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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Veterans and Military Affairs Division


2025-2026 Regular Session - Wednesday, February 12, 2025


Veterans and Military Affairs Division


Representative Bliss, Chair of the Veterans and Miliary Affairs Division, called the meeting to order at 8:15 AM, on ¬¬¬¬¬February 12, 2025, in Room G23 of the Capitol Building. A quorum was present.

The Committee Legislative Assistant noted the roll.

Members present:

BLISS, Matt, Chair
OLSON, Bjorn, Vice Chair
CLARDY, Mary Frances
DURAN, Bidal
FEIST, Sandra
HILL, Josiah

Non-voting member present:

XIONG, Jay, Lead

The following individuals gave an overview of the Minnesota Department of Military Affairs:

Major General Shawn Manke, The Adjutant General of the Minnesota National Guard
Don Kerr, Executive Director of the Minnesota Department of Military Affairs

HF194 (Knudson) relating to taxation; property; increasing exclusion amount for homesteads of veterans with a disability.

Chair Bliss moved to refer HF194 to the Taxes Committee.


Trent Dilks, Legislative Director, Disabled American Veterans of Minnesota.
Master Sergeant (Retired) Guy Sing, Olmstead County Veterans Service Officer.
Bret Sample, Executive Director of Forgotten Heros Ranges and Retreat, and Aitkin County Commissioner.

Chair Bliss renewed his motion that HF194 be rereferred to the Taxes Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

HF195 (Bennett) Property tax exemption established for certain property owned and operated by congressionally chartered veterans service organizations.

Representative Bennett moved to refer HF195 to the Taxes Committee.


Dr. Carl Moon, American Legion State Commander and Commanders Task Force Chair
David Staehlin, VFW State Commander
Alan Skramstad, Mora American Legion

Representative Bennett renewed her motion that HF195 be rereferred to the Taxes Committee. THE MOTION PREVAILED.

The following individuals gave an overview of the Department of Veteran Affairs:

Commissioner Brad Lindsay
Eric Meittunen, Deputy Commissioner for Healthcare
Ben Johnson, Deputy Commissioner for Programs and Services

The meeting was adjourned at 10:02 AM.

Representative Bliss, Chair

Alli Winter, Committee Legislative Assistant

More Info On This Meeting..
Bills Added:
  • HF194 (Knudsen) - Exclusion amount increased for homesteads of veterans with a disability.
  • HF195 (Bennett) - Classification rate removed and property tax exemption established for certain property owned and operated by congressionally chartered veterans service organizations.
House TV Video:
View Archive

01:12 - Introductions.
06:38 - Committee rules.
07:05 - Department of Military Affairs overview.
39:10 - HF194 (Knudsen) Veterans with a disability homestead exclusion increase provision.
55:44 - HF195 (Bennett) Property tax exemption establishment for certain property owned and operated by a congressionally chartered veterans service organization.
1:12:16 - Department of Veterans Affairs overview.
Runs 1 hour, 47 minutes.

1. Call to Order
2. Member and staff introductions
3. Committee Rules
4. Overview of Minnesota Department of Military Affairs
5. Overview of Minnesota Department of Veterans Affairs
6. HF 194 (Knudsen) - Veterans with a disability homestead exclusion increase provision. Note: This bill is the House companion to SF 262. The House bill will be introduced on Monday, February 10.
7. HF 195 (Bennett) - Property tax exemption establishment for certain property owned and operated by a congressionally chartered veterans service organization. Note: this bill is the House companion to SF 255. The House bill will be introduced on Monday, February 10.
8. Adjourn

Testimony: Written testimony or requests to testify in person are due via e-mail to Committee Administrator no less than 24 hours prior to the start of the committee hearing. In-person testimony may be limited due to committee time constraints.