I. Call to Order
II. Approval of Minutes
III. HF 414 (Franson): Filing fee for data practices complaints reduced.
IV. HF 768 (Hudson): Department of Human Rights prohibited from maintaining a collection or database on incidents of protected speech.
V. HF 359 (Feist): Partition of real property provided, notice requirements for eminent domain proceedings modified, and application of a legislative enactment relating to transfer of death deeds clarified.
VI. Adjournment
TESTIMONY: If you would like to testify, please email the Committee Administrator,
marissa.manteufel@house.mn.gov by 12:00 PM on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. Include the bill number, your name, title and/or organization where applicable, and whether your testimony will be in support of or opposition to the bill.
WRITTEN TESTIMONY & HANDOUTS: Please send electronically in accessible .pdf format to the Committee Administrator,
marissa.manteufel@house.mn.gov by 12:00 PM on Wednesday, February 19, 2025.