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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy


2025-2026 Regular Session - Tuesday, March 11, 2025


Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy Committee


Representative Josh Heintzeman, Chair of the Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy Committee, called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM, on March 11, 2025, in Room G3 of the Capitol Building.

Members present:

BURKEL, John, Vice Chair
FISCHER, Peter, DFL Lead
FINKE, Leigh
JACOB, Steven
JORDAN, Sydney
NELSON, Nathan

A quorum was present.

Representative Schultz moved the minutes of March 6, 2025, be approved. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF 1425 (Skraba) Sale of state-owned land in Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness prohibited.

Chair Heintzeman moved HF 1425 before the committee.

Representative Fischer moved the H1425DE1 amendment.

Representative Fischer withdrew the H1425DE1 amendment.

Representative Fischer moved that HF 1425 be re-referred to the Education Finance Committee. THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL.

The following individuals testified on HF 1425:

Aaron Vande Linde, Minnesota Office of School Trust Lands.
Bob Meier, Department of Natural Resources Assistant Commissioner.
Aaron Klemz, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy.
Amanda Hefner, Save the Boundary Waters.

Chair Heintzeman laid over HF 1425 for possible inclusion in a future bill.

HF 1570 (Skraba) Sale or lease of boathouse sites at Soudan Underground Mine State Park authorized.

Chair Heintzeman moved HF 1570 before the committee.

The following individuals testified on HF 1570:

Phil Leversedge, Department of Natural Resources Parks & Trails Deputy Director.

Chair Heintzeman laid over HF 1570 for possible inclusion in a future bill.

HF 1331 (Schultz) Statewide wolf population survey required.

Representative Schultz moved HF 1331 before the committee.

The following individuals testified on HF 1331:

Tim Spreck, Minnesota Trappers Association.
Peter Ripka, Minnesota Farmers Union.
Erik Simonson, Minnesota Deer Hunters Association.
Miles Kuschel, Minnesota Farm Bureau.
Pat Rivers, Department of Natural Resources Deputy Director, Fish and Wildlife Division.

Chair Heintzeman laid over HF 1331 for possible inclusion in a future bill.

Vice Chair Burkel assumed the gavel at 2:20 PM.

HF 1531 (Heintzeman) Expiration of crossbow hunting and fishing allowance removed.

Chair Heintzeman moved that HF 1531 be placed on the General Register.

The following individuals testified on HF 1531:

Erik Simonson, Minnesota Deer Hunters Association.
Barbara Keller, Department of Natural Resources State Program Administrative Director.
Nick Amunrud, Minnesota Bowhunters Inc, Midwest Big Game Hunters.

Chair Heintzeman renewed the motion that HF 1531 be placed on the General Register. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

The meeting was adjourned at 2:38 PM.

Representative Josh Heintzeman, Chair

Shaelong Yang, Committee Legislative Assistant

More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF1531 (Heintzeman) - Expiration of crossbow hunting and fishing allowance removed.
  • HF1331 (Schultz) - Statewide wolf population survey required.
  • HF1425 (Skraba) - Sale of state-owned land in Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness prohibited.
  • HF1570 (Skraba) - Sale or lease of boathouse sites at Soudan Underground Mine State Park authorized.
House TV Video:
View Archive

00:29 - HF1425 (Skraba) Sale of state-owned land in Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness prohibited.
42:43 - HF1570 (Skraba) Sale or lease of boathouse sites at Soudan Underground Mine State Park authorized.
53:47 - HF1331 (Schultz) Statewide wolf population survey required.
1:20:08 - HF1531 (Heintzeman) Expiration of crossbow hunting and fishing allowance removed.
Runs 1 hour, 38 minutes.

HF1531 (Heintzeman) - Expiration of crossbow hunting and fishing allowance removed.
HF1331 (Schultz) - Statewide wolf population survey required.
HF1425 (Skraba) - Sale of state-owned land in Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness prohibited.
HF1922 (Skraba) - Report on payment in lieu of taxes on natural resources lands required. *Removed from agenda*
HF1570 (Skraba) - Sale or lease of boathouse sites at Soudan Underground Mine State Park authorized.

TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must e-mail the committee administrator ( by 1 p.m. the day prior to the hearing. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.

AMENDMENT DEADLINE: Amendments must be e-mailed to the committee administrator by 3 p.m. the day prior to the hearing.