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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature
2021-2022 Regular Session

Law extends COVID-19 presumption for frontline workers

With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing into 2022, a new law reinstates the presumption for workers’ compensation benefits for frontline workers.

Effective for employees who contract COVID-19 on or after Feb. 3, 2022, the law maintains that if a worker contracts COVID-19, it is presumed they did so during the course of their employment and are eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. It expires on Jan. 13, 2023.

The presumption under the previous law expired on Dec. 31, 2021.

Workers covered under the presumption include peace and police officers; firefighters; paramedics; emergency medical technicians; health care providers, nurses or assistive employees in a health care, home care, or a long-term care setting who work with COVD-19 patients; correctional officers or security counselors at correctional facilities; and child-care providers who are required to provide child care for the children of first responders and health care workers under the governor’s executive orders.

Rep. Dan Wolgamott (DFL-St. Cloud) and Sen. Jeff Howe (R-Rockville) sponsor the law.


New Laws 2024

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HF1203* / SF1203 / CH32
Effective Dates: See chapter summary in the file link above.
* The legislative bill marked with an asterisk denotes the file submitted to the governor.