By Rachel Kats
The House Higher Education Finance and Policy Committee set its sights on Gov. Tim Walz’s postsecondary education budget and policy recommendations again Tuesday.
By Rob Hubbard
After being bandied about in big-picture tax policy discussions for at least a few years — and appearing in Gov. Tim Walz’s tax proposal for this session — a proposed fifth income tax tier made its House Taxes Committee debut Tuesday.
By Tim Walker
HF1691 would expand crimes motivated by bias to include bias against a person due to the person’s gender, gender identity, or gender expression, as well as bias against a person who associates with someone in a protected group.
By Rachel Kats
HF1064 would appropriate $104.5 million to provide additional summer programming to help students make up for learning loss during the coronavirus pandemic.
By Rachel Kats
HF844 would prohibit retailers from increasing the prices of essential goods and services by more than 30% during, and for 30 days after, a public emergency is declared by the governor.
By Mike Cook
A plan to increase the list of who must report known or suspected maltreatment of children to authorities received overwhelming House support.
By Rachel Kats
Minnesota’s Department of Health has been working to address disparities in vaccine use for decades, yet significant gaps continue to exist along racial and ethnic lines and for those with disabilities.
By Tim Walker
HF109 would require existing residential buildings above the 75-foot reach of fire department vehicles to install automatic sprinkler systems, already a requirement for buildings built after 1979.
By Tim Walker
A quick visit to the Department of Employment and Economic Development website shows myriad educational programs and grants to help small businesses start up, grow, and prosper.
By HPIS Staff
If long days at the Legislature are taking their toll, take heart because you can choose from several reasons to celebrate this weekend. Today is the second committee deadline a...