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ATVs could go to town under bill proposing to expand access to some roads

“Takin’ It to the Streets” may have been the title of a Doobie Brothers tune from the 1970s, but such an action is prohibited in Minnesota for drivers of all-terrain vehicles.

You can ride those four-wheeled, open-air vehicles on designated trails and private property, but can you take your ATV to town? Not if you need to get there via a road or the shoulder of a trunk highway.

But that would change under HF566, a bill sponsored by Rep. Roger Skraba (R-Ely). It would permit a city or town with a population under 25,000 to adopt an ordinance that allows a person to operate an ATV on a roadway or trunk highway’s shoulder, if:

  • the speed limit is no more than 45 mph;
  • it is only to access businesses and residences and to make trail connections; and
  • there is no alternative public access for an ATV.

On Monday, the House Transportation Finance and Policy Committee approved the bill and sent it to the House Elections Finance and Government Operations Committee.

“The bill is critically important for Greater Minnesota cities and rural communities, where ATVs are not just for recreation, but also a practical mode of transportation,” Skraba said. “This bill will better help cities to integrate ATVs into their local transportation networks.”

Representing ATV Minnesota, Board Secretary Nick Wognum said it’s a statewide issue.

“I’ve traveled around the state to look at various trail opportunities,” he said. “Each area presents challenges to the opportunities that lie there. … But I did see one common thread that existed throughout the state: Small towns with state highways that run through them. … Small towns shouldn’t have to penalize people who are just trying to get from one location to another.”

But Ken Johnson, assistant state traffic engineer for the Department of Transportation, sees flaws in the bill.

“Having ATVs operate with or near heavier and faster-moving vehicles is not consistent with our ‘Toward Zero Deaths’ goals,” he said. “The Department of Natural Resources, the Department of Public Safety Office of Traffic Safety, and the state patrol share our serious concerns about safety.

“In 2024, there were 23 fatal crashes [in Minnesota] involving ATVs,” Johnson said. “If the bill as currently written were to become law, we would expect those numbers to increase.

“Their size and design make ATVs difficult to see. Imagine trying to see an ATV behind a large pickup. And they don’t have safety features to reduce the consequences of higher-speed crashes.”

Skraba said that he’s willing to work with MnDOT officials to address its concerns.

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