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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Agriculture Finance and Policy


2025-2026 Regular Session - Monday, March 24, 2025


Agriculture Finance and Policy Committee


Representative Anderson, Chair of the Agriculture Finance and Policy Committee, called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM, on March 24, 2025, in Room G3 of the Capitol Building. A quorum was present.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members present:

ANDERSON, Paul, Chair
HARDER, Bobbie, Vice Chair
HANSEN, Rick, DFL Lead
AGBAJE, Esther
JACOB, Steve
LEE, Fue
NELSON, Nathan
VANG, Samantha

Representative Hansen moved the minutes of March 19, 2025 be approved, as corrected. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF 1621 (Van Binsbergen) CelluComp grant funding provided and money appropriated.

Chair Anderson moved HF1621 before the committee.

The following individuals testified on the bill:
Christian Kemp-Griffin, CEO, CelluComp
Chris Plotz, President, CelluComp

Chair Anderson laid over HF 1621.

HF 1701 (Nelson) Minnesota made fertilizer grant program established, and money appropriated.

Representative Nelson moved HF 1701 before the committee.

The following individual testified on the bill:
Randy Tersteeg, Beaver Creek Transport, Inc., Olivia, MN

Chair Anderson laid over HF 1701.

HF 1796 (Nelson) Livestock investment grant program modified.

Representative Nelson moved HF 1796 before the committee.

Representative Nelson moved the H1796A1 Amendment. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

The following individual testified on the bill:
Tessa Parks, W.T. Farms, Northfield, MN

Chair Anderson laid over HF 1796, as amended.

HF 1676 (Burkel) Farmed Cervidae provisions modified.

Representative Burkel moved HF 1676 before the committee.

Representative Burkel moved the H1676A1 Amendment. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

The following individuals testified on the bill:
Tony Kwilas, Minnesota Elk Breeders Association.
Brenda Hartkopf, Minnesota Elk Breeders Association
Tim Spreck, Minnesota Deer Farmers Association

Chair Anderson laid over HF 1676, as amended.

HF 40 (Burkel) Requirement that fencing prevent physical contact between farmed Cervidae and free-roaming Cervidae removed, and authority to revoke registrations under certain conditions removed.

Representative Burkel moved HF 40 before the committee.

The following individuals testified on the bill:
Tim Spreck, Minnesota Deer Farmers Association
Scott Fier, President, Minnesota Deer Farmers Association
Brenda Hartkopf, Minnesota Elk Breeders Association
Lt. Col. Robert Gorecki, Enforcement Assistant Director, DNR

Chair Anderson laid over HF 40.

HF 1540 (Tabke) Residency pilot program established for certain racehorses, awards and grants required, money transferred, and money appropriated.

Chair Anderson moved HF 1540 before the committee.

The following individuals testified on the bill:
Justin Revak, President, MN Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Association
Andrew Duerr, MN Horsemen’s Benevolent and Protective Associations

Chair Anderson laid over HF 1540.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:44 PM.

Representative Paul Anderson, Chair

Connie Edwards, Committee Legislative Assistant

More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF1621 (Van Binsbergen) - CelluComp grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
  • HF1701 (Nelson) - Minnesota-made fertilizer grant program established, and money appropriated.
  • HF1796 (Nelson) - Livestock investment grant program awards modified.
  • HF1676 (Burkel) - Farmed Cervidae provisions modified.
  • HF40 (Burkel) - Requirement that fencing prevent physical contact between farmed Cervidae and free-roaming Cervidae removed, and authority to revoke registrations under certain conditions removed.
  • HF1428 (Harder) - Excess money in the grain indemnity account required to be transferred to the agricultural emergency account.
  • HF1540 (Tabke) - Residency pilot program established for certain racehorses, awards and grants required, money transferred, and money appropriated.
House TV Video:
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01:13 - HF1621 (Van Binsbergen) CelluComp grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
17:34 - HF1701 (Nelson) Minnesota-made fertilizer grant program established, and money appropriated.
36:58 - HF1796 (Nelson) Livestock investment grant program awards modified.
50:24 - HF1676 (Burkel) Farmed Cervidae provisions modified.
1:08:12 - HF40 (Burkel) Requirement that fencing prevent physical contact between farmed Cervidae and free-roaming Cervidae removed, and authority to revoke registrations under certain conditions removed.
1:30:04 - HF1540 (Tabke) Residency pilot program established for certain racehorses, awards and grants required, money transferred, and money appropriated.
Runs 1 hour, 44 minutes.