HF0004: Omnibus environment, natural resources, and agriculture bill.
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Conference Committee on HF4 (Omnibus Transportation Policy and Finance bill)
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Conference Committee on HF4 (Kelly/Dibble) Omnibus Transportation Policy and Finance bill.
04:48 - Gavel, presentation of House ideas, concepts and proposal.
15:45 - Senate ideas, concepts and proposal.
Runs 23 minutes.
HF0004: Omnibus environment, natural resources, and agriculture bill.
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Conference Committee on HF4 (Omnibus Transportation Policy and Finance bill) *
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
* Audio with full-frame graphic feed only; no full TV production is available from the Basement Hearing Room of the State Office Building.
HF4 (Kelly/Dibble) Omnibus Transportation Policy and Finance bill.
Presentation of House offer, and subsequent discussion.
Runs 1 hour, 2 minutes.
HF0004: Omnibus environment, natural resources, and agriculture bill.
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Conference Committee on HF4
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
HF4 (Kelly/Dibble) Omnibus Transportation Policy and Finance bill.
Gavel and introductory comments.
02:35 - Rail grade crossings solution proposal.
33;10 - Emergency managers hazmat data sharing proposal.
59:14 - Discussion of House and Senate bill differences in funding plans.
2:07:25 - Public testimony.
Runs 2 hours, 40 minutes.
HF0004: Omnibus environment, natural resources, and agriculture bill.
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Conference Committee on HF4
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
02:06 - Gavel.
03:27 - Side-by-side review of provisions of HF4 (Kelly/Dibble) Omnibus Transportation Policy and Finance bill.
Runs 1 hour, 5 minutes.
HF0004: Omnibus environment, natural resources, and agriculture bill.
HF0004: Omnibus environment, natural resources, and agriculture bill.
HF0004: Omnibus environment, natural resources, and agriculture bill.
HF0004: Omnibus environment, natural resources, and agriculture bill.
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Transportation Finance Conference Committee
Monday, May 11, 2015
Conference Committee on HF4 (Kelly/Dibble) Omnibus Transportation Finance bill.
02:22 - Gavel and review of non-controversial or limited controversy House-only and Senate-only policy language.
Runs 1 hour, 9 minutes.
HF0004: Omnibus environment, natural resources, and agriculture bill.
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Transportation Finance Conference Committee
Friday, May 8, 2015
Conference Committee on HF4 (Kelly/Dibble) Omnibus Transportation Finance bill.
03:40 - Gavel.
05:50 - Trunk highway bonding and bonding capacity.
59:19 - Volunteer firefighter benefits and reporting.
1:09:30 - Public/private partnerships.
Runs 1 hour, 40 minutes.
HF0004: Omnibus environment, natural resources, and agriculture bill.
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Transportation Finance Conference Committee
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Conference Committee on HF4 (Kelly/Dibble) Omnibus Transportation Finance bill.
03:40 - Gavel and introductions.
05:20 - Chair's comments, followed by walk-through of side-by-side spreadsheet and language comparisons.
1:16:14 - Review of identical language and possibly adopt some of these provisions.
Runs 1 hour, 33 minutes.
HF0303: Omnibus legacy bill.
HF0303: Omnibus legacy bill.
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Omnibus Legacy Bill Finance Conference Committee
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
HF303 (Urdahl/Cohen) Omnibus Legacy Finance bill.
04:48 - Gavel and introductions.
07:14 - Walk-through of side-by-side spreadsheet and language comparisons.
Public testimony.
Runs 2 hours, 10 minutes.
HF0844: Omnibus K-12 education policy and finance bill.
HF0844: Omnibus K-12 education policy and finance bill.
HF0844: Omnibus K-12 education policy and finance bill.
HF0844: Omnibus K-12 education policy and finance bill.
HF0844: Omnibus K-12 education policy and finance bill.
HF0844: Omnibus K-12 education policy and finance bill.
HF0846: Omnibus agriculture, environment, and natural resources finance and policy bill.
HF0846: Omnibus agriculture, environment, and natural resources finance and policy bill.
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Omnibus Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Policy and Finance Conference Committee
Saturday, May 16, 2015
10:25 - Gavel and consideration of HF846 (McNamara/Tomassoni) Omnibus Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture Policy and Finance bill.
Coverage of this meeting ended early so we could provide coverage of a subsequent meeting.
Runs 57 minutes.
HF0848: Omnibus tax bill.
HF0848: Omnibus tax bill.
HF0848: Omnibus tax bill.
HF0848: Omnibus tax bill.
HF0848: Omnibus tax bill.
HF0848: Omnibus tax bill.
HF0848: Omnibus tax bill.
HF0848: Omnibus tax bill.
HF1003: Local governments permitted to donate surplus equipment to nonprofit organizations, and exception to tort liability created.
HF1036: Physician assistant, midwife, and nurse provisions modified; and license suspension and contested case hearing provisions modified.
HF1725: Electronic filing for hearings in contested cases at the Office of Administrative Hearings permitted, and electronic transfer of rulemaking documents permitted.
HF2749: Omnibus supplemental budget bill.
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Conference Committee on HF2749 (Omnibus Supplemental Finance bill)
Tuesday, May 17, 2016
HF2749 (Knoblach/Cohen) Omnibus Supplemental Finance bill.
26:33 - Gavel.
27:39 - K-12 Education language.
40:28 - Higher Education language.
1:10:40 - Environment/Natural Resources language.
1:45:44 - Energy language.
1:51:52 - Miscellaneous language.
Runs 1 hour, 54 minutes.
HF2749: Omnibus supplemental budget bill.
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Conference Committee on HF2749 (Omnibus Supplemental Finance bill) - part 1
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
HF2749 (Knoblach/Cohen) Omnibus Supplemental Finance bill.
12:45 - Gavel.
Completion of the side-by-side comparisons:.
13:34 - State Government.
47:31 - Public Safety and Corrections.
56:11 - Senate transportation language.
The committee recessed.
Runs 1 hour, 4 minutes.
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Conference Committee on HF2749 (Omnibus Supplemental Finance bill) - part 2
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
HF2749 (Knoblach/Cohen) Omnibus Supplemental Finance bill.
11:07 - Gavel.
Selected agency testimony as requested by conferees:.
11:07 - Office of Higher Education.
41:36 - Corrections.
1:19:43 - Human Services.
Runs 2 hours, 12 minutes.
HF2749: Omnibus supplemental budget bill.
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Conference Committee on HF2749 (Omnibus Supplemental Finance bill) - part 1
Monday, May 9, 2016
HF2749 (Knoblach/Cohen) Omnibus Supplemental Finance bill.
16:00 - Gavel and introductory comments.
• Presentation of the spreadsheets:.
22:00 - Overall spreadsheet.
31:01 - K-12 Education.
1:00:50 - Higher Education.
1:08:14 - Health and Human Services.
1:35:09 - Economic Development and Jobs.
The committee recessed.
Runs 1 hour, 45 minutes.
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Conference Committee on HF2749 (Omnibus Supplemental Finance bill) - part 2
Monday, May 9, 2016
HF2749 (Knoblach/Cohen) Omnibus Supplemental Finance bill.
11:40 - Gavel.
• Continued presentation of the spreadsheets:.
12:34 - Agriculture.
16:53 - Environment.
33:00 - Judiciary and Public Safety.
46:12 - State Government.
1:01:45 - Transportation.
• Discussion of language:.
1:15:44 - K-12 Education.
Runs 1 hour, 55 minutes.
HF2777: Blood samples; ex parte hearings authorized to determine when an emergency medical service person has a significant exposure to a source individual's bodily fluids, and peace officers authorized to take a noncompliant individual into temporary custody to collect a blood sample.
HF3469: Interference with a body or scene of death crime modified and sentence increased.
SF0005: Omnibus agriculture, environment and natural resources appropriations bill
SF0005: Omnibus agriculture, environment and natural resources appropriations bill
SF0086: Automated license plate reader data classification, use of log and destruction of data requirements
SF0086: Automated license plate reader data classification, use of log and destruction of data requirements
SF0174: State agency heads salaries legislative approval requirement and increase freeze; deficiency funding for departments of human services (DHS), natural resources (DNR), and health and the zoological board
SF0455: Omnibus elections bill
SF0498: Portable recording system (body camera) data classification, destruction and regulation; legislative auditor review requirement
SF0878: Omnibus public safety finance and policy bill
SF0878: Omnibus public safety finance and policy bill
SF0878: Omnibus public safety finance and policy bill
SF0878: Omnibus public safety finance and policy bill
SF0878: Omnibus public safety finance and policy bill
SF0888: Omnibus state government finance bill
SF0888: Omnibus state government finance bill
SF0888: Omnibus state government finance bill
SF0888: Omnibus state government finance bill
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State Government Finance Conference Committee
Friday, May 1, 2015
Conference Committee on SF888/HF495 (Saxhaug/Anderson, S.) Omnibus State Government Finance bill.
04:30 - Gavel and introductions.
11:31 - Walk-through of side-by-side spreadsheet comparisons.
50:40 - Walk-through of side-by-side language comparisons.
Runs 1 hour, 44 minutes.
SF0997: Disability income coverage regulation; long-term care insurance partnership policy minimum permitted inflation protection reduction; long-term care policy rate recommendations by commissioner of commerce authorization
SF1111: School bus flagger motor vehicle driver stop requirement; bus passenger seat belt violations application to bus driver prohibition
SF1265: Individuals to contract with insurance producers to advocate for the individual with respect to health coverage with an insurance company
SF1440: Prescription monitoring program modifications
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Conference Committee on SF1440 (Prescription monitoring program modifications)
Saturday, May 21, 2016
03:46 - Gavel.
Conference Committee on SF1440 (Baker/Rosen) Prescription monitoring program modifications.
Runs 18 minutes.
SF1458: Omnibus health and human services appropriations bill
SF1458: Omnibus health and human services appropriations bill
SF1458: Omnibus health and human services appropriations bill
SF1458: Omnibus health and human services appropriations bill
SF1458: Omnibus health and human services appropriations bill
SF1647: Omnibus transportation, metropolitan council and public safety appropriations
SF2096: Avian influenza emergency response activities appropriation
SF2101: Omnibus agriculture, environment, natural resources, jobs, and economic development appropriations
SF2101: Omnibus agriculture, environment, natural resources, jobs, and economic development appropriations
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Energy and Jobs Policy and Finance Conference Committee
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Conference Committee on SF2101 (Garofalo/Tomassoni) Omnibus Energy and Jobs Policy and Finance bill.
03:49 - Gavel, and continued side-by-side review.
Runs 1 hour, 18 minutes.
SF2101: Omnibus agriculture, environment, natural resources, jobs, and economic development appropriations
SF2527: Outdoor heritage fund and clean water fund appropriations and prior appropriations modifications; Lessard-Sams outdoor heritage council provisions modifications; White Bear Lake augmentation authorization; legacy fund provisions modifications; prior arts and cultural heritage appropriations modifications
SF2693: Rush Line corridor transitway bond issue and appropriation
SF3589: REAL ID Act requirements authorization, implementation, limitation, and appropriation; resident lifetime game and fish license information driver's license or state ID care placement authorization; New Brighton driver's license agent