Description: Omnibus supplemental budget bill.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 06/01/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 6/1/2016
Description: Omnibus tax bill.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Pocket veto:
Description: Revisor's bill correcting miscellaneous oversights, inconsistencies, ambiguities, unintended results, and technical errors.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 06/06/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 06/06/16
Description: Environment and natural resources trust fund appropriations specified, Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR) provisions modified, and University of Minnesota reimbursement procedures established.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Line item veto: Pages 8-9, lines 8.30-9.2; page 9, lines 9.3-9.23; pages 9-10, lines 9.24-10.3; page 22, lines 22.3-22.8; pages 30-31, lines 30.30-31.21; page 35, lines 35.3-35.12; page 35, lines 35.13-35.22
View veto letter
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Prescription monitoring program changes made.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Agriculture policy and technical changes made to provisions and programs, solar site management provided, elk management plan modified, previous appropriation modified, Farmer Lender Mediation Task Force and Farm Safety Initiative established, and reports required.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Advance deposit wagering authorized, horse racing revenue provided, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Controlled substance schedules modified.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Voluntary solar site management practices established.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Utilities crossing railroad right-of-way requirements established, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Health carrier required to update website; provisions amended relating to all-payer claims data, statewide trauma system, home care, assisted living, body art, hearing instrument dispensers, and food, beverage, and lodging establishments; Zika virus response activities directed; medical faculty license requirements adopted; medical cannabis program provisions changed; work group established; an appropriation canceled; and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Life insurance reserve provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 06/01/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 6/1/2016
Description: Omnibus state retirement bill.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor veto: 5/31/2016
View veto letter
Description: Respondent filing fee requirements for an order for protection eliminated.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Interference with a body or scene of death crime modified and sentence increased.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Child care legislative task force created, and report to legislature and governor required.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Minnesota State Retirement System board of directors provisions changed, labor agreements and compensation plans ratified, and agency director salary increase ratified.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Outdoor heritage fund and clean water fund money appropriated, Lessard-Sams Outdoor Heritage Council provisions modified, legacy fund provisions modified, and prior appropriations modified.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Portable recording system data classified, data destruction requirements established, written policies and procedures required, requirements on vendors imposed, damage awards provided, and legislative auditor review required.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Continuum of treatment for individuals with substance use disorders reform required.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Drivers required to stop vehicles at direction of school bus flagger, and bus drivers exempted from seat belt fines arising out of violations by passengers.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Temporary use of rights-of-way permit requirements modified.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Family law case alternative dispute resolution information required to be provided by the court.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Electronic waste management provisions modified, and metropolitan landfill contingency action trust account management provided.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Sulfate effluent permit compliance provided.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Special transportation service provider regulations and penalties amended, and nonemergency medical transportation provider requirements related to background studies set.
Presented to Governor: 5/24/2016
Governor approval: 5/31/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/31/16
Description: Ombudsman office for long-term care, chemical and mental health treatment services, and miscellaneous policy provisions modified; and Minnesota Eligibility System Executive Steering Committee established.
Presented to Governor: 5/22/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Presidential nomination primary established, provisions related to precinct caucuses modified, technical and conforming changes made, rulemaking authorized, and base appropriation adjustment provided.
Presented to Governor: 5/22/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Omnibus elections bill.
Presented to Governor: 5/22/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Controlled substance crime thresholds modified, new offenses created specific to possession of marijuana plants and possession of trace amounts of controlled substances, mandatory minimum sentences eliminated for lower level controlled substance crimes, new account established in the state treasury, and money appropriated while other appropriations reduced.
Presented to Governor: 5/22/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Disability discrimination claim requirements established related to architectural barriers, and notices required in building inspection reports.
Presented to Governor: 5/22/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Revisor's bill; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete references corrected.
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Hibbing's Public Utility Commission membership increase authorized, reimbursable costs for purposes of a power purchase agreement listed, existing council member wards of Hibbing abolished and replaced, and Hibbing's form of government changed.
Presented to Governor: 5/22/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Appraiser fees, investigation costs, and appraisal management companies regulated.
Presented to Governor: 5/22/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Health carriers permitted to not renew conversion individual health plans, and notice to affected policyholders required.
Presented to Governor: 5/22/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Omnibus lands bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Child protection legislative task force extended.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Damage to energy transmission or telecommunications equipment crime expanded.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Hennepin County; central purchasing and energy forward pricing sections amended, and job order contracting authority established.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Closed captioning requirement on televisions in medical facilities added.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Corrections Department authorized access to employment data for research of effectiveness of employment programming for offenders in the community.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Imprisonment and Exoneration Remedies Act award payments provided; legislative consideration clarified; claims against Corrections Department payment provided; funding provided; claims for loss, damage, or destruction of property of patients or inmates provided; claim limit of $7,000 established for settlement; claims filing fee increased; and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Earned compliance credit program for persons under correctional supervision establishment study required, and report required.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Richfield; response time residency requirement for firefighters extended.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Blood samples; ex parte hearings authorized to determine when an emergency medical service person has a significant exposure to a source individual's bodily fluids, and peace officers authorized to take a noncompliant individual into temporary custody to collect a blood sample.
Presented to Governor: 05/19/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Consumer-directed community supports budget methodology existing exception sunset extended.
Presented to Governor: 05/19/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Disability waiver rate system modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/19/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Motor vehicle weight limits governed, weight limit increased for vehicles powered by natural gas increased, and technical changes made.
Presented to Governor: 05/19/16
Governor approval: 5/23/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/23/16
Description: Mandatory hearing requirement for subsequent orders and extensions eliminated.
Presented to Governor: 05/19/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Nursing facility requirements modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/19/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Gambling manager provisions modified, raffles provided, prize limits increased, and local regulation prescribed.
Presented to Governor: 05/19/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Raffle boards provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/19/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Marriage license five-day waiting period eliminated.
Presented to Governor: 05/19/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Registered predatory offender written statement for change of information required, and access to registration data by child protection workers for determination of child residence with predatory offender authorized.
Presented to Governor: 05/19/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Animal care trusts provided, probate provisions modified, Revised Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act enacted and related statute references updated, receivership and assignment provisions clarified, short form of assignment provided for recording with a deed to transfer real property, fees clarified, and other business organization clarifying changes made.
Presented to Governor: 05/19/16
Governor approval: 05/22/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 5/22/2016
Description: Bullion product dealers regulated.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Building and construction contracts regulated, and progress payments and retainages provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Spousal maintenance based on the cohabitation of the obligee modification allowed.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Online hunting and fishing license application required to provide for organ donation, and report required.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Legislative Coordinating Commission provisions changed, and ethnic council provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Workforce development areas modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Workplace Accident and Injury Recovery program modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Eyelash extension services regulated.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images and nonconsensual sexual solicitation civil cause of action created, crime of stalking amended, qualified domestic violence related offense definition expanded, criminal penalties established, and criminal defamation law clarified.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Physician assistant, midwife, and nurse provisions modified; and license suspension and contested case hearing provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Practice of pharmacy definition provisions added, legend drug collection and disposal as pharmaceutical waste changes made, and opiate antagonist protocol required.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Dry cleaner response and reimbursement account provisions modified, prior appropriation modified, and rulemaking required.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Pharmacists allowed to dispense a 90-day supply of a prescription drug.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Identity theft crimes statute of limitations extended.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Clinical drug trial participation prohibited by persons subject to emergency admission or apprehend and hold orders, and notice requirement for early termination of an emergency admission specified.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Osteopathic physician licensure requirement modified, and technical changes made to the composition of the Board of Medical Practice.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Trunk Highway 28 segment designated as Staff Sergeant Kevin Witte Memorial Highway.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: McLeod County; Trunk Highway 7 segment designated as Patrol Officer Michael Alan Hogan Memorial Highway.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Statewide criminal and juvenile justice information policy and funding issues advisory group provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Competitive market regulation provided for local exchange carriers, informal review and resolution of disputes provided, call routing practices prohibited, and registration of wholesale transport providers provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Autocycle regulations established.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Driving instructor license applicant criminal history background checks required.
Presented to Governor: 05/17/16
Governor approval: 05/19/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/16
Description: Medical treatment for mental health excluded from inmate co-payment.
Presented to Governor: 05/12/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Temporary family health care dwelling zoning regulated, and temporary dwelling permits established.
Presented to Governor: 05/12/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Workers' Compensation Advisory Council recommendations adopted.
Presented to Governor: 05/12/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Criminal vehicular homicide enhanced penalty created for offenses occurring within ten years of qualified offense.
Presented to Governor: 05/12/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Counties authorized to continue participation in the community corrections subsidy program.
Presented to Governor: 05/11/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Motor vehicle distribution unfair practices regulated.
Presented to Governor: 05/11/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Co-occurring mental health and chemical dependency disorders screening requirements modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/10/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Median total care related per diem technical corrections made.
Presented to Governor: 05/10/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Wastewater treatment technology incentive provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/10/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Hospital required to provide a patient the opportunity to designate a caregiver upon entry, and hospital required to provide discharge plan and aftercare instructions to designated caregiver prior to discharge.
Presented to Governor: 05/10/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Cities authorized to exempt land less than 20 acres from the fence-viewing process, and cities authorized to adopt fence policies.
Presented to Governor: 05/09/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Child foster care provider training required.
Presented to Governor: 5/9/2016
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Tax debt included as debt that is covered under debt settlement services regulation.
Presented to Governor: 05/09/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Nursing facility payment language recodified, conforming changes made, and obsolete provisions repealed.
Presented to Governor: 05/09/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Service signs at two intersections or interchanges permitted.
Presented to Governor: 05/09/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Elk River; public utilities commission membership increase permitted.
Presented to Governor: 05/09/16
Governor approval: 5/12/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/12/16
Description: Small vehicle passenger service ordinances that regulate pedicabs requirements amended.
Presented to Governor: 05/05/16
Governor approval: 5/6/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/06/16
Description: Sanitary district creation, annexation, detachment, and dissolution procedures modified; and filing and hearing requirements modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/04/16
Governor approval: 05/06/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/06/16
Description: Host community economic development grants modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/04/16
Governor approval: 5/6/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/06/16
Description: Fourth-degree assault against a peace officer offense clarified.
Presented to Governor: 05/03/16
Governor approval: 5/6/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/06/16
Description: Dakota County Community Development Agency membership amended, Washington County Housing and Redevelopment Agency laws amended, Washington County Community Development Agency created, and obsolete language deleted.
Presented to Governor: 05/03/16
Governor approval: 5/6/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/06/16
Description: Retention limits modified.
Presented to Governor: 04/28/16
Governor approval: 4/29/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/29/16
Description: Qualified active duty military members and veterans and spouses granted waiver for licensing experience requirement for broker's examination.
Presented to Governor: 04/27/16
Governor approval: 4/29/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/29/16
Description: Bad faith assertions of patent infringements prohibited, and enforcement provided.
Presented to Governor: 04/26/16
Governor approval: 4/29/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/29/16
Description: Hospitals designated as ST segment elevation myocardial infarction receiving centers, ST segment elevation myocardial infarction transport protocols required, and technical changes made to the Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board audit and education provisions.
Presented to Governor: 04/26/16
Governor approval: 4/29/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/29/16
Description: Local governments permitted to donate surplus equipment to nonprofit organizations, and exception to tort liability created.
Presented to Governor: 04/25/16
Governor approval: 04/25/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/25/16
Description: Dual training grant program clarified.
Presented to Governor: 04/25/16
Governor approval: 04/25/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/25/16
Description: Buffer requirements on public waters and drainage ditches clarified and modified.
Presented to Governor: 04/25/16
Governor approval: 04/25/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/25/16
Description: Minnesota State Capitol grand reopening fundraising authorized.
Presented to Governor: 04/18/16
Governor approval: 04/18/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/18/16
Description: Public safety commissioner directed to plan for eventual implementation of REAL ID program, commissioner required to appear before legislative committees to present oral and written summaries of REAL ID planning activities and to submit fiscal notes, and commissioner directed to seek extension of enforcement of REAL ID requirements.
Presented to Governor: 03/31/16
Governor approval: 03/31/16
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/31/16
Description: Extended unemployment insurance benefits provided.
Presented to Governor: 03/24/2016
Governor approval: 03/24/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 3/24/2016
Description: Employer tax liability modified.
Presented to Governor: 03/24/16
Governor approval: 03/24/2016
Secretary of State, Filed: 3/24/2016
Description: Omnibus jobs, economic development, and energy finance bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor veto: 05/23/2015
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus agriculture, environment, and natural resources finance and policy bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor veto: 05/23/2015
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus health and human services policy bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/22/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/22/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Omnibus state government finance bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/23/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/23/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Environment and natural resources trust fund appropriation provided, and Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/22/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/22/2015
Effective date: 07/01/2015
Description: Omnibus transportation bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/22/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/22/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Nursing home or certified boarding care home governing receivership provisions changed, and medical cannabis provisions changed.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/22/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/22/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board provisions modified; enforcement, registration, fees, data, contributions, statements of economic interest, and other provisions administered by the board modified; penalties provided; and technical changes made.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/22/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/22/2015
Effective date: 05/23/15
Description: Omnibus K-12 education policy and finance bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor veto: 05/21/15
View veto letter
Description: Omnibus health and human services finance bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/22/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/22/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Election administration provisions modified, military and overseas absentee voting provisions modified, definitions provided and modified, Election Emergency Planning Task Force established, Uniform Faithful Presidential Electors Act provided, technical and conforming changes made, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/22/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/22/2015
Effective date: 05/23/15
Description: Omnibus higher education policy and finance bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/22/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/22/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Omnibus pensions and retirement bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/22/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/22/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Automated license plate reader data classified and governing policy required, log of use required, data destruction required, and report required.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/23/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/23/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Government entity permitted to release military release forms to another government entity for purpose of locating records.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/22/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/22/2015
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Omnibus public safety finance and policy bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/22/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/22/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Responsible contractor law provisions changed.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/22/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/22/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Electronic filing for hearings in contested cases at the Office of Administrative Hearings permitted, and electronic transfer of rulemaking documents permitted.
Presented to Governor: 05/20/2015
Governor approval: 05/22/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/22/2015
Effective date: 01/01/16
Description: Flame-retardant chemical use in products prohibited.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Claims against the state settlement provided for losses suffered while incarcerated, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: 07/01/2015
Description: Autopsy religious objection provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/18/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Disability income coverage regulated, long-term care insurance partnership policy minimum permitted inflation protection reduced, inflation protection continuation permitted, and commerce commissioner authorized to make long-term care policy rate recommendations.
Presented to Governor: 05/16/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Individuals permitted to contract with insurance producer to advocate on the individual's behalf with respect to health coverage with an insurance company, and payment of commissions by issuers of qualified health plans regulated.
Presented to Governor: 05/16/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Dissolution certificates required, and requirements added to the certificate of dissolution form.
Presented to Governor: 05/16/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Stroke transport protocols required.
Presented to Governor: 05/16/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Interstate medical licensure compact project provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/16/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: Effective upon adoption of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact by at least 6 other states, but no sooner than 07/01/2015.
Description: Construction Codes and Licensing Division housekeeping changes made; Office of Combative Sports and apprenticeship program housekeeping changes made; safe patient handling requirements clarified; obsolete, redundant, and unnecessary laws and rules removed; conforming changes made; and rulemaking authorized.
Presented to Governor: 05/16/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Proof of insurance in electronic format provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/16/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: 05/20/15
Description: Lawful gambling game, licensing, reporting, and other regulatory provision changes made; and technical, clarifying, and conforming changes made.
Presented to Governor: 05/15/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: 07/01/2015
Description: Mendota Heights; Trunk Highway 149 segment designated as Officer Scott Patrick Memorial Highway.
Presented to Governor: 05/15/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: 05/20/15
Description: Equity stripping law protection extended to owners of agricultural property.
Presented to Governor: 05/05/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Public participation in government protections modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/15/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: 05/20/15
Description: Transportation network financial responsibility provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/15/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified.
Presented to Governor: 05/15/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: 05/20/15
Description: Maplewood; Trunk Highway 36 segment designated as Sergeant Joseph Bergeron Memorial Highway.
Presented to Governor: 05/15/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: 05/20/15
Description: Lawful gambling; clarifying, conforming, and technical changes made; games, prizes, and other provisions regulating conduct of lawful gambling modified; and director of State Lottery prohibited from offering casino-style games.
Presented to Governor: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Omnibus agriculture policy bill.
Presented to Governor: 05/15/15
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: Workers' compensation advisory council recommendations regarding inpatient hospital payments adopted, electronic transactions regulated, injury reporting requirements modified, rulemaking authorized, and report required.
Presented to Governor: 05/15/2015
Governor approval: 05/19/2015
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/19/2015
Effective date: Various
Description: E-Health Advisory Committee, Trauma Advisory Council, and Maternal and Child Health Advisory Task Force expiration date changed; and review requested for stillbirth data collection, prenatal protocols, and family supports.
Presented to Governor: 05/14/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Military Spouses and Families Day established.
Presented to Governor: 05/14/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Hire a Veteran Month changed from May to July.
Presented to Governor: 05/14/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Business conversion provisions modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/14/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Crow Wing County; process for making county offices appointive provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/13/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: Effective upon Crow Wing County compliance
Description: School age child care programs excluded from human services licensure.
Presented to Governor: 05/13/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 07/01/2015
Description: Silver Alert system working group established to study and make recommendations on establishing a Silver Alert system, and report required.
Presented to Governor: 05/13/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Old Interstate Compact for Juveniles repealed.
Presented to Governor: 05/13/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Self-service storage insurance regulated.
Presented to Governor: 05/13/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: District 1 Hospital Board meeting requirement changed.
Presented to Governor: 05/13/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 05/15/15
Description: Plat approval by government modified, new certificate by examiner's directive authorized after cancellation of contract for deed, new certificate of possessory interest by directive authorized after cancellation of contract for deed, and apportionment of estate taxes provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/12/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: Various
Description: Houston County Economic Development Authority member three-year terms authorized.
Presented to Governor: 05/12/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: Effective upon Houston County compliance.
Description: Best interests of the child standards, custody, parenting time, maintenance, child support, judgment, and award provisions modified; Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act provided; and technical changes made.
Presented to Governor: 05/11/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Savings promotion raffles provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/11/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Health care practitioners required to deliver information relating to trisomy 13, 18, and 21; and duties imposed on the health commissioner.
Presented to Governor: 05/11/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Conciliation court provided jurisdiction to determine claims by a county against a nonresident.
Presented to Governor: 05/11/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Retired workers' compensation judges provision requirements modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/11/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Beltrami, Carlton, Cass, Crow Wing, Dakota, Goodhue, Hennepin, Hubbard, Lake, Martin, Pine, Rice, St. Louis, Todd, Washington, and Winona Counties; public and private sales and conveyances of state lands provided, and prior sale authority modified.
Presented to Governor: 05/11/15
Governor approval: 05/14/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/14/15
Effective date: 05/15/15
Description: Camp Ripley nearby lands designated as sentinel landscape, coordinating committee created, and report required.
Presented to Governor: 05/07/15
Governor approval: 05/11/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/11/15
Effective date: 5/12/15
Description: Fourth-degree assault protections expanded to employees supervising and working directly with mentally ill and dangerous patients.
Presented to Governor: 05/07/15
Governor approval: 05/11/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/11/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Uniform Municipal Contracting Law; energy conservation measure definition added.
Presented to Governor: 05/07/15
Governor approval: 05/11/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/11/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Revisor's bill; erroneous, ambiguous, and omitted text and obsolete references corrected.
Presented to Governor: 05/07/15
Governor approval: 05/11/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/11/15
Effective date: Various
Description: Patient allowed to enjoin collection actions taken by a nonprofit hospital if the hospital has failed to provide a financial assistance policy.
Presented to Governor: 05/06/15
Governor approval: 05/07/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/07/15
Effective date: 01/01/2016
Description: Cedar Lake area water and sanitary sewer district special law certificate filing time period extended.
Presented to Governor: 05/06/15
Governor approval: 05/07/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/07/15
Effective date: 05/08/15
Description: Professional engineer license requirements clarified.
Presented to Governor: 05/06/15
Governor approval: 05/07/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/07/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Property transfers regulated, and Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act amendments recommended by the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws enacted.
Presented to Governor: 05/06/15
Governor approval: 05/07/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/07/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Veterans affairs commissioner guardianship program repealed.
Presented to Governor: 05/04/15
Governor approval: 05/05/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/05/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Right to Try Act established; investigational drug, biological product, or device use permitted by eligible patients; and medical assistance and early periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment program specified as not covering costs for investigational drugs, biological products, or devices.
Presented to Governor: 05/04/15
Governor approval: 05/05/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/05/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Mortgage foreclosure by advertisement publication requirements clarified.
Presented to Governor: 05/01/15
Governor approval: 05/01/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/01/15
Effective date: 07/01/2015
Description: Foreclosure sale provisions clarified.
Presented to Governor: 05/01/15
Governor approval: 05/01/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/01/15
Effective date: Various
Description: Avian influenza emergency response activity funding provided, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 05/01/15
Governor approval: 05/01/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/01/15
Effective date: 05/02/2015
Description: Conservators provided an exception to post bond for the assets of a protected person.
Presented to Governor: 05/01/15
Governor approval: 05/01/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/01/15
Effective date: 05/02/2015
Description: Hennepin County; filing of approved law modifying duties and procedures provided.
Presented to Governor: 05/01/15
Governor approval: 05/01/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/01/15
Effective date: 05/02/15
Description: Brewer and licensing provisions recodified, sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages regulated, and various liquor licenses authorized.
Presented to Governor: 05/01/15
Governor approval: 05/01/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 05/01/15
Effective date: Various
Description: Bureau of Criminal Apprehension required to do background checks at the request of Indian tribes.
Presented to Governor: 04/21/15
Governor approval: 04/23/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/23/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Land surveying statutory sections streamlined and simplified, and technical and conforming changes made.
Presented to Governor: 04/17/15
Governor approval: 4/21/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 04/21/15
Effective date: 08/01/2015
Description: Ambulance service staff requirement variance eliminated, alternative ambulance staffing allowed, and licensed ambulance service allowed in limited areas to accept full mutual aid support on a part-time basis.
Presented to Governor: 03/27/15
Governor approval: 03/27/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/27/15
Effective date: 03/28/15
Description: Minnesota Trust Code established; provisions recodified; power of appointments modified; and conforming and technical changes made.
Presented to Governor: 03/17/15
Governor approval: 03/19/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 3/19/15
Effective date: 01/01/2016
Description: Child protection provisions updated.
Presented to Governor: 03/16/15
Governor approval: 03/17/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 03/17/15
Effective date: 03/18/15
Description: Deficiency funding provided for food assistance, the Minnesota Security Hospital, natural resources enforcement activities, Ebola related costs, and the Zoological Board; legislative approval required for salaries of executive branch officials; salary increases frozen; and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 02/26/15
Governor approval: 02/26/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 02/26/15
Effective date: Various
Description: Disaster assistance deficiency funding provided, local match funding provided to repair local roads and bridges, water and soil disaster area protection resources funding provided, and money appropriated.
Presented to Governor: 01/27/15
Governor approval: 01/27/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 01/27/15
Effective date: 01/28/15
Description: Federal income tax conformity provided, and computation of state aid payments to the Destination Medical Center in Rochester clarified.
Presented to Governor: 01/24/15
Governor approval: 01/24/15
Secretary of State, Filed: 01/24/15
Effective date: Various.