1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 4124, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 41, line 4, delete "1,612,000" and insert "1,637,000"
1.3Page 42, line 24, delete "and"
1.4Page 42, line 29, delete the period and insert "; and"
1.5Page 42, after line 29, insert:
1.6"(7) $25,000 is for the Minnesota Historical
1.7Society to research and prepare a report on the
1.8findings of the archeological findings related
1.9to the construction and excavation of the State
1.10Office Building."
1.11Page 44, line 12, delete "4,409,000" and insert "4,384,000"
1.12Page 48, line 16, delete "$1,000,000" and insert "$975,000"