Conferees agreed quickly to changing possible legislation regarding a new law enforcement supervisors unit, and the House passed the conference committee report Thursday.
Sponsored by Rep. Rob Ecklund (DFL-International Falls), HF961 would create the new unit under the Public Employer Labor Relations Association. It would include positions that are currently covered by the Middle Management Association or the Labor Department commissioner’s plan.
The conference committee report was passed 126-5 and sent to the Senate where it is sponsored by Sen. Jeff Howe (R-Rockville).
A conference committee decided to drop any Senate amendments to the House bill, while a $128,000 appropriation in fiscal year 2023 in the House bill was deleted. The appropriation would have gone toward starting the unit.
The bill would also remove state patrol supervisors, Department of Natural Resources enforcement supervisors and criminal apprehension investigative supervisors from the right to separate from the general supervisory employees unit under PELRA.
A transition would be allowed until a collective bargaining agreement can be negotiated and approved for the new law enforcement supervisors unit.