 993.

Testifying HF 993:
• Wendy Webster, Director of Community Services and Communications, St. Anthony-New Brighton School District

Chair Pinto laid over HF 993.

HF 2330 (Coulter) Provisions dealing with child care safety and correction orders, human services licensing qualifications, infant safety, and foster care and child care training modified.

Representative Coulter moved to bring HF 2330 before the committee.

Representative Coulter presented HF 2330.

Testifying on HF 2330:
• Cyndi Cunningham, Public Policy Chairperson, Minnesota Child Care Provider information Network
• Autumn Baum, Foster Care Child Well-Being Consultant, Minnesota Department of Human Services
• Larry Hosch, Policy Manger of Licensing Division, Department of Human Services

Chair Pinto laid over HF 2330.

HF 2573 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) Early childhood apprenticeship program established; funding provided for apprenticeship program, early childhood workforce compensation task force, early childhood workforce development scholarships, and grants to postsecondary institutions to improve early childhood program curricula; reports required; and money appropriated.

Representative Kotyza-Witthuhn moved to bring HF 2573 before the committee.

Representative Kotyza-Witthuhn moved the A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Kotyza-Witthuhn presented HF 2573.

Testifying on HF 2573 as amended:
• Ann McCully, Co-Chair, Transforming Minnesota’s Early Childhood Workforce
• Hope Doerner, Early Childhood Education Faculty, Minneapolis Community Technical College
• Cyndi Cunningham, Public Policy Chairperson, Minnesota Child Care Provider Information Network

Chair Pinto laid over HF 2573 as amended.

HF 2665 (Hicks) Diaper distribution grant program established, reports required, and money appropriated.

Representative Hicks moved to bring HF 2665 before the committee.

Representative Hicks moved the A1 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Hicks presented HF 2665 as amended.

Testifying on HF 2665 as amended:
• Deirdre Kanzer, Executive Director, Diaper Bank of Minnesota
• Michelle Winkleman, Board Member and Treasurer, Diaper Bank of Minnesota
• Shashana Craft, Director of Programs, Division of Indian Work

Chair Pinto laid over HF 2665 as amended.

Representative Coulter moved to bring HF 993 back before the committee.

Chair Pinto laid over HF 993.

Vice Chair Keeler assumed the gavel at 8:15 P.M.

HF 2293 (Pinto) Obsolete language removed from early childhood family education statutes.

Chair Pinto moved that HF 2293 be re-referred to the General Register.

Chair Pinto presented HF 2293.

Testifying on HF 2293:
• None

Chair Pinto renewed the motion that HF 2293 be re-referred to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF 2698 (Pinto) Child care assistance; obsolete language removed.

Chair Pinto moved that HF 2698 be re-referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.

Chair Pinto presented HF 2698.

Testifying on HF 2698:
• None

Chair Pinto renewed the motion that HF 2698 be re-referred to the Committee on Ways and Means. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF 2476 (Pinto) Child care assistance; obsolete language removed.

Chair Pinto moved that HF 2476 be re-referred to the General Register.

Chair Pinto presented HF 2476.

Testifying on HF 2476:
• None

Chair Pinto renewed the motion that HF 2476 be re-referred to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting adjourned at 8:18 P.M.

Representative Dave Pinto, Chair

Zehra Khan, Committee Legislative Assistant
More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF2330 (Coulter) - Provisions dealing with child care safety and correction orders, human services licensing qualifications, infant safety, and foster care and child care training modified.
  • HF2281 (Hill) - Early education teachers required to be licensed, and definition of teacher modified under Public Employment Labor Relations Act.
  • HF2514 (Hassan) - YWCA Minneapolis grant established for early childhood and youth programming, and money appropriated.
  • HF2665 (Hicks) - Diaper distribution grant program established, reports required, and money appropriated.
  • HF1806 (Clardy) - Assessment of school readiness required for children entering kindergarten.
  • HF993 (Coulter) - Education finance; developmental screening aid increased, and money appropriated.
  • HF1994 (Pryor) - ParentChild+ program funding provided, and money appropriated.
  • HF2478 (Hill) - Way to Grow program funding provided, and money appropriated.
  • HF2573 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) - Early childhood apprenticeship program established; apprenticeship program, early childhood workforce compensation task force, early childhood workforce development scholarships, and grants to postsecondary institutions to improve early childhood program curricula funding provided; and money appropriated.
  • HF2292 (Pinto) - Early learning scholarships, Head Start, and early education programs modified; early childhood educator programs provided; reports required; and money appropriated.
  • HF2293 (Pinto) - Obsolete language removed from early childhood family education statutes.
  • HF2476 (Pinto) - Child protection, economic supports, housing and homelessness, child care licensing, and Department of Children, Youth, and Families provisions modified; reports required; and money appropriated.
  • HF2698 (Pinto) - Child care assistance; obsolete language removed.
House TV Video:
View Archive

01:45 - HF2478 (Hill) Way to Grow program funding provided, and money appropriated.
17:10 - HF2281 (Hill) Early education teachers required to be licensed, and definition of teacher modified under Public Employment Labor Relations Act.
48:16 - HF2514 (Hassan) YWCA Minneapolis grant established for early childhood and youth programming, and money appropriated.
1:06:16 - HF1994 (Pryor) ParentChild+ program funding provided, and money appropriated.
The committee recessed.
Runs 1 hour, 24 minutes.

House TV Video:
View Archive

00:42 - HF1806 (Clardy) Assessment of school readiness required for children entering kindergarten.
17:09 - HF993 (Coulter) Education finance; developmental screening aid increased, and money appropriated.
27:37 - HF2330 (Coulter) Provisions dealing with child care safety and correction orders, human services licensing qualifications, infant safety, and foster care and child care training modified.
55:29 - HF2573 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) Early childhood apprenticeship program established; funding provided for apprenticeship program, early childhood workforce compensation task force, early childhood workforce development scholarships, and grants to postsecondary institutions to improve early childhood program curricula; reports required; and money appropriated.
1:20:52 - HF2665 (Hicks) Diaper distribution grant program established, reports required, and money appropriated.
Further consideration of HF993 (Coulter) Education finance; developmental screening aid increased, and money appropriated.
1:42:19 - HF2293 (Pinto) Obsolete language removed from early childhood family education statutes.
1:43:41 - HF2698 (Pinto) Child care assistance; obsolete language removed.
1:44:02 - HF2476 (Pinto) Child care assistance; obsolete language removed.
Runs 1 hour, 45 minutes.

HF2281 (Hill) Early education teachers required to be licensed, and definition of teacher modified under Public Employment Labor Relations Act.
HF2478 (Hill) Way to Grow program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF1994 (Pryor) ParentChild+ program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2514 (Hassan) YWCA Minneapolis grant established for early childhood and youth programming, and money appropriated.

Children and Families will recess and take up the following bills at 6:30 PM in Room 200 of the State Office Building:
HF1806 (Clardy) Assessment of school readiness required for children entering kindergarten.
HF2330 (Coulter) Provisions dealing with child care safety and correction orders, human services licensing qualifications, infant safety, and foster care and child care training modified.
HF993 (Coulter) Education finance; developmental screening aid increased, and money appropriated.
HF2573 (Kotyza-Witthuhn) Early childhood apprenticeship program established; funding provided for apprenticeship program, early childhood workforce compensation task force, early childhood workforce development scholarships, and grants to postsecondary institutions to improve early childhood program curricula; reports required; and money appropriated.
HF2665 (Hicks) Diaper distribution grant program established, reports required, and money appropriated.
*HF2292 (Pinto) Obsolete language removed from voluntary prekindergarten statutes.
*HF2293 (Pinto) Obsolete language removed from early childhood family education statutes.
*HF2476 (Pinto) Child care assistance; obsolete language removed.
*HF2698 (Pinto) Child care assistance; obsolete language removed.
*Vehicle bills only.
Agenda items may be added or changed

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.

Amendments: All amendments that are substantive must be given to the CA by 1:00PM on the day prior to the committee hearing. This deadline may be waived at the discretion of the Chair

Meeting Materials: Presenters or members of the public are encouraged to provide all materials to be offered in Committee to the CLA at least 24 hours in advance of the hearing. Distribution of such materials is subject to approval by the Chair; a copy will be kept by Committee staff. These materials should be in accessible (Optical Character Recognition) format for posting to the committee webpage; contact the Committee Administrator for more information about acceptable electronic formats.

Testimony: Bill authors must arrange their own testifiers and provide each testifier’s name, position title, and email address to the CA 24 hours in advance of the hearing. Written testimony is also encouraged and will be posted on the committee webpage prior to the meeting.