Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy Committee Minutes
Representative Kristi Pursell, Co-Vice Chair of the Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy Committee, called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM on Thursday, March 20, 2025, in Hearing Room G3 of the Minnesota Capitol Building.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present
PURSELL, Kristi, DFL Co-Vice Chair
BURKEL, John, GOP Co-Vice Chair
FINKE, Leigh
JACOB, Steven
JORDAN, Sydney
NELSON, Nathan
Members participating remotely, in accordance with House Rule 10.05
FISCHER, Peter, DFL Co-Chair
A quorum was present.
Representative Jordan moved to approve the minutes for March 18, 2025. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF2034 (Bierman) Minnesota Zoological Garden funding provided, and money appropriated.
Co-Vice Chair Pursell moved that HF2034 be laid over for possible inclusion in a future bill.
Representative Bierman presented HF2034.
Testifying on HF2034:
• Alexandria Tasa, Naturalist, Minnesota Zoo
• Artemis the Armadillo, Ambassador, Minnesota Zoo
• Donnie Crook, Naturalist, Minnesota Zoo
• Pepper the Skink, Ambassador, Minnesota Zoo
• John Frawley, President/Director, Minnesota Zoo
• Abigail Mosher, Chief Operating Officer, Minnesota Zoo
• Janette Dean, Sierra Club
HF2034 was laid over.
HF1843 (Rehm) Lawns to legumes program funding provided, and money appropriated.
Co-Vice Chair Pursell moved that HF1843 be laid over for possible inclusion in a future bill.
Representative Rehm presented HF1843.
Testifying on HF1843:
• Laura Scholl, Metro Blooms
• Kendra Sommerfeld
• Rachel Ferrall, Lawns to Legumes Grant Recipient and Volunteer Coach
• Karen Randall
• James Wolfin, Twin City Seed Co. and Lawns to Legumes Volunteer Coach
• Katy Lucy, Lawns to Legumes Grant Recipient
• Dawn Georgieff, Sierra Club
• Rosemary Malfi, Xerces Society
• Janette Dean, Sierra Club
• Andrea Fish, Assistant Director for Strategy and Operations, Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR)
HF1843 was laid over.
HF1611 (Hansen) Lawns to lunch pilot program funding provided, and money appropriated.
Representative Hansen moved that HF1611 be laid over for possible inclusion in a future bill.
Representative Hansen presented HF1611.
Testifying on HF1611:
• Janette Dean, Sierra Club
• Andrea Fish, Assistant Director for Strategy and Operations, Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources (BWSR)
HF1611 was laid over.
Representative Jordan assumed the gavel at 2:05 PM.
HF1012 (Pursell) Commissioner of natural resources required to consider decommissioning a road or trail designated for off-highway vehicle use; land, water quality, aquatic life, and wildlife protected from effects of using motorized recreational trails; environmental assessment worksheet required to construct or expand off-highway vehicle trails; rulemaking required; and money appropriated.
Co-Vice Chair Pursell moved that HF1012 be laid over for possible inclusion in a future bill.
Co-Vice Chair Pursell moved the A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Co-Vice Chair Pursell presented HF1012 as amended.
Testifying on HF1012 as amended:
• Susan Schubert, Minnesota Public Lands Coalition
• Willis Mattson, retired Minesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Regional Director
• Kelly Applegate, Commissioner of Natural Resources, Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe
• Jeff Birchem, retired Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Conservation Officer
• Gretchen Mehmel, retired DNR Wildlife Manager
• Bruce Anderson, The Wildlife Society
• Amadeo Bellino, Government Relations Specialist, Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe
• Ron Potter, President, ATV Minnesota
• Rick Goutermont, Lake County Commissioner and NE Regional ATV Joint Powers Board
• Ricky Rosche, Koochiching County Commissioner
• Karen Umphress, Amateur Riders Motorcycle Association
• Karen Gram, Homeowner, Eagle’s Nest Township
• Terry Snyder, Itasca County Commissioner
• Tim Spreck, Minnesota Trappers Association
• Catherine Neuschler, Executive Director, Minnesota Environmental Quality Board
• Laura Preus, Statewide Programs and Planning Manager, DNR Parks and Trails Division
• Shep Harris, Minnesota Association of Townships
HF1012, as amended, was laid over.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:51 PM.
Representative Peter Fischer, Co-Chair
Jared Margolis, DFL Committee Legislative Assistant