I. Call To Order
II. Approval of Meeting Minutes 3/11/2025
III. HF 1337 (Noor) Agency's authority with respect to housing support agreements modified
i. Matt Freeman, MN Association of Counties
ii. Matthew Bergeron, Residential Providers Association of Minnesota (RPAMN).
IV. HF 973 (Backer) Emergency mental health services modified; co-payments, coinsurance, and deductibles for mobile crisis intervention eliminated; and money appropriated
i. Sue Abderholden, NAMI
ii. Erik Sievers, Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center, zoom
V. HF 381 (Curran) Policies related to establishing rates for home and community-based waiver services modified, and room and board rates for individuals receiving home and community-based services increased
i. Sara Grafstrom, ARRM
VI. HF 382 (Curran) Disability waiver rates modified
i. Julie Johnson, MSS
ii. Ken Bence, ARRM
VII. HF 1831 (Zeleznikar) Background check requirements modified for housing support providers
i. Christina Jacobson, Simpson Housing
ii. Marcus Schmit, Hearth Connection
VIII. Adjournment
TESTIMONY AND MATERIALS SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Individuals wishing to testify or submit written testimony or handouts for the hearing must email the committee administrator, Megan Rossbach (
megan.rossbach@house.mn.gov) by 12 p.m. (noon) the day prior to the hearing. Required testimony information includes name, organization and title (if applicable), email, phone number, and position on the bill. Handouts must be in PDF format with OCR capability.
*Bills may be added or removed at the chair's discretion