I. HF2286 (Noor) - Commissioner of human services procedures established related to transition from public health emergency, continuous medical assistance eligibility provided for children, state-funded cost-sharing reduction program established, and money appropriated.
II. HF3 (Greenman) - Voter registration provisions modified; absentee voting provisions modified; voting instructions and sample ballot required to be multilingual and interpreters required to be provided; intimidation, deceptive practices, and interference with registration and voting regulated; campaign finance provisions modified; express advocacy definition expanded; penalties provided; reports required; and money appropriated.
*Agenda items may be added or removed.
HANDOUTS: All handouts must be provided electronically to the Committee Administrator and Committee Legislative Assistant at least 12 hours prior to the start of a committee meeting. Handouts should be in accessible (Optical Character Recognition) format for posting to the committee webpage. Contact the Committee Administrator at
sean.herring@house.mn.gov to submit handouts or for more information about acceptable electronic formats.
TESTIFYING: In-person public testimony will be taken as time allows. Testifiers must contact the Committee Administrator at
sean.herring@house.mn.gov by 5pm the day prior to the hearing in order to sign up to testify. Written testimony is encouraged and will be posted on the committee webpage.
DOCUMENTS: Meeting documents may be found on the Human Services Finance webpage.
To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the
FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.