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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Human Services Policy


2023-2024 Regular Session - Wednesday, March 8, 2023



Representative Peter Fischer, Chair of the Committee on Human Services Policy, called the meeting to order at 1:05 PM on March 8, 2023, in Room 200 of the State Office Building.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members Present:
KIEL, Debra
EDELSON, Heather
ENGEN, Elliot
FINKE, Leigh
HANSON, Jessica
NOOR, Mohamud

Members Absent:

A quorum was present.

Representative Curran moved that the minutes from March 6, 2023 be approved. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF 2141 (Norris) Counties allowed to provide in-house training for training and technical assistance programs.

Chair Fischer moved that HF 2141 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Human Services Finance Committee.

Representative Norris presented HF 2141.

Testifying on HF 2141:
• Jessica Leth, Director, Anoka County Economic Assistance
• Matt Burdick, Director of State Government Relations, Minnesota Department of Human Services

Chair Fischer renewed the motion that HF 2141 be recommended to pass and be re-referred to the Human Services Finance Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Vice Chair Frederick assumed the gavel at 1:16 PM.

HF 1403 (Fischer) Aging, disability, behavioral health, substance use disorder, housing, economic assistance, children and family services, health care, licensing, Department of Human Services Office of Inspector General, and conversion therapy laws modified and established; reports required; and money appropriated.

Chair Fischer moved that HF 1403 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the General Register.

Chair Fischer presented HF 1403 as amended.

Testifying on HF 1403 as amended:
• Matt Burdick, Director of State Government Relations, Minnesota Department of Human Services
• Evan Romanoff, Assistant Attorney General, Minnesota Attorney General’s Office

Vice Chair Frederick laid over HF 1403 as amended in order to let Representative Baker return to the meeting to present his A1 amendment.

HF 2712 (Fischer) Procedure for sanctions modified, background studies conducted by Department of Human Services modified, definitions modified, applications and application process modified, license fees modified, commissioner of health access to recipient medical records modified, notice requirements for monetary recovery and sanctions modified, administrative reconsideration process modified, licensing data modified, cases in which email addresses are made public modified, and prone restraints in licensed or certified facilities prohibited.

Chair Fischer moved that HF 2712 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Health Finance and Policy Committee.

Chair Fischer presented HF 2712.

Testifying on HF 2712:
Autumn Baum, Legislative Director for the Office of the Inspector General, Minnesota Department of Human Services

Chair Fischer renewed the motion that HF 2712 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Health Finance and Policy Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Vice Chair Frederick moved that HF 1403, as earlier presented and amended in this meeting, be back before the committee for consideration and re-referred to the General Register.

Representative Baker moved the A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Chair Fischer renewed the motion that HF 1403 as amended be recommended to pass and re-referred to the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF 2553 (Fischer) Mental health provider staffing, documentation, and diagnostic assessment requirements modified; commissioner of human services required to establish medical assistance mental health service provider certification process; assertive community treatment staff requirements modified; adult rehabilitative mental health services provider entity standards modified; behavioral health home services staff qualifications modified; and managed care contract requirements for mental health and substance use disorder treatment services modified.

Chair Fischer moved that HF 2553 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Human Services Finance Committee.

Chair Fischer moved the A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Chair Fischer presented HF 2553 as amended.

Testifying on HF 2553 as amended:
• Ann Henderson, CEO, Mental Health Resources, Inc.
• Trevor Johnson, Senior Strategy Director of Behavioral Health, Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota
• Trevor Johnson, Senior Strategy Director of Behavioral Health, Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota
• Ginny Palen, Executive Director, Minnesota Association of Community Mental Health Programs

Chair Fischer renewed the motion that HF 2553 as amended be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Human Services Finance Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Fischer assumed the gavel at 1:43 PM.

HF 2628 (Frederick) Fees provided and waived for certified birth records, identification cards, and driver's licenses for persons treated for substance use disorder who are eligible for medical assistance; substance use disorder treatment plan review requirements modified; transition follow-up counseling provided; substance use disorder treatment rate and staffing requirements modified; data required to be provided to providers; temporary rate increases for providers and direct care staff provided; and commissioner directed to develop recommendations on transition support services.
Representative Frederick moved that HF 2628 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Health Finance and Policy Committee.

Representative Frederick presented HF 2628.

Testifying on HF 2628:
• Brian Zirbes, Co-Chair of Government Affairs Committee, Minnesota Association of Resources for Recovery and Chemical Health (MARRCH); Vice President of Policy, Compliance, and Government Relations, Northstar Behavioral Health

Representative Frederick renewed the motion that HF 2628 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the Health Finance and Policy Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF 2321 (Pinto) Children's cabinet modified; Department of Children, Youth, and Families established; responsibilities of Department of Education, Department of Human Services, and Department of Public Safety transferred to Department of Children, Youth, and Families; reports required; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated.

Chair Fischer moved that HF 2321 be recommended to pass and re-referred to the State and Local Government Committee.

Chair Fischer moved the A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Representative Pinto presented HF 2321 as amended.

Testifying on HF 2321 as amended:

• Jody Harpstead, Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Human Services
• Erin Bailey, Assistant Commissioner of Children’s Cabinet, Minnesota Management and Budget
• Tikki Brown, Assistant Commissioner for Children and Family Services, Minnesota Department of Human Services
• Angie Thies, Child Wellbeing Policy Analyst, Association of Minnesota Counties

Chair Fischer renewed the motion that HF 2321 as amended be recommended to pass and re-referred to the State and Local Government Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Meeting adjourned at 2:38 PM.

Representative Peter Fischer, Chair

Jared Margolis, Committee Legislative Assistant
More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF1403 (Fischer) - Aging, disability, behavioral health, substance use disorder, and statewide opioid litigation laws modified and established.
  • HF2321 (Pinto) - Children's cabinet modified; Department of Children, Youth, and Families established; Department of Education, Department of Human Services, and Department of Public Safety responsibilities transferred to Department of Children, Youth, and Families; reports required; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated.
  • HF2141 (Norris) - Counties allowed to provide in-house training for training and technical assistance programs.
  • HF2553 (Fischer) - Mental health provider staffing, documentation, and diagnostic assessment requirements modified; certification process required; assertive community treatment and behavioral health home services staff requirements modified; adult rehabilitative mental health services provider entity standards modified; managed care contract requirements modified; grant data and reporting requirements modified; and family peer support services eligibility modified.
  • HF2628 (Frederick) - Fees provided and waived for certified birth records, identification cards, and driver's licenses for persons treated for substance use disorder; substance use disorder treatment plan review requirements modified; transition follow-up counseling provided; treatment rate and staffing requirements modified; temporary rate increases provided; and transition support service recommendations directed.
  • HF2712 (Fischer) - Procedure for sanctions modified, Department of Human Services background studies modified, applications and application process modified, license fees modified, administrative reconsideration process modified, email address privacy modified, and prone restraints in licensed or certified facilities prohibited.
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00:57 - HF2141 (Norris) Allowing counties to provide in-house training for certain training and technical assistance programs.
12:13 - HF1403 (Fischer) Aging, disability, behavioral health, substance use disorder, housing, economic assistance, children and family services, health care, licensing, Department of Human Services Office of Inspector General, and conversion therapy laws modified and established; reports required; and money appropriated.
17:44 - HF2712 (Fischer) Procedure for sanctions modified, background studies conducted by Department of Human Services modified, definitions modified, applications and application process modified, license fees modified, commissioner of health access to recipient medical records modified, notice requirements for monetary recovery and sanctions modified, administrative reconsideration process modified, licensing data modified, cases in which email addresses are made public modified, and prone restraints in licensed or certified facilities prohibited.
22:00 - Continued consideration of HF1403 (Fischer) Aging, disability, behavioral health, substance use disorder, housing, economic assistance, children and family services, health care, licensing, Department of Human Services Office of Inspector General, and conversion therapy laws modified and established; reports required; and money appropriated.
26:15 - HF2553 (Fischer) Mental health provider staffing, documentation, and diagnostic assessment requirements modified; Commissioner of Human Services required to establish Medical Assistance mental health service provider certification process; assertive community treatment staff requirements modified; adult rehabilitative mental health services provider entity standards modified; behavioral health home services staff qualifications modified; and managed care contract requirements for mental health and substance use disorder treatment services modified.
39:46 - HF2628 (Frederick) Fees provided and waived for certified birth records, identification cards, and driver's licenses for persons treated for substance use disorder who are eligible for medical assistance; substance use disorder treatment plan review requirements modified; transition follow-up counseling provided; substance use disorder treatment rate and staffing requirements modified; data required to be provided to providers; temporary rate increases for providers and direct care staff provided; and commissioner directed to develop recommendations on transition support services.
50:58 - HF2321 (Pinto) Children's cabinet modified; Department of Children, Youth, and Families established; responsibilities of Department of Education, Department of Human Services, and Department of Public Safety transferred to Department of Children, Youth, and Families; reports required; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 34 minutes.

*Items may be added*

- HF 2141 (Norris) Allowing counties to provide in-house training for certain training and technical assistance programs.
a. Jessica Leth, Director, Anoka County Economic Assistance

- HF 1403 (Fischer) Aging, disability, behavioral health, substance use disorder, housing, economic assistance, children and family services, health care, licensing, Department of Human Services Office of Inspector General, and conversion therapy laws modified and established; reports required; and money appropriated.
a. Matt Burdick, Director of State Government Relations, Minnesota Department of Human Services
b. Evan Romanoff, Assistant Attorney General, Minnesota Attorney General’s Office

- HF 2712 (Fischer) Procedure for sanctions modified, background studies conducted by Department of Human Services modified, definitions modified, applications and application process modified, license fees modified, commissioner of health access to recipient medical records modified, notice requirements for monetary recovery and sanctions modified, administrative reconsideration process modified, licensing data modified, cases in which email addresses are made public modified, and prone restraints in licensed or certified facilities prohibited.
a. Autumn Baum. Legislative Director for Office of Inspector General, Minnesota Department of Human Services

- HF 2553 (Fischer) Mental health provider staffing, documentation, and diagnostic assessment requirements modified; commissioner of human services required to establish medical assistance mental health service provider certification process; assertive community treatment staff requirements modified; adult rehabilitative mental health services provider entity standards modified; behavioral health home services staff qualifications modified; and managed care contract requirements for mental health and substance use disorder treatment services modified.
a. Ann Henderson, Chief Executive Officer, Mental Health Resources, Inc.
b. Trevor Johnson, Senior Strategy Director of Behavioral Health, Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota

- HF 2628 (Frederick) Fees provided and waived for certified birth records, identification cards, and driver's licenses for persons treated for substance use disorder who are eligible for medical assistance; substance use disorder treatment plan review requirements modified; transition follow-up counseling provided; substance use disorder treatment rate and staffing requirements modified; data required to be provided to providers; temporary rate increases for providers and direct care staff provided; and commissioner directed to develop recommendations on transition support services.
a. Brian Zirbes; Co-Chair of Government Affairs Committee; MARRCH & VP of Policy, Compliance, and Government Relations; Northstar Behavioral Health

- HF 2321 (Pinto) Children's cabinet modified; Department of Children, Youth, and Families established; responsibilities of Department of Education, Department of Human Services, and Department of Public Safety transferred to Department of Children, Youth, and Families; reports required; rulemaking authorized; and money appropriated.
a. Jodi Harpstead, Commissioner, Minnesota Department of Human Services

AMENDMENTS: Deadline for amendments is 1pm on Tuesday, March 7th, 2023.
Testimony: Handouts, written testimony, and testifier requests must be in PDF format and emailed to the Committee Administrator by 8:30am the day of each hearing. Submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record, and it may be posted to the committee webpage if received by the deadline. If bringing hard copies to the hearing, please bring 40 copies for members, staff, and the public.

This hearing may be viewed via the House webcast schedule page. All events are closed-captioned.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.