State Government Finance and Policy Committee
Representative Nash, Co-Chair of the State Government Finance and Policy Committee, called the meeting to order at 8:15 AM, on ¬¬¬¬¬March 18, 2025, in Room G23 of the Capitol Building. A quorum was present.
The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.
Members present:
NASH, Jim, Co-Chair
KLEVORN, Ginny, Co-Chair
DAVIS, Ben, Co-Vice Chair
BAHNER, Kristin, Co-Vice Chair
CLARDY, Mary Frances
JONES, Katie
JOY, Jim
KRAFT, Larry
QUAM, Duane
SEXTON, Thomas
Members excused:
HOWARD, Michael
Co-Chair Klevorn moved the minutes of March 13, 2025 be approved. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF1377 (P.H. Anderson) Public television grants provided, and money appropriated.
Co-Chair Nash moved HF1377 before the committee.
Les Heen, Libby Law Office, Minnesota Public Television Association
Patty Mester, President, Minnesota Public Television Association
Co-Chair Nash laid over HF1377 for possible inclusion.
HF1458 (Van Binsbergen) Standards for required education and experience modified for certified public accountants, and reciprocity established for licensed public accountants.
Co-Chair Nash moved HF1458 be re-referred to the Way and Means Committee.
Co-Chair Nash moved the H1458A1 amendment. THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE AMENDMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Boz Bostrom, CPA- Chair- MNCPA Board of Directors
Bob Cedergren, CPA- Partner at Wipfli
Cap O’Rourke, Executive Director, MN Small Cities
Julie Blaha, State Auditor
Stephanie Market, CPA Managing Partner, CliftonLarsonAllen
Co-Chair Nash renewed the motion to re-refer HF1458 to the Ways and Means Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.
HF2063 (Schultz) Annual observance for 1st Minnesota Day established.
Co-Chair Nash laid over HF2063 before the committee.
Representative Nash moved the following oral amendment to HF2063: On P.1. L. 10, before the first period, insert “or injured” and P. 1, L. 17, delete “the Minnesota Historical Society’s” and insert “a” THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE ORAL AMEDNMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Co-Chair Nash laid over HF2063 as amended for possible inclusion.
HF2164 (Schwartz) St. Peter designated as the honorary capital of Minnesota.
Co-Chair Nash moved HF2164 before the committee.
Representative Bjorn Olson, Minnesota House of Representatives
Ed Lee, Executive Director, St. Peter Area Chamber of Commerce
Dustin Sharstrom, City Councilmember, City of St. Peter
Co-Chair Nash laid over HF2164 for possible inclusion.
HF927 (Nash) Legislative Commission on Housing Affordability eliminated.
Co-Chair Nash moved HF927 before the committee.
Co-Chair Nash laid over HF927 for possible inclusion.
HF1059 (Nash) Legislative COVID-19 Response Commission eliminated.
Co-Chair Nash moved HF1059 before the committee.
Co-Chair Nash laid over HF1059 for possible inclusion.
HF1910 (Klevorn) Vice-chair of Legislative Coordinating Commission provided to alternate between the senate and house of representatives every two years.
Co-Chair Nash moved HF1910 before the committee.
Co-Chair Nash laid over HF1910 for possible inclusion.
HF2232 (Klevorn) State contracts provisions changed.
Co-Chair Nash moved HF2232 before the committee.
Representative Klevorn moved the following oral amendment to HF2232: On P.1. after L. 5, insert “Section 1. Contracts. Section 16C.05, subd. 8, paragraph (a), clauses (2) and (5) do not apply to contracts entered into by the State Board of Investment related to an investment under this section.” THE MOTION PREVAILED. THE ORAL AMEDNMENT WAS ADOPTED.
Rachel Dougherty, Office of State Procurement, Department of Administration
John Mule, State Board of Investments
Co-Chair Nash laid over HF2232 as amended for possible inclusion.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 AM.
Representative Nash, Chair
Alli Winter, Committee Legislative Assistant