I Call to order
II Approval of Minutes from Monday 2/10/25
III Presentations:
a. Corridors of Commerce Changes / Overview - Matt Burress – House Research
b. Minnesota Transportation Alliance - Margaret Donahoe – Executive Director
Testifying: Krysten Foster, Otter Tail County Engineer.
Margaret Donahoe, Executive Director, Minnesota Transportation Alliance
IV. Bills Heard:
HF14 (Robbins) Temporary moratorium on certain light rail transit expenditures
Testifiers for HF14:
Transportation 2.12.2025 Committee Testifiers
Jeremiah Ellison, Minneapolis Councilmember
Nas Nourkadi, Move Minnesota Action
Joshua Houdek, Senior Project Manager, Sierra Club North Star Chapter
Irene Fernando, Hennepin County Commissioner
Hollies Winston, Mayor Brooklyn Park
Aaron Wagner, Robbinsdale Council Member
Ricardo Perez, Organizer, Blue Line Coalition
Anndrea Young, Heritage Park Neighborhood Association
Alesha Alexcee, Policy Advocate, Housing Justice Center
Note: If you would like to testify for or against this bill, HF14, please contact Committee Legislative Assistant Cyndy Wallin by 3pm on Tuesday February 11, 2025. Phone: 651-297-5723 Email: Testimony will be limited to 2 minutes maximum per testifier and no more than 20 minutes each of testimony for and against. Also no more than one testifier per organization. Any handouts or letters should be emailed to the committee legislative assistant by 3 pm on Tuesday February 11,2025..
V. Adjournment