By Mike Cook
HF9, as amended, offers changes in areas that include voter registration, elections administration and security, and campaign finance and disclosure law. A preliminary fiscal note shows a $36.4 million cost in the upcoming biennium.
By Tim Walker
The arm of the law is long, but not yet long enough to reach across the Canadian border.
That would change under HF113, which would permit Minnesota to enforce protection or...
By Rachel Kats
Minnesota State system leaders say they’re prioritizing campus stability in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, and striving for equity and affordability.
By Tim Walker
A bill approved by the House Commerce Finance and Policy Committee Wednesday would deliver some relief to restaurants by setting a limit of 15% of the order price on those fees.
By Victoria Cooney
More people could use telehealth technology to continue meeting with their psychologists — even across state lines — under proposed legislation that would make Minnesota a part of the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact.
By Nate Gotlieb
Service and hospitality workers laid off because of the COVID-19 pandemic could be entitled the opportunity to return to their jobs if they reopen.
By Rob Hubbard
Unlike industries that could more easily adapt to employees working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic, arts organizations have traditionally been dependent upon patrons coming through the door and attending a performance, art exhibit or other event.
By Victoria Cooney
“You only worry about an open bed when you have mental illness,” Sue Abderholden, executive director of NAMI Minnesota, told the House Behavioral Health Policy Division Wednesday.
By Tim Walker
Debate on HF38 became political at the Wednesday meeting of the House Industrial Education and Economic Development Finance and Policy Committee when lawmakers debated whether disaster assistance money should be used to rebuild properties damaged during the civil unrest in Minneapolis last year.
By Mike Cook
HF35 would establish a grant program with $1 million in fiscal year 2022 for small cities and counties to improve website accessibility and comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
By Victoria Cooney
Small-business owners are one of several groups who could gain access to health insurance through a “MinnesotaCare public option” that would be created by HF11, sponsored by Rep. Jennifer Schultz (DFL-Duluth).
By Rachel Kats
University of Minnesota officials presented the institution’s lowest biennial budget request in over 20 years to the House Higher Education Finance and Policy Committee Tuesday.