1.1.................... moves to amend H.F. No. 5237, the second engrossment, as follows:
1.2Page 25, after line 30, insert:

1.4(a) A school district may require a student against whom a restraining order or order for
1.5protection has been issued to receive instruction in an alternate setting in accordance with
1.6this section for the duration of the restraining order or order for protection if the petitioner
1.7for the restraining order or order for protection is a student, teacher, or other employee at
1.8the same school site.
1.9(b) If the student is a "child with a disability" as defined in section 125A.02, the district
1.10must provide the parent or guardian prior written notice in accordance with section 125A.091.
1.11The dispute resolution processes and other procedural safeguards provided under section
1.12125A.091 apply to an alternate placement under this section. If the student is not a "child
1.13with a disability," the district must provide the parent or guardian written notice of the
1.14change in setting before implementing the change.
1.15(c) An "alternate setting" under this section means a school site in a separate building.
1.16It may include an area learning center or other state-approved alternative program, or a site
1.17under the administrative control of a service cooperative or intermediate school district.
1.18The alternate setting must be selected to allow the student to progress toward meeting state
1.19academic standards and graduation requirements.
1.20(d) A placement in an alternate setting does not constitute a dismissal, or other form of
1.22Renumber the sections in sequence and correct the internal references
1.23Amend the title accordingly