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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Legacy Finance


2023-2024 Regular Session - Wednesday, April 17, 2024



Representative Leon Lillie, Chair of the Committee on Legacy Finance, called the meeting to order at 10:31 AM on April 17, 2024, in Room 200 of the State Office Building.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members present:
LILLIE, Leon, Chair
HUSSEIN, Samakab, Vice-Chair
BACKER, Jeff, GOP Lead
CHA, Ethan
FINKE, Leigh
LEE, Fue
HER, Kaohly
PFARR, Brian
VANG, Samantha

Members excused:

A quorum was present.

Vice-Chair Hussein moved that the minutes from April 12, 2024, be adopted. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF 4124 (Lillie) Legacy funding provided from outdoor heritage fund, and money appropriated.

Chair Lillie moved that HF 4124 be re-referred to the Ways and Means Committee.

Chair Lillie moved the HF4124DE2 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Chair Lillie moved the HF4124A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Chair Lillie presented HF 4124 as amended.

Testifying on HF 4124:
• Katie Smith, Director, Ecological and Water Resources, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
• Jean Lee, Executive Director, The Housing Consortium

Chair Lillie renewed his motion that HF4124, as amended, be re-referred to the Ways and Means Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:11 AM

Representative Leon Lillie, Chair

Madisyn Priestley, Committee Legislative Assistant

Representative Samakab Hussein, Vice-chair

Representative Jeff Backer, GOP Lead

Representative Ethan Cha

Representative Leigh Finke

Representative Fue Lee

Representative Josh Heintzeman

Representative Kaohly Her

Representative Brian Pfarr

Representative Roger Skraba

Representative Samantha Vang

More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF4124 (Lillie) - Outdoor heritage legacy finance bill.
House TV Video:
View Archive

00:47 - HF4124 (Lillie) Legacy finance bill.
- Walkthrough, testimony, and vote.
Runs 40 minutes.

Walkthrough, public testimony, and vote on HF 4124 (Lillie) Legacy Finance Bill.

A DE amendment and spreadsheet will be posted on Monday, April 15.

If you wish to submit written testimony or testify in person, please send the written testimony or the request to testify to by 10:30 a.m. the day before the meeting. Written testimony is preferred and will be accepted after the deadline. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.

This hearing may be viewed in person or via the House webcast schedule page

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-To request legislative services for American Sign Language (ASL), Communication Access Realtime Translation (CART) closed captioning services, or live language interpretation services for Hmong, Somali, or Spanish speakers to testify, please contact the Committee Administrator as soon as possible.