Chapters - 2001 First Special Session
Bills passed by both houses are sent to the Revisor of Statutes office for engrossing or enrolling. The Revisor's office enrolls each bill and gives it a chapter
number in sequential order. The bill is then presented by the Revisor's office to the governor. If the governor approves the bill, or it becomes law without
their signature, the bill is transferred to the secretary of state's office where it is officially filed as law. If the governor vetoes a bill, it is returned
to the house of origin with the governor's objections.
Bills are presented in sequential order by Chapter number.
File with * indicates bill sent to the governor.
Presented to governor entry is the official presentment date by the Revisor of Statutes.
Vetoes and Line items vetoes are noted.
Secretary of State entry is the date a bill transmitted from the Governor's office to the Secretary of State for filing.
This document can be made available in alternative formats upon request. Call 651-296-6646 [Voice]; the Minnesota State Relay Service at 800-627-3529 [TTY] for
Chapters in descending order.
Description: Omnibus higher education appropriations bill.
Presented to Governor: June 27, 2001
Governor approval: June 30, 2001
Secretary of State, Filed: CH1, June 30, 2001
Effective date: Various
Description: Flood relief provided in designated counties and to independent school district No. 682, Roseau; property tax abatement and agricultural disaster assistance provided; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: September 19, 2002
Governor approval: September 20, 2002
Secretary of State, Filed: CH1, September 20, 2002
Effective date: Various
Description: Omnibus environmental, natural resources, and agricultural appropriations bill.
Presented to Governor: June 27, 2001
Governor approval: June 29, 2001
Line item veto: Page 14, Sec. 5, subd. 5,lines 53-57
View veto letter
Line item veto: Page 43, sec.14, subd.6(b), lines 6-14
View veto letter
Line item veto: Page 46, sec. 14, subd. 10(a), lines 18-27
View veto letter
Secretary of State, Filed: CH2, June 30, 2001
Effective date: Various
Description: Charitable contribution deductions under the alternative minimum tax clarified.
Presented to Governor: September 19, 2002
Governor approval: September 20, 2002
Secretary of State, Filed: CH2, September 20, 2002
Effective date: Various
Description: Aggregate materials sales tax technical corrections provided.
Presented to Governor: September 19, 2002
Governor approval: September 20, 2002
Secretary of State, Filed: CH3, September 20, 2002
Effective date: Various provisions apply
Description: Family and early childhood education appropriations bill providing for children and family support programs and appropriating money.
Presented to Governor: June 28, 2001
Governor approval: June 30, 2001
Secretary of State, Filed: CH3, June 30, 2001
Effective date: Various
Description: Omnibus economic development, housing and other state agencies appropriations bill.
Presented to Governor: June 28, 2001
Governor approval: June 30, 2001
Line item veto: Page 5, Art. 1, Sec.2, subd.2, lines 23-28
View veto letter
Line item veto: Page 5, Art. 1, sec.2, subd. 2, lines 38-46
View veto letter
Line item veto: Page 5, Art. 1, Sec. 2, subd. 2, lines 47-51
View veto letter
Line item veto: Page 8, Art. 1, sec. 2, subd. 5, lines 36-42
View veto letter
Line item veto: Page 8, Art. 1, sec.2, subd. 5, lines 29-35
View veto letter
Line item veto: Page 20, Art. 1, sec. 7, lines 29-36
View veto letter
Secretary of State, Filed: CH 4, June 30, 2001
Effective date: Various
Description: Omnibus tax bill providing income, sales and use, property, motor vehicle, and other tax modifications; and appropriating money.
Presented to Governor: June 29, 2001
Governor approval: June 30, 2001
Secretary of State, Filed: CH5, June 30, 2001
Effective date: Various
Description: Omnibus K-12 education finance bill.
Presented to Governor: June 30, 2001
Governor approval: June 30, 2001
Secretary of State, Filed: CH6, June 30, 2001
Effective date: Various
Description: Background checks required on apartment managers who have resided in Minnesota less than ten years.
Presented to Governor: June 30, 2001
Governor approval: June 30, 2001
Secretary of State, Filed: CH7, June 30, 2001
Effective date: August 1, 2001
Description: Omnibus transportation appropriations bill providing funding for transportation, public safety, and the judicial system.
Presented to Governor: June 30, 2001
Governor approval: June 30, 2001
Line item veto: Page 104, Art. 4, Sec. 10, subd. 7, lines 7-9
View veto letter
Secretary of State, Filed: CH8, June 30, 2001
Effective date: Various
Description: Omnibus health and human services and corrections appropriations bill.
Presented to Governor: June 30, 2001
Governor approval: June 30, 2001
Secretary of State, Filed: CH9, June 30, 2001
Effective date: Various
Description: Omnibus state government finance bill providing legislative and administrative expense funding, and appropriating money.
Presented to Governor: June 30, 2001
Governor approval: June 30, 2001
Line item veto: Page 13, Art. 1, sec. 12, subd. 7, lines 3-6
View veto letter
Line item veto: Page 14, Art. 1, sec. 12, subd. 9, lines 38-46
View veto letter
Line item veto: Page 21, Art. 1., sec. 32, lines 9-25
View veto letter
Secretary of State, Filed: CH10, June 30, 2001
Effective date: Various
Description: State departments and education base funding, and sales tax rebate funding provided.
Presented to Governor: June 30, 2001
Governor veto: CH11, July 2, 2001
View veto letter
Description: Public capital improvements funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: June 30, 2001
Governor approval: June 30, 2001
Line item veto: Page 5, sec. 8, subd. 3, lines 32-37
View veto letter
Secretary of State, Filed: CH12, June 30, 2001
Effective date: July 1, 2001
Description: Revisor's bill correcting erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete references; and making miscellaneous technical corrections.
Presented to Governor: June 30, 2001
Governor approval: June 30, 2001
Secretary of State, Filed: CH13, June 30, 2001
Effective date: Various