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Health Finance and Policy


2023-2024 Regular Session - Thursday, April 18, 2024




Representative Liebling, Chair of the Committee, called the meeting to order at 10:33 A.M. on April 18, 2024 in Room 5 of the State Office Building.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members present:
LIEBLING, Tina, Chair
BIERMAN, Robert, Vice-Chair
ACOMB, Patty
BAHNER, Kristin
HER, Kaohly Vang
KIEL, Debra
QUAM, Duane

Members excused:
SCHOMACKER, Joe, Minority Lead

A quorum was present.

Representative Bahner moved that the minutes of April 12, 2024 be approved. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF4738 (Huot) SECOND ENGROSSMENT Office of Emergency Medical Services established to replace Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board, duties specified and transferred, advisory council established, alternative EMS response model pilot program established, and conforming changes made.

Chair Liebling moved that HF4738, Second Engrossment, be re-referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.

Chair Liebling moved the H4738A6 Amendment.

Representative Huot explained the amendment.

Chair Liebling renewed her motion to adopt the H4738A6 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Chair Liebling moved the H4738A7 Amendment.

Representative Huot explained the amendment.

Chair Liebling renewed her motion to adopt the H4738A7 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Chair Liebling moved the H4738A8 Amendment.

Representative Huot explained the amendment.

Chair Liebling renewed her motion to adopt the H4738A8 Amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED AND THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Huot presented his bill as amended.

Joe Harney, House Fiscal Analyst, responded to member questions.

Chair Liebling renewed her motion to re-refer HF4738, Second Engrossment, as amended, to the Committee on Ways and Means. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF4571 (Liebling) The Health Budget Bill.

Chair Liebling moved that HF4571 be re-referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.

Chair Liebling moved the H4571DE2 Amendment.

Chair Liebling gave an overview of her amendment.

Joe Harney, House Fiscal Analyst, walked though the spreadsheet and responded to member questions.

1. Dr. Katie Guthrie, Family Physician, ISAIAH Minnesota
2. Sara Lopez, Policy Director, UNIDOS Minnesota
3. Mary Krinkie, Vice President of Government Relations, Minnesota Hospital Association
4. Damone Presley. Advocate, Minnesotans for a Smoke Free Generation
5. Michelle Benson, Lobbyist, Health Plan Partnership of Minnesota
6. Jay Belsito, Organizer, Gender Justice
7. Dan Endreson, Senior Director of Government Affairs, Minnesota Council of Health Plans
8. Matt Schafer, Director of Government Relations, Medica
9. Buck Humphrey, Representing the Minnesota Pharmacy Alliance
10. John Hoeschen, Pharmacist and Owner of St. Paul Corner Drug
11. Anh Kremer, Chief Strategy and Development Officer, Nystrom and Associates
12. Matthew Bergeron, Attorney, Larken and Hoffman, Representing Minnesota Alliance of Rural Addiction Treatment Programs
13. Susan Ilg, Advocate, Democrats for an Informed Approach to Gender
14. Matt Burdick, Director of State Government Relations, Minnesota Department of Human Services
15. Gail Larson, Personal Care Assistant, SEIU Healthcare Minnesota and Iowa
16. Cindy VanDerPol, Owner, Pastures a’ Plenty Farms, Representing Minnesota Farmers Union

Chair Liebling laid over HF4571 and the H4571DE2 Amendment.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:08 P.M.

Representative Tina Liebling, Chair

Krysta Niedernhöfer, Committee Legislative Assistant
More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF4738 (Huot) - Office of Emergency Medical Services established to replace Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board, duties specified and transferred, advisory council established, alternative EMS response model pilot program established, conforming changes made, provisions modified relating to ambulance service personnel and emergency medical responders, emergency ambulance service aid provided, report required, and money appropriated.
  • HF4571 (Liebling) - Health and human services supplemental budget bill.
House TV Video:
View Archive

00:45 - HF4738 (Huot) Office of Emergency Medical Services established to replace Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board, duties specified and transferred, advisory council established, alternative EMS response model pilot program established, and conforming changes made.
14:30 - HF4571 (Liebling) Health supplemental budget bill.
- Walkthrough and testimony.
Runs 1 hour, 38 minutes.

HF4738 (Huot): Office of Emergency Medical Services established to replace Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board, etc.

HF4571 (Liebling): the Health Budget bill.

A DE “Delete Everything” amendment to HF4571 has been posted to the committee page.

The Committee will do a walkthrough of the DE amendment and spreadsheet, then take public testimony on the DE. No formal action will be taken.

If you would like to submit written testimony or sign up to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator at Testifiers must sign up to testify by contacting the Committee Administrator by 5pm the day prior to the hearing. Public testimony may be limited as time allows. Written testimony is encouraged, and should also be submitted by 5pm the day prior, in Word or PDF format. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage.

Markup and passage of the Health Budget Bill will take place on Friday, April 19.

AMENDMENTS: To receive consideration, amendments to the DE must be received by the Committee Administrator by 5:00PM, Thursday, April 18.

This hearing may be viewed on the House webcast schedule page. All video events are closed captioned with automatically generated captions.

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To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.