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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Judiciary Finance and Civil Law


2025-2026 Regular Session - Tuesday, February 18, 2025


Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee


Representative Scott, Chair of the Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee, began the meeting at 10:15AM, on ¬¬¬¬¬February 18th, 2025, in Room G3 of the Capitol Building. A quorum was present.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members present:
SCOTT, Peggy, Chair
HUDSON, Walter, Vice Chair
DURAN, Bidal
ENGEN, Elliott
FEIST, Sandra
FINKE, Leigh
FRAZIER, Cedrick
RARICK, Marion
STIER, Terry

Non-Voting member present:
LIEBLING, Tina, Lead

Representative Durran moved the minutes of February 13th, 2025 be approved. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Chair Scott moved HF 7 be re-referred to Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee.

HF 7 (Novotny) Various public safety provisions modified

Chair Scott moved the A7 amendment. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.

Chair Scott moved the A6 amendment. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.


Representative Novotny, testified in favor of HF 7 as amended.

Mike Martin and Bob Fletcher, Ramsey County Sheriffs, testified in favor of HF 7 as amended.

Amy Brallier, Citizen, testified in opposition to HF 7 as amended.

Evan Mullholland, Health Communities Program Director, Minnesota Center for Environmental Advocacy, testified in opposition to HF 7 as amended.

John Choi, Ramsey County attorney, testified in opposition to HF 7 as amended.

Chair Scott renewed the motion to re-referred HF 7 as amended to Public Safety Finance and Policy Committee. Lead Liebling requested a roll call. The result is as follows:

SCOTT, Peggy
HUDSON, Walter
DURAN, Bidal
ENGEN, Elliott
RARICK, Marion
STIER, Terry

FEIST, Sandra
FINKE, Leigh
FRAZIER, Cedrick

On a vote of 7 ayes and 6 nays THE MOTION PREVAILED.

Jim Rowader, Executive Director, and Mark Haase, Deputy Director and General Counsel of the Minnesota Cannabis Expungement Board testified on the progress and budget of the Minnesota Cannabis Expungement Board.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:53 AM.

Representative Scott, Chair

Liam Edgar, Committee Legislative Assistant

More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF7 (Novotny) - Public safety; various provisions modified relating to data held by law enforcement agencies; agency bail or bond notice; sex trafficking minimum sentences; Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission; legislative approval; reason for dismissing charges; dismissals report information; county attorney required action; liability and vicarious liability; crime created for recruiting or educating individuals to trespass or damage critical infrastructure; assaulting a police officer penalty; crime of fleeing in a motor vehicle or failing to obey traffic laws crime established; presence in a stolen vehicle; penalties increased for obstructing trunk highway, airport, or transit traffic; tracking device placement and requirements and expanded uses; criminal penalties; and money appropriated.
House TV Video:
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01:06 - HF7 (Novotny) Public safety; various public safety provisions modified related to data held by law enforcement agencies, agency custody notice requirements, mandatory minimum sentences, stays of adjudication, the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission, legislative approval of Sentencing Guidelines, dismissing of charges, liability and vicarious liability, crime for trespass recruiting or educating, assaulting a police officer, fleeing in a motor vehicle, stolen motor vehicles, obstructing traffic, tracking devices, criminal penalties, and money appropriated.
1:19:41 - Cannabis Expungement Board presentation.
Runs 1 hour, 38 minutes.

I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
III. HF 7 (Novotny): Public safety; various public safety provisions modified related to data held by law enforcement agencies, agency custody notice requirements, mandatory minimum sentences, stays of adjudication, the Minnesota Sentencing Guidelines Commission, legislative approval of Sentencing Guidelines, dismissing of charges, liability and vicarious liability, crime for trespass recruiting or educating, assaulting a police officer, fleeing in a motor vehicle, stolen motor vehicles, obstructing traffic, tracking devices, criminal penalties, and money appropriated.
IV. Presentation by the Minnesota Cannabis Expungement Board
V. Adjournment

TESTIMONY: If you would like to testify, please email the Committee Administrator, by 12:00 PM on Monday, February 17, 2025. Include the bill number, your name, title and/or organization where applicable, and whether your testimony will be in support of or opposition to the bill.

WRITTEN TESTIMONY & HANDOUTS: Please send electronically in accessible .pdf format to the Committee Administrator, by 12:00 PM on Monday, February 17, 2025.