Description: Fiscal year 2011 appropriations reduced, policies changed, and appropriation reductions made for fiscal years 2012 and 2013; tax aid, credits and payment reductions provided, and changes conformed in the Internal Revenue Code.
Presented to Governor: 02/10/11
Governor veto: 02/10/11
View veto letter
Description: Lead poisoning prevention provided for, and effective dates modified.
Presented to Governor: 02/15/11
Governor approval: 02/17/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 02/17/11
Effective date: 02/18/11
Description: State lands; stream easement acquisition provisions modified; state park, state forest, and land exchange provisions modified; state parks and state forests added to and deleted from; and public and private sales, conveyances, and exchanges of state land authorized.
Presented to Governor: 02/28/11
Governor approval: 03/02/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/02/11
Effective date: various
Description: Environmental permitting efficiency provided, and environmental review requirements modified.
Presented to Governor: 02/28/11
Governor approval: 03/03/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/03/11
Effective date: 03/04/11
Description: Teacher licensure provisions amended, alternative teacher preparation program and limited-term teacher license established, and report required.
Presented to Governor: 03/04/11
Governor approval: 03/07/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/07/11
Effective date: various
Description: Unemployment insurance eligibility and extension provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 03/08/11
Governor approval: 03/09/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/09/11
Effective date: various
Description: Northern Township detached facility authorized.
Presented to Governor: 03/14/11
Governor approval: 03/17/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/17/11
Effective date: day after local compliance
Description: Internal Revenue Code changes conformed, and corporate refund delay requirement repealed.
Presented to Governor: 03/18/11
Governor approval: 03/21/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/21/11
Effective date: various
Description: Public safety dog injury penalty increased.
Presented to Governor: 03/18/11
Governor approval: 03/22/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/22/11
Effective date: 08/01/11
Description: Common interest community unit owners allowed to obtain copies of association records, and record copying access and charges specified.
Presented to Governor: 03/25/11
Governor approval: 03/29/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/29/11
Effective date: 08/01/11
Description: Overtime requirements modified for air carrier employees.
Presented to Governor: 04/05/11
Governor approval: 04/07/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/07/11
Effective date: 04/17/11
Description: Community paramedic certification created.
Presented to Governor: 04/05/11
Governor approval: 04/06/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/06/11
Effective date: 07/01/11
Description: Green acres and rural preserve program changes specified.
Presented to Governor: 04/14/11
Governor approval: 04/15/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/15/11
Effective date: various
Description: Omnibus agriculture and rural economic development bill.
Presented to Governor: 04/14/11
Governor approval: 04/15/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/15/11
Effective date: various
Description: Residential real estate broker price opinions provision regulated.
Presented to Governor: 04/18/11
Governor approval: 4/20/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/20/11
Effective date: 8/1/2011
Description: Summer collegiate league baseball stadium or ballpark license issued to cities.
Presented to Governor: 04/18/11
Governor approval: 4/20/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/20/11
Effective date: 8/1/2011
Description: Red Wing Port Authority member terms provided.
Presented to Governor: 04/26/11
Governor approval: 04/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/27/11
Effective date: Upon local approval
Description: Election administration and districting procedures modified.
Presented to Governor: 04/29/11
Governor approval: 04/29/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/29/11
Effective date: 04/30/11
Description: City, county, and town zoning control and ordinance variances provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/02/11
Governor approval: 5/5/2011
Secretary of State, Filed: May 5, 2011
Effective date: 5/6/2011
Description: Agricultural building roof panels equivalent load bearing capacity required.
Presented to Governor: 05/11/11
Governor approval: 05/13/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/13/11
Effective date: 5/14/2011
Description: Well contractor licensing requirements modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/11/11
Governor approval: 05/13/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/13/11
Effective date: 8/1/2011
Description: Nursing facility provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/11/11
Governor approval: 05/13/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/13/11
Effective date: 5/14/2011
Description: Hannah's Law enacted by modifying cardiopulmonary resuscitation requirements for child care center staff.
Presented to Governor: 05/16/11
Governor approval: 05/19/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/11
Effective date: 8/1/2011
Description: Executive branch agencies retained savings program established.
Presented to Governor: 05/16/11
Governor approval: 05/19/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/11
Effective date: 6/30/2013
Description: Charitable organization financial statement requirements modified, and compensation information reporting consistency provided for federal and state purposes.
Presented to Governor: 05/16/11
Governor approval: 5/18/2011
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/18/11
Effective date: 8/1/2011
Description: Elevator compliance provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/16/11
Governor approval: 5/18/2011
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/18/11
Effective date: 8/1/2011
Description: Teachers taking early retirement allowed to continue coaching, and application deadline modified for certain charter school authorizers.
Presented to Governor: 05/16/11
Governor approval: 5/18/2011
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/18/11
Effective date: 5/19/2011
Description: Vulnerable adult criminal abuse made a registrable offense under the predatory offender registration law; investigation, review, and hearing provisions modified; terminology changed; criminal penalty increased for assaulting a vulnerable adult; and criminal penalties provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/16/11
Governor approval: 5/18/2011
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/18/11
Effective date: 8/1/2011
Description: Health services to children under Minnesota public health care programs fiscal information reporting required.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/11
Governor approval: 05/20/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/20/11
Effective date: 11/2011
Description: Disability parking provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/11
Governor approval: 05/20/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/20/11
Effective date: 8/1/2011
Description: Uniform Commercial Code Article 9 amendments enacted by the adoption of the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, and conforming changes made.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/11
Governor approval: 05/20/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/20/11
Effective date: 7/1/2011
Description: Fleeing a peace officer crime modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/11
Governor approval: 05/20/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/20/11
Effective date: 8/1/2011
Description: Public safety equipment single source acquisition and long-term leasing authorized.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/11
Governor approval: 05/20/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/20/11
Effective date: 8/1/2011
Description: Route No. 332 removed from trunk highway system.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/11
Governor approval: 05/20/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/20/11
Effective date: Upon notice from commissioner of transportation
Description: Legislative districting plan for use in 2012 and thereafter adopted.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/11
Governor veto: 05/19/11
View veto letter
Description: Congressional districting plan for use in 2012 and thereafter adopted, and districting principles adopted for legislative and congressional districts.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/11
Governor veto: 05/19/11
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus public safety and crime prevention bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/21/11
Governor veto: 05/24/11
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus tax bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/21/11
Governor veto: 05/24/11
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus jobs, economic development, and housing bill; providing funding, and appropriating money.
Presented to Governor: 05/21/11
Governor veto: 05/24/11
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus state government and military and veteran affairs finance bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/21/11
Governor veto: 05/24/11
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus health and human services finance bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/21/11
Governor veto: 05/24/11
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus education finance bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/11
Governor veto: 05/24/11
View veto letter
Description: Red Wing; property conveyance authorized, and surplus state land conveyance provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/21/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: Sec. 1 Local Approval; Sec. 2 5/25/2011
Description: Waterfront structure transportation on trunk highways authorized with annual special permits.
Presented to Governor: 05/21/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 5/25/2011
Description: Teacher candidates required to pass basic skills exam.
Presented to Governor: 05/21/11
Governor veto: 05/25/11
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus environment, energy, and natural resources finance bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/21/11
Governor veto: 05/24/11
View veto letter
Description: State Fire Code; sprinkler requirements prohibited in single-family dwellings, and licensee offer of option to install fire sprinklers required before entering into a written contract.
Presented to Governor:
Governor veto: 5/25/2011
View veto letter
Description: Motor vehicle dealer record alternative site authorized, and motor vehicle registration provision modified.
Presented to Governor: 5/21/2011
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Omnibus transportation finance bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/21/11
Governor veto: 05/24/11
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus higher education finance bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/21/11
Governor veto: 05/24/11
View veto letter
Description: Hospital moratorium exception provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/21/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Insurance notices and authorization collected information modified, and insurance appraisers regulated.
Presented to Governor: 5/21/2011
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Synthetic cannabinoid sale or possession crime established; synthetic cannabinoids, 2C-E, and 2C-I added to the list of Schedule I controlled substances; definition of "analog" added; analog of a Schedule I or II controlled substance provided to be considered a Schedule I controlled substance; weight of fluid used in a water pipe established when determining weight or amount of controlled substance; and Board of Pharmacy authorized to reschedule certain drugs only pursuant to law.
Presented to Governor: 05/21/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Driver's license expiration period extended while person is serving in active military service.
Presented to Governor: 05/21/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 7/01/2011
Description: Microdistillery and brewer taproom licenses provided for; temporary and on-sale municipal licenses authorized; technical, clarifying, and other changes made to license provisions; on-sale and off-sales licenses authorized by White Bear Township; off-sale licenses authorized by the City of Rochester; and legislative review of community baseball alcohol issues provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/2011
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 5/25/2011
Description: Abortion funding limited for state-sponsored health programs.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/2011
Governor veto: 5/25/2011
View veto letter
Description: Immunity provided in cases involving the use of school facilities for recreational activities.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/2011
Governor approval: 05/24/2011
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 5/25/2011
Description: Foreclosure provisions for residential tenants application clarified.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/2011
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Abortions at or after 20 weeks postfertilization age prohibited unless exceptions apply, and civil and criminal penalties provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/2011
Governor veto: 5/25/2011
View veto letter
Description: Disability motorcycle plate provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/2011
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Mortgagor notice provided, insurance definition modified, life insurance and title insurance reserves modified, accounts and funding agreements regulated, obsolete and conflicting provisions repealed, conforming changes made, and a bank rule repealed.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/2011
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Professional athlete drug and alcohol testing provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/2011
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/11
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Residential contractors' provision of goods and services regulated, and enforcement provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/2011
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Dental provider contracts and provider audits regulated.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Vacancies in nomination and primaries procedures and requirements changed.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Deeds clarified to correct title and certain acknowledgments, powers of court clarified with respect to a probate provision, cancellation of residential purchase agreements provided, redemption period clarified for foreclosure of certain mortgages, and effective date clarified for child support judgments.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: State agency natural disaster response provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Geospatial advisory council provisions changed and expiration date extended.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 6/30/2011
Description: Voter picture identification required before receiving a ballot, identification cards provided at no charge, filing requirements changed, provisional ballot procedures established, challenged voter eligibility list created, election administration procedures specified, electronic polling place rosters allowed, electronic polling place roster standards set, electronic roster implementation legislative task force created, recount procedures enacted, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor veto: 05/26/11
View veto letter
Description: Driver education and examination provisions regulated relating to carbon monoxide poisoning, and technical changes made.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Licensed ambulance services authorized to submit claims directly to the state.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 5/25/2011
Description: Child certified as an adult detainment in a juvenile facility provided pending the outcome of criminal proceedings, and judges authorized to prohibit juvenile sex offenders from residing near their victims.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Manufactured home parks water and sewer charges regulated, and air admittances valve prohibition repealed.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor veto: 5/25/2011
View veto letter
Description: Public library representative provided for the Governor's Workforce Development Council.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 5/25/2011
Description: Civil immunity extended to municipalities that donate public safety equipment.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Legislative enactments; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete reference corrections made; redundant, conflicting, and superseded provisions removed; and miscellaneous corrections made to laws, statutes, and rules.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Minimum lawful purpose expenditure requirements decreased.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 5/25/2011
Description: Auto insurers required to inform insureds of the right to select any rental vehicle, and advisory required.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Targeted misdemeanor clarified to include no contact order misdemeanor violations for the purpose of requiring fingerprinting.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Anatomical gift $2 donation provided for public information and education, anatomical gift account created, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 1/01/2012
Description: "Criminal act" definition expanded in the racketeering crime.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Pawnbrokers pledged goods return and location restrictions regulated.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Swimming pool pond exemption expiration date removed.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: 5/25/2011
Description: Unemployment insurance and workforce development provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/23/11
Governor approval: 05/24/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/24/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Fourth-degree assault crime and the assaulting a police horse crime expanded to provide more protection to reserve officers, and fourth-degree assault crime expanded to utility and postal service employees and contractors.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Chemical and mental health services changes made, and rate reforms made.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Driver's license reinstatement diversion pilot program county participation allowed, and diversion pilot program extended.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 5/28/2011
Description: Marriage recognized as only a union between one man and one woman, and constitutional amendment proposed.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2011
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/25/2011
Effective date: Amendment failed to pass in general election.
Description: Workers' Compensation Advisory Council recommendations adopted, amount available increased for remodeling or alteration projects, rulemaking required, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Youth athletes with concussions resulting from participation in youth athletic activities policies established.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: E-charging expanded to include citations, juvenile adjudication, and implied test refusal or failure.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Food, beverage, and lodging establishment provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Student record and data use provided for.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Public defender representation provision modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor veto: 05/27/11
View veto letter
Description: Claims processing regulated for insurance on portable electronics products, and automated claims processing system use permitted to requirements and safeguards.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 1/01/2012
Description: Carbon dioxide emissions by utilities ban modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor veto: 05/27/11
View veto letter
Description: Energy provisions modified relating to software sale fund and renewable development account, Department of Commerce, energy conservation improvements, pollution control products, Public Utilities Commission, used nuclear fuel, regulatory incentives, greenhouse gas emissions exemption, and the city of Melrose.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor approval: 5/27/2011
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Adopt-a-WMA program established; state parks, recreation areas, forests, and wildlife management areas added to and deleted from; and public and private sales of surplus and tax-forfeited lands authorized.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor approval: 5/27/2011
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 5/28/2011
Description: Kittson and Marshall Counties; process for making certain county offices appointive provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: The day after local compliance.
Description: State employee group insurance program limited reinstatement of coverage provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act; actions against persons for weight gain as a result of food consumption prohibited.
Presented to Governor: 05/24/11
Governor veto: 05/27/11
View veto letter
Description: Minnesota sex offender program provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 5/25/2011
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 5/28/2011
Description: Pupil transportation provisions modified, Department of Education's role clarified in maintaining training programs, lift bus use included in the category or revenue authorized for reimbursement, and actual contracted transportation costs included as a method for allocating pupil transportation costs.
Presented to Governor: 5/25/2011
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Leo's Law; Mitochondrial Disease Awareness Week proposed.
Presented to Governor: 5/25/2011
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Gratuity sharing notice provided, and employers authorized to safeguard and disburse shared gratuities.
Presented to Governor: 5/25/2011
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: State funds depositories regulated, certificates issued to business entities simplified, contracts entered into by nonprofit corporations governing provisions modified, effective date of resignations of agents modified, notice provided to organizations revised, alternate name use allowed, business entities redefined, and issuance of certificates eliminated to business trusts and municipal power agencies.
Presented to Governor: 5/25/2011
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Omnibus environment policy bill.
Presented to Governor: 5/25/2011
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Continuing education and prelicensing requirements, insurance coverages, disclosures, nonadmitted insurers, insolvencies, real estate closing agents, adjusters, and appraisers regulated.
Presented to Governor: 5/25/2011
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Pickup truck provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 5/25/2011
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Resident case mix classification provisions changed, detoxification services added to interstate contracts for mental health and chemical health services, and licensure requirements changed for body art technicians.
Presented to Governor: 5/25/2011
Governor approval: 05/27/11
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/27/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Omnibus game and fish bill.
Presented to Governor: 5/25/2011
Governor veto: 05/27/11
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus technical tax bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/27/11
Governor approval: 5/31/2011
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/31/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Department of Corrections claim settlements provided, fiscal year 2011 deficiency funding and forecast adjustments provided, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 05/27/11
Governor approval: 5/31/2011
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/31/2011
Effective date: 6/01/2011
Description: Prekindergarten through grade 12 education policy provided, including general education, education excellence, special programs, facilities and technology, student transportation, and early childhood education.
Presented to Governor: 05/27/11
Governor veto: 5/31/2011
View veto letter
Description: Concurrent detachment and annexation provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/27/11
Governor approval: 5/31/2011
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/31/2011
Effective date: 8/01/2011
Description: Courts and common interest ownership provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/27/11
Governor approval: 5/31/2011
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/31/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Gold star license plates eligibility expanded to surviving legal guardians, children, and siblings; motor vehicle fees regulated; Department of Veterans Affairs and veteran homes regulated; and driver and vehicle services technology account made permanent.
Presented to Governor: 05/27/11
Governor approval: 5/31/2011
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/31/2011
Effective date: Various
Description: Conciliation court claims regulated, and court order appeals related to class actions permitted.
Presented to Governor: 02/08/2012
Governor veto: 02/10/2012
View veto letter
Description: Limitation period reduced for bringing certain actions.
Presented to Governor: 02/08/2012
Governor veto: 02/10/2012
View veto letter
Description: Attorney fee relation to damages awarded factor provided.
Presented to Governor: 02/08/2012
Governor veto: 02/10/2012
View veto letter
Description: Interest on verdicts, awards, and judgments regulated.
Presented to Governor: 02/08/2012
Governor veto: 02/10/2012
View veto letter
Description: Teacher candidates required to pass basic skills exam.
Presented to Governor: 2/20/2012
Governor approval: 2/22/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 02/22/12
Effective date: 2/23/2012
Description: Minnesota sex offender program; community notification required when a person is released from the program.
Presented to Governor: 02/23/12
Governor approval: 02/23/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 02/23/2012
Effective date: 2/24/2012
Description: Certification provided for good manufacturing practices for commercial feed and feed ingredients, voluntary certification fees authorized, rule provisions relating to animal feed modified, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 02/28/12
Governor approval: 03/01/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/01/12
Effective date: 3/2/2012
Description: Minnesota State High School League; time period reduced for good faith effort before interscholastic conference membership arrangement.
Presented to Governor: 02/28/12
Governor approval: 03/01/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/01/12
Effective date: 3/2/2012
Description: Firearms; public official authority to disarm individuals at any time clarified and delimited; Minnesota's self-defense and defense of home laws clarified, codified, and extended; common law duty to retreat eliminated; self-defense dwelling boundaries expanded; dwelling or occupied vehicle entrance by stealth or force presumption created; rights available extended to defense against unlawful entry of an occupied vehicle; and other states' permits to carry a pistol within and under the laws of Minnesota recognition provided.
Presented to Governor: 03/01/12
Governor veto: 03/05/12
View veto letter
Description: Forfeited firearm sale by law enforcement agencies authorized to federally licensed firearms dealers.
Presented to Governor: 03/01/12
Governor approval: 03/05/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/05/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: DWI, off-highway vehicle, drive-by shooting, designated offense, and controlled substance forfeiture laws changes made to provide more uniformity; monetary cap raised on the value of property forfeitures that may be adjudicated in conciliation court; forfeited property prohibited from being sold to prosecuting authorities or persons related to prosecuting authorities; and general criminal code forfeiture law, necessity of conviction, and burden of proof clarified.
Presented to Governor: 03/05/12
Governor approval: 03/08/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/08/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012 (except for Sec. 17, Subd. 6a which is effective 7/1/2012)
Description: Public employee definition modified.
Presented to Governor: 03/05/12
Governor veto: 03/08/12
View veto letter
Description: Adult education tracking system modified.
Presented to Governor: 3/6/2012
Governor approval: 03/08/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/08/12
Effective date: 3/9/2012
Description: State and local government tort liability limits restored to pre-2008 levels, and state and local government contracts that require contractors to provide liability insurance or other security in excess of those limits prohibited.
Presented to Governor: 03/12/12
Governor approval: 03/15/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/15/12
Effective date: 3/16/2012
Description: Late fee provisions modified, and provisions clarified relating to eviction from property subject to foreclosure.
Presented to Governor: 3/16/2012
Governor approval: 03/20/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/20/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Office of Administrative Hearings disposition of contested case hearings provided.
Presented to Governor: 3/16/2012
Governor veto: 03/20/12
View veto letter
Description: Real estate licensee responsibility specified for property management activities on real property owned by the licensee or by an entity in which the licensee has an ownership interest.
Presented to Governor: 03/19/12
Governor approval: 03/20/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/20/12
Effective date: 3/21/2012
Description: Municipality detachment provided.
Presented to Governor: 03/20/12
Governor approval: 03/20/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/20/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Early childhood development screening notice modified.
Presented to Governor: 03/23/12
Governor approval: 3/26/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/26/12
Effective date: 3/27/2012
Description: School bus safety and standards provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 03/27/12
Governor approval: 03/29/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 3/29/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: School food service fund equipment purchase approval process simplified.
Presented to Governor: 03/27/12
Governor approval: 3/29/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 3/29/12
Effective date: 7/1/2012
Description: Substitute principal continuing education requirements clarified.
Presented to Governor: 03/27/12
Governor approval: 3/29/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 3/29/12
Effective date: 3/30/2012
Description: State budget document required to include federal contingency planning.
Presented to Governor: 03/27/12
Governor veto: 03/29/12
View veto letter
Description: Defensive driving refresher course requirements modified.
Presented to Governor: 03/27/12
Governor approval: 03/30/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 3/30/2012
Effective date: 3/31/2012
Description: State bank closures for holidays clarified, state bank lending limits changed to comply with federal law, and obsolete language repealed relating to deposits payable on demand.
Presented to Governor: 03/28/12
Governor approval: 3/30/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 3/30/2012
Effective date: Sec. 1 and 3 effective 3/31/2012, Sec. 2 effective 1/21/2013
Description: Receiverships, assignments for the benefit of creditors, and nonprofit corporation statutes amended; and Uniform Disclaimer of Property Interests Act changed, updated, and clarified.
Presented to Governor: 3/29/12
Governor approval: 03/30/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 3/30/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Nonpublic pupil textbook aid expanded.
Presented to Governor: 3/29/12
Governor approval: 03/30/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 3/30/2012
Effective date: 7/1/2012
Description: Adult basic education; process created for contact hours lost due to a service disruption.
Presented to Governor: 3/29/12
Governor approval: 03/30/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 3/30/2012
Effective date: 7/1/2012
Description: School districts; ability to use prone restraints extended to one additional year, and data collection and reporting required.
Presented to Governor: 3/29/12
Governor approval: 4/2/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/2/2012
Effective date: 4/3/2012
Description: Vehicle combination allowed to transport property and equipment.
Presented to Governor: 3/29/12
Governor approval: 03/30/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 3/30/2012
Effective date: 3/31/2012
Description: Out-of-state residential mental health treatment allowed for children who are deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing and who use American Sign Language as their first language.
Presented to Governor: 3/29/12
Governor approval: 4/2/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/2/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Honor guard stipends preference modified.
Presented to Governor: 3/29/12
Governor approval: 4/2/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/2/2012
Effective date: 7/1/2012
Description: Environmental permitting efficiency provided, environmental review requirements modified, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 3/29/12
Governor approval: 4/2/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/2/2012
Effective date: 4/3/2012
Description: Charitable or religious organization transfers excluded from the fraudulent transfers act.
Presented to Governor: 3/30/12
Governor approval: 4/3/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/3/2012
Effective date: 4/4/2012
Description: Abortion; grant eligibility modified for abortion alternative programs.
Presented to Governor: 4/2/12
Governor approval: 4/4/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/4/2012
Effective date: 2/1/2012
Description: Jacob's law established, law enforcement notification required to social services if a child is neglected or abused outside the home, and parental rights under custody orders amended to include police reports on minor children.
Presented to Governor: 4/2/12
Governor approval: 4/4/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/4/2012
Effective date: 7/1/2012
Description: Omnibus K-12 bill.
Presented to Governor: 4/2/12
Governor veto: 4/5/2012
View veto letter
Description: Fugitive apprehension unit authorized to apply for search warrants, commissioner directed to implement a gardening program at state correctional facilities, selection criteria narrowed for challenge incarceration program, and victim notification permitted to include electronic and written notification.
Presented to Governor: 4/3/2012
Governor approval: 4/4/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/4/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Police civilian review uniform authority procedures provided.
Presented to Governor: 4/3/2012
Governor approval: 4/5/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/5/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Travel insurance offer and dissemination regulated.
Presented to Governor: 4/3/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/4/2012
Governor approval: 4/4/2012
Effective date: 7/1/2012
Description: Metropolitan Council staggered, four-year terms provided for members.
Presented to Governor: 4/3/2012
Governor veto: 4/5/12
View veto letter
Description: Plumbing requirements modified relating to sump pumps and drain tiles.
Presented to Governor: 4/3/2012
Governor approval: 4/4/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/4/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Health plan company definition modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/3/2012
Governor approval: 4/5/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/5/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Solid waste definition modified to exempt highway construction, improvement, or repair activities.
Presented to Governor: 4/3/2012
Governor approval: 4/5/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/5/2012
Effective date: 4/6/2012
Description: Township mutual fire insurance company combination policies regulated.
Presented to Governor: 4/3/2012
Governor approval: 4/5/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/5/2012
Effective date: 4/6/2012
Description: Junked motor vehicle buyer class eligibility expanded, and commissioner of public safety directed to make changes to Minnesota Rules.
Presented to Governor: 4/3/2012
Governor approval: 4/5/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/5/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Hospital community benefit programs and health maintenance organization collaboration plans; evidence-based strategy requirements removed.
Presented to Governor: 4/3/2012
Governor approval: 4/5/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/5/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Motor carrier contract indemnity provisions prohibited.
Presented to Governor: 4/3/2012
Governor approval: 4/5/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/5/2012
Effective date: 4/6/2012
Description: Automated drug distribution system authorized.
Presented to Governor: 4/5/2012
Governor approval: 4/9/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/9/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Voters required to present photographic identification, photographic identification provided to voters at no charge, equal verification standards required for all voters, and constitutional amendment proposed.
Presented to Governor: 4/5/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/10/12
Effective date: Amendment failed to pass in general election.
Description: Successor corporation asbestos-related liabilities limited.
Presented to Governor: 4/5/2012
Governor veto: 4/9/2012
View veto letter
Description: Medical assistance coverage provided for community paramedic services.
Presented to Governor: 4/5/2012
Governor approval: 4/9/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/9/2012
Effective date: 7/1/2012, or upon federal approval, whichever is later.
Description: Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association; premium rate-setting process flexibility permitted.
Presented to Governor: 4/5/2012
Governor approval: 4/9/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/9/2012
Effective date: 4/10/2012
Description: County attorneys and assistant county attorneys authorized to carry firearms on duty under the terms of a permit to carry.
Presented to Governor: 4/5/2012
Governor approval: 4/9/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/9/2012
Effective date: 4/10/2012
Description: Towed implements of husbandry brake requirements amended.
Presented to Governor: 4/16/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Motor fuel theft specifically included in the theft crime, and permissive inference created.
Presented to Governor: 4/16/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Motor vehicle registration plate and sticker provisions amended, and dealer allowed to obtain cancellation of lien more than seven years old.
Presented to Governor: 4/16/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: Sec. 1 effective 4/19/2012; Sec. 2 effective 8/1/2012
Description: Criminal neglect of vulnerable adult penalty modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/16/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Design-build projects approved under pilot program completion authorized.
Presented to Governor: 4/16/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 4/19/2012
Description: Child care accreditation provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/16/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Time share interests registration provided.
Presented to Governor: 4/16/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Incumbent electric transmission owner rights established, and commission procedures established.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/2012
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Dentists, dental hygienists, and dental assistant guest license provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Volunteer dental services coverage provided for and regulated.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Window cleaning safety measures implemented.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 4/19/2012
Description: Child support 20-year survival judgements provisions eliminated.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: Retroactively from 4/15/2010
Description: Relocation assistance amount or denial hearing required.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 4/19/2012
Description: Guaranty association coverage written disclosure permitted when a policy is delivered, and access expanded to accident reports to include all parties involved.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 4/19/2012
Description: Veterans and spouses of a disabled or deceased veteran hiring and promotion preference by private employer permitted.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Legislative enactments; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete references corrected; redundant, conflicting, and superseded provisions removed; and miscellaneous corrections to laws, statutes, and rules made.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Fallen Firefighters Memorial Day designated date changed.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Health professional education loan forgiveness program requirements amended.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 4/19/2012
Description: Child care assistance fund payments modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor veto: 4/20/12
View veto letter
Description: Commissioner of education prohibited from enforcing unadopted rules.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor veto: 4/20/2012
View veto letter
Description: Military affairs; nonpublic employees reemployment rights protections extended.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 4/19/2012
Description: Emergency medical personnel licensed.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 4/19/2012
Description: Federally licensed firearm importers, manufacturers, and dealers authorized to possess and sell firearm silencers to government agencies, the military, and other licensed firearms importers, manufacturers, and dealers.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Motor vehicle titling and license plate requirements amended and clarified for pioneer vehicles.
Presented to Governor: 4/17/12
Governor approval: 4/18/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/18/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Renewable development account regulated.
Presented to Governor: 4/18/2012
Governor approval: 4/20/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/20/12
Effective date: 7/1/2012
Description: Social worker licensure provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/18/2012
Governor approval: 4/20/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/20/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012 (except for Article 3, Section 2 which is effective retroactively from 8/1/2011)
Description: Manufactured home unaffixing process from real property provided.
Presented to Governor: 4/18/2012
Governor approval: 4/20/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/20/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Washington County Housing and Redevelopment Authority and the Anoka County Housing and Redevelopment Authority jurisdiction clarified.
Presented to Governor: 4/18/2012
Governor approval: 4/20/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/20/12
Effective date: Upon local approval
Description: Firearm possession by a minor included as unlawful for purposes of orders to enjoin gang activity.
Presented to Governor: 4/18/2012
Governor approval: 4/20/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/20/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Unemployment insurance federal conformity, policy, and other housekeeping changes made.
Presented to Governor: 4/18/2012
Governor approval: 4/20/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/20/12
Effective date: Various
Description: State award issuance to Minnesota National Guard nonmembers allowed.
Presented to Governor: 4/18/2012
Governor approval: 4/20/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/20/12
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Agricultural pursuit clarified as not being determinative for property tax classification, and agricultural operation defined.
Presented to Governor: 4/18/2012
Governor approval: 4/20/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/20/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Bermuda; human services commissioner instructed to initiate a foreign reciprocal agreement.
Presented to Governor: 4/19/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: Upon Bermuda's written acceptance. Otherwise, this section expires December 31, 2013.
Description: State employee gainsharing program maximum award increased.
Presented to Governor: 4/19/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: School district reserved staff development revenue allocation requirement stricken.
Presented to Governor: 4/19/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: Section 1: 4/24/2012, Section 2: 7/1/2012
Description: High school transition plan proposed for students to successfully pursue postsecondary education and employment.
Presented to Governor: 4/19/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 4/24/2012
Description: Jury selection limitation removed on voter list data received by courts.
Presented to Governor: 4/19/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: District money deposit investments authorized, and designated depositories provided.
Presented to Governor: 4/19/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 4/24/2012
Description: Felony of fraudulent or other improper finance statements extended to include retaliation against a sheriff or county recorder for performance of official duties regarding real property.
Presented to Governor: 4/19/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Fingerprints permitted to be taken by law enforcement for any offender interacting with the criminal justice system for any offense to eliminate a suspense record.
Presented to Governor: 4/19/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Public defender representation, appointment, and reimbursement obligation provisions amended; and financial responsibility outlined for public defender cost, cost for counsel in CHIPS cases, pretrial appeals costs, and standby counsel costs.
Presented to Governor: 4/19/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Local government employees required to approve participation in or withdrawal from the public employees insurance program.
Presented to Governor: 4/19/2012
Governor veto: 4/23/12
View veto letter
Description: Department of Administration permitted to contract for waste-hauling without determining whether state employees are able to do the work.
Presented to Governor: 4/19/2012
Governor veto: 4/23/12
View veto letter
Description: Pharmacy audit integrity program established.
Presented to Governor: 4/19/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Children and family services provisions modified, child safety and permanency reform provided including adoptions under guardianship of the commissioner, statutory provisions modified related to child support, child care provisions modified, fees modified, MFIP provisions modified, criminal penalties provided, and technical changes made.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: New radiation therapy facility construction criteria established, and radiation therapy facility capacity study required.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Public notice provided for the release hearing for killers of peace officers, and harassment restraining order provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Scott County; additional deputy registrar of motor vehicles authorized.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Eligible contractor list required to be made available under a master contract program.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Federal E-Verify program use by state appointing authorities required.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor veto: 4/24/12
View veto letter
Description: Convictions under the original criminal vehicular operation law allowed to enhance DWI offenses, and legislative oversight corrected.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 4/24/2012
Description: Harassment restraining order petitions jurisdiction provided.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Administrative law judge and compensation judge mandatory retirement age changed.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 4/24/2012
Description: Debt collection agency and registration of individual debt collector procedures amended.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Municipalities authorized to make grants to emergency medical services agencies.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Domestic violence-related offense qualifying definition expanded.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Advanced diagnostic imaging services operator accreditation required.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Sex offender sentencing grid modification required.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 4/24/2012
Description: Veterans removal hearing board appointment procedure modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Noncompetitive appointment of disabled veterans in the classified service provided.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Correctional facility claims settlement against the state provided for and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 4/20/2012
Governor approval: 4/23/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/23/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Abortion facility licensure required, facility license fee set, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 4/23/2012
Governor veto: 04/26/12
View veto letter
Description: Fraud prevention measures established for money transmitters, and home solicitation sale definition clarified.
Presented to Governor: 4/24/2012
Governor approval: 4/27/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/27/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Liquor regulations modified, and liquor licenses authorized.
Presented to Governor: 4/24/2012
Governor approval: 4/27/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/27/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: State parks, state recreation areas, and state forests added to and deleted from, and conveyances and public and private sales of state and county lands authorized.
Presented to Governor: 4/24/2012
Governor approval: 4/27/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/27/2012
Effective date: Sec. 12, 16-21, 28 04/28/12; Sec. 29 Local Approval; Sec. 1-11, 13-15, 22-27, 30 08/01/12
Description: Community energy technical assistance and outreach assessment and grant required.
Presented to Governor: 4/24/2012
Governor approval: 4/27/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/27/2012
Effective date: 7/1/2012
Description: State agency notice to the legislature and requirements modified for statements of need and reasonableness.
Presented to Governor: 4/24/2012
Governor approval: 4/27/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/27/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: General education, education excellence, special education, and other programs provided for, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 4/24/2012
Governor approval: 4/27/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/27/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: State-controlled substance schedules aligned with federal controlled substance schedules, Board of Pharmacy's controlled substance regulation authority modified, and penalties provided.
Presented to Governor: 4/24/2012
Governor approval: 4/27/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/27/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Office of Administrative Hearings judge authorized to perform marriages.
Presented to Governor: 4/24/2012
Governor approval: 4/27/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/27/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Lawful gambling net profits for military marching, color guard, or honor guard units allowable per diem reimbursement increased.
Presented to Governor: 4/25/2012
Governor approval: 4/28/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/28/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Fireworks personal use authorized.
Presented to Governor: 4/25/2012
Governor veto: 4/28/2012
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus agriculture bill.
Presented to Governor: 4/25/2012
Governor approval: 4/28/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/28/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Contract terms continuance not allowed after expiration of a collective bargaining agreement.
Presented to Governor: 4/25/2012
Governor veto: 4/27/12
View veto letter
Description: Electronic prescribing of controlled substances allowed.
Presented to Governor: 4/25/2012
Governor approval: 4/28/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/28/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Health and human services omnibus bill.
Presented to Governor: 4/25/2012
Governor approval: 4/28/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/28/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Claims practices regulated.
Presented to Governor: 4/25/2012
Governor approval: 4/28/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/28/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Permanent School Fund Advisory Committee changed into a legislative commission, and director provided for school trust lands.
Presented to Governor: 4/25/2012
Governor approval: 4/28/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/28/2012
Effective date: Sections 1-10 effective 7/1/2013; Section 11 effective 7/1/2012
Description: Absentee ballot envelope certificate modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/26/2012
Governor approval: 4/27/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/27/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Lobbying principal reports modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/26/2012
Governor approval: 4/30/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/30/2012
Effective date: Effective for reports due 3/15/2013 and thereafter.
Description: Abortion; prescribing physicians required to be physically present when abortion-inducing drugs are administered.
Presented to Governor: 4/26/2012
Governor veto: 4/30/12
View veto letter
Description: Electronic claims and electronic transaction requirement changed, health care and disability service provisions changes made, supplemental agreement provided to a contract for community social services, family stabilization service provision changes made, procedures required to establish reciprocal child support agreement with Bermuda, and public pool exemption provisions changed.
Presented to Governor: 4/26/2012
Governor approval: 4/30/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/30/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Small business set-aside program changed for veteran-owned small businesses, county set-aside programs authorized for veteran-owned small businesses, and reporting requirements changed.
Presented to Governor: 4/26/2012
Governor approval: 4/30/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/30/2012
Effective date: 7/1/2012
Description: Auto insurance claims practices regulated.
Presented to Governor: 4/26/2012
Governor approval: 4/30/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/30/2012
Effective date: 1/1/2013
Description: Health care compact created.
Presented to Governor: 4/26/2012
Governor veto: 4/30/12
View veto letter
Description: Board of School Administrators provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/26/2012
Governor approval: 4/30/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 4/30/2012
Effective date: 5/1/2012
Description: State Patrol authorized to provide security and protection to certain government officials, and Capitol complex security committee established.
Presented to Governor: 4/27/2012
Governor approval: 5/1/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/1/2012
Effective date: 5/2/2012
Description: Portable electronics insurance sale regulated.
Presented to Governor: 4/27/2012
Governor approval: 5/1/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/1/2012
Effective date: 1/1/2013
Description: Closing agents regulated, and licensed attorneys and direct employees of licensed attorneys exempted from the licensing requirements for closing agents.
Presented to Governor: 4/27/2012
Governor approval: 5/1/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/1/2012
Effective date: 5/2/2012
Description: Annuity products regulated, and National Association of Insurance Commissioners model regulation enacted and modified relating to suitability in annuity transactions.
Presented to Governor: 4/26/2012
Governor veto: 4/30/2012
View veto letter
Description: Electrical licenses modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/27/2012
Governor approval: 5/1/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/1/2012
Effective date: 10/1/2012
Description: School district pilot project established to examine joint operations to provide innovative delivery of programs and activities and share resources.
Presented to Governor: 4/27/2012
Governor approval: 5/1/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/1/2012
Effective date: 7/1/2012
Description: Legacy bill; outdoor heritage fund, clean water fund, arts and cultural heritage fund, and environment and natural resources trust fund money appropriated; outdoor heritage fund appropriation requirements modified; Aquatic Invasive Species Cooperative Research Center money appropriated; prior appropriations modified; parks and trails grant program provisions modified; and grant management provisions and film production jobs program oversight and control changed.
Presented to Governor: 4/27/2012
Governor approval: 5/1/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/1/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: House of representatives district boundaries adjusted within senate districts 39 and 49, and obsolete district descriptions repealed.
Presented to Governor: 4/28/12
Governor veto: 5/2/12
View veto letter
Description: Department of Human Services electronic civil commitment data access permitted to law enforcement for background checks on explosives possession permit applications.
Presented to Governor: 4/28/12
Governor approval: 5/2/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/2/2012
Effective date: Sec. 1, Subd. 5 effective 5/3/2012; Sec. 2 effective 8/1/2012
Description: Motor vehicle damage disclosure modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/28/12
Governor approval: 5/2/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/2/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Cooperative utilities under the integrated resource planning process reporting obligations modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/28/12
Governor approval: 5/2/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/2/2012
Effective date: 5/3/2012
Description: Dental laboratories regulated, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 4/28/12
Governor approval: 5/2/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/2/2012
Effective date: Sec. 1-8 effective 1/1/2013; Sec. 9 effective 7/1/2012
Description: Omnibus higher education bill.
Presented to Governor: 4/28/12
Governor approval: 5/2/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/2/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Advisory council provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/30/2012
Governor approval: 5/3/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/3/2012
Effective date: 8/1/2012
Description: Omnibus environment and natural resources bill.
Presented to Governor: 4/30/2012
Governor approval: 5/3/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/3/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Online learning parameters modified, graduation requirements modified, and digital learning provided.
Presented to Governor: 4/30/2012
Governor approval: 5/3/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/3/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: School districts allowed to base unrequested leave of absence and discharge and demotion decisions on teacher evaluation outcomes.
Presented to Governor: 4/30/2012
Governor veto: 5/3/12
View veto letter
Description: Legislative approval of rules modified.
Presented to Governor: 4/30/2012
Governor veto: 5/3/12
View veto letter
Description: Unified personal health premium accounts permitted.
Presented to Governor: 4/30/2012
Governor veto: 5/3/12
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus game and fish bill.
Presented to Governor: 4/30/2012
Governor approval: 5/3/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/3/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Sunset review process changes implemented and Sunset Advisory Commission permitted to enter into contracts, and other provisions modified relating to state councils and agencies, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 5/1/2012
Governor approval: 5/4/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/4/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Card club and pari-mutuel wagering provisions modified, and regulatory threshold concentrations provided to be set by the commission.
Presented to Governor: 5/1/2012
Governor approval: 5/4/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/4/2012
Effective date: 5/5/2012
Description: Public data definition relating to agreements involving payment of public money clarified.
Presented to Governor: 5/1/2012
Governor approval: 5/4/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/4/2012
Effective date: 5/5/2012
Description: High school graduation requirements and academic standards revision authorization required by the legislature.
Presented to Governor: 5/1/2012
Governor veto: 5/4/12
View veto letter
Description: Help America Vote Act funds determined and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 5/2/12
Governor approval: 5/4/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/4/2012
Effective date: 7/1/2012
Description: Conciliation court civil claim limit increased.
Presented to Governor: 5/2/2012
Governor approval: 5/7/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/7/2012
Effective date: Sec. 1 and 3 effective 8/1/2012; Sec. 2 effective 8/1/2014
Description: State Building Code and apprenticeship training changes made.
Presented to Governor: 5/2/2012
Governor veto: 5/7/12
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus tax bill.
Presented to Governor: 5/2/2012
Governor veto: 5/4/2012
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus pension bill.
Presented to Governor: 5/7/2012
Governor approval: 5/10/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/10/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Omnibus transportation bill.
Presented to Governor: 5/7/12
Governor approval: 5/10/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/10/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Redevelopment demolition loans authorized, semiannual report eliminated, small business advocate office established in the Business Assistance Center, and Albert Lea granted the authority to establish an industrial sewer charge rebate program.
Presented to Governor: 5/7/12
Governor approval: 5/10/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/10/2012
Effective date: Sec. 1-10, and 12 effective 8/1/2012; Sec. 11 effective upon local compliance
Description: Construction code fund transfer to the general fund eliminated, and surcharges modified.
Presented to Governor: 5/7/12
Governor approval: 5/10/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/10/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Data practices technical changes made.
Presented to Governor: 5/8/2012
Governor approval: 5/10/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/10/2012
Effective date: 5/11/2012
Description: Executive branch employee representative negotiations authorized to avoid layoffs.
Presented to Governor: 5/8/2012
Governor veto: 5/9/2012
View veto letter
Description: Equalizing factors and threshold rates updated to reflect the changed adjusted net tax capacity tax base, education and human services appropriations updated for changes reflected in the February forecast, veterans job-training program provided for, supplemental budget appropriations provided, disposition of fees modified, newborn screening provisions modified, Housing Finance Agency provisions modified, reports required, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 5/8/2012
Governor approval: 5/10/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/10/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Omnibus bonding bill - 2012.
Presented to Governor: 5/9/12
Governor approval: 5/11/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/11/2012
Effective date: Various
Description: Individual income, corporate franchise, property, sales and use, and other taxes and tax-related provisions changed; supplemental targeting refund provided; city aid payments modified and cities exempted from 2011 aid payment penalties; technical, minor, and clarifying changes made in enterprise zone and economic development powers, and obsolete provisions eliminated; fund transfer required; and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 5/11/2012
Governor approval: 5/14/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/14/12
Effective date: Various
Description: Independent contractor employee classification clarified, and contractor registration pilot project provided.
Presented to Governor: 5/11/2012
Governor approval: 5/14/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/14/12
Effective date: Various
Description: State and local government finance provisions changed relating to income and corporate, property, sales and use, mineral, and miscellaneous taxes; and other provisions changed relating to local development, estate taxes, and homestead market value cleanup; and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 5/11/2012
Pocket veto: 5/14/12
Description: Parenting time presumption increased.
Presented to Governor: 5/11/2012
Pocket veto: 5/24/12
Description: Legislative enactments miscellaneous oversights, inconsistencies, ambiguities, unintended results, and technical errors corrected.
Presented to Governor: 5/11/2012
Governor approval: 5/14/2012
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/14/12
Effective date: At the time the provision being corrected takes effect.
Description: Vikings stadium bill; National Football League stadium in Minnesota provided for; Minnesota Sports Facilities Authority established; Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission abolished; local tax revenue provided for; electronic pull-tab games, electronic linked bingo games, and sports-themed tipboard games provided for; conditional imposition of taxes and collection of other revenues provided for; tax rates on lawful gambling modified; bonds issued; and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 5/11/2012
Governor approval: 5/14/12
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/14/12
Effective date: various