If you’re looking for academic materials in Minnesota schools representing the state’s Hmong, Karen, Somali, or Oromo communities, you will likely not have luck.
Sponsored by Rep. Samantha Sencer-Mura (DFL-Mpls), HF4902 would appropriate $800,000 in fiscal year 2025 from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund for a competitive grant program to develop school district materials for underrepresented communities, not limited to Hmong, Karen, Somali, and Oromo cultures, as well as cultures without a formal writing system.
The House Legacy Finance Committee laid the bill over Wednesday for possible inclusion in larger legislation.
Cristeta Boarini, program director at 826 MSP, passed around a dozen cultural books written by students in the organization’s young authors book program.
Rep. Ethan Cha (DFL-Woodbury) was moved enough by one book passage to read it aloud. The committee chair, Rep. Leon Lillie (DFL-North St. Paul), said he was temporarily distracted from the proceedings by reading from the books.
It is not possible to purchase such materials from a textbook vendor, said Mouakong Vue, ethnic studies program manager for Saint Paul Public Schools, testifying in support of the bill.