Re-referral of governor's budget bills:.
00:50 -- HF2598 (Stephenson) Cannabis finance and policy bill.
02:40 -- HF2565 (Pinto) Early childhood programs provided, and money appropriated.
03:04 -- HF2564 (Hansen) Snowmobile registration provisions modified, accounts established, state parks and trails provisions modified, Minnesota Naturalist Corps eligibility modified, timber provisions modified, water permit application requirements modified, resident license requirements modified, walk-in access program modified, use of motorized vehicles in wildlife management areas modified, permits to take wild animals under federal incidental take permit authorized, hunting and fishing and elk management provisions modified, nonlethal control of deer and elk causing damage provided, wanton waste provisions modified, open season dates clarified, and money appropriated.
03:26 - Calendar for the Day - Thursday, March 9.
Runs 4 minutes.