State Government Finance and Policy Committee
Representative Nash, Chair of the State Government Finance and Policy Committee, called the meeting to order at 8:15 AM, on ¬¬¬¬¬March 13, 2025, in Room G23 of the Capitol Building. A quorum was present.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
NASH, Jim, Chair
DAVIS, Ben, Vice Chair
BAHNER, Kristin
CLARDY, Mary Frances
HOWARD, Michael
JONES, Katie
JOY, Jim
KRAFT, Larry
QUAM, Duane
SEXTON, Thomas
Non-voting member present:
KLEVORN, Ginny, Lead
Representative Freiberg moved the minutes of March 11th, 2025, be approved. THE MOTION PREVAILED
The committee heard an overview of the Minnesota Historical Society.
Kent Whitworth, Director and CEO, Minnesota Historical Society
David Kelliher, Vice President of Public Policy & Government Relations, Minnesota Historical Society
HF1234 (Scott) Payment transparency required in public contracts.
Chair Nash moved HF1234 before the committee.
Chair Nash moved to adopt the H1234A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
John Lloyd, Lloyd’s constriction Services
Aaron Dean, Moss & Barnett
Wayne Waslaski, Assistant Commissioner, Department of Administration
Tori Kee, Intergovernmental Relations Representative, League of Minnesota Cities
John Kedrowski, Metropolitan Airports Commission
Chair Nash laid over HF1234, as amended, for possible inclusion.
HF1956 (P.H. Anderson) Threshold for the required submission of audited municipal liquor store financial statements to the state auditor amended.
Representative Anderson moved HF1956 before the committee.
Chair Nash laid over HF1956.
HF1025 (McDonald) Historic state flag recognized, right of all persons to display the historic state flag recognized, standards provided for its display on state property, and standards provided for its display on other public property.
Chair Nash moved HF 1025 before the committee.
Bjorn Olson, State Representative, Minnesota House of Representatives
Representative Freiberg moved to adopt the H1025A1 amendment. THE MOTION DID NOT PREVAIL. THE AMEDNMENT WAS NOT ADOPTED.
Chair Nash laid over HF1025 for possible inclusion.
HF1956 (P.H. Anderson) Threshold for the required submission of audited municipal liquor store financial statements to the state auditor amended.
Chair Nash moved HF1956 before the committee.
Chair Nash laid over HF1956 for possible inclusion.
HF791 (Myers) State fossil designated.
Chair Nash moved HF791 before the committee.
Chair Nash moved to adopt the HO791A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Dr. Alex Hastings, Head of the Science Museum’s Paleontology Department.
Chair Nash laid over HF791, as amended, for possible inclusion.
HF1172 (Myers) Ursa Minor designated as official state constellation.
Chair Nash moved HF1172 before the committee.
Chair Nash laid over HF1172 for possible inclusion.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:48 AM.
Representative Nash, Chair
Alli Winter, Committee Legislative Assistant