This is an unofficial listing of House and Senate files that have become somewhat to very well-known. This document is published by House Index and is offered for information purposes only.
The file that is being worked on is in BOLD type. If neither file is in bold type, both files are still in their respective bodies.
CN=Concurrence CC=Conference CH=Chapter
Subject | HF | SF | H | S | Status | CN | CC | CH | |||
Abortion; family planning grant funds use prohibition, audits | 3130 | 3061 | 2/14/02 H & H Svcs Fin | ||||||||
Acupuncture insurance coverage | 3493 | 0 | 2/18/02 Commerce, Jobs & Ec Dev | ||||||||
Affirmative action; statewide program modifications | 3531 | 3147 | X | 3/12/02 General Register | |||||||
Unemployment compensation extended benefits; airline industry, Fingerhut, and Farmland Foods laid-off employees extra benefits | 3648 | 3431 | X | X | Approved - 5/21/02 | -- | X | (380) | |||
American heritage education in MN public schools act | 3010 | 2902 | 2/14/02 General Register | ||||||||
Animals; service animal interference prohibition | 2940 | 2429 | 2/07/02 Crime Prevention | ||||||||
ATV use modifications and wildlife management area(s) additions | 1359 | 2125 | X | X | Approved - 5/01/02 | -- | -- | (353) | |||
Automotive glass damage coverage by auto insurance | 2570 | 2553 | X | X | 3/27/02 Repassed over Gov's Veto | X | -- | 283 | |||
Background check provisions | 3034 | 2949 | X | X | Approved - 4/08/02 | -- | -- | (321) | |||
Body piercing parental consent, penalties | 3505 | 2721 | 2/18/02 Commerce, Jobs & Ec Dev | ||||||||
Budget; bonding | 3618 | 0 | X | X | Approved w/line item vetoes - 5/22/02 | -- | X | 393 | |||
Bakery products (bread) exemption from prepared food sales and use tax* | 2688 | 0 | 3/13/02 Motion to recall from Taxes, Tabled -- <I>SEE Omnibus Tax, HF2498, Art. 3, Sec. 4</I> | <I>377</I> | |||||||
Baseball; stadium financing and construction package (Mares) | 2214 | 1857 | X | X | Approved - 5/22/02 | -- | X | 397 | |||
Workforce and economic development dept creation, depts of economic security & trade and economic development elimination, state depts reorganization | 3151 | 3072 | 2/19/02 Jobs & Ec Dev Fin -- <I>SEE Omnibus Budget/Phase 1, HF351, Art. 12, Sec. 13-16</I> | <I>220</I> | |||||||
Biogas; on-farm biogas recovery facility loan program | 2947 | 2594 | X | 3/27/02 Ag & Rural Dev Fin -- <I>SEE Omnibus Ag Policy, HF3183, Sec. 27 for Methane Digester Loan Program</I> | <I>373</I> | ||||||
Biodiesel fuel mandate | 1547 | 1495 | X | X | Filed w/out Gov's signature - 3/15/02 | - | X | (244) | |||
Campaign finance and public disclosure law modifications | 3379 | 3384 | X | X | Approved - 5/09/02 | -- | X | (363) | |||
Casinos; counties authorized to issue casino licenses | 2658 | 2558 | 1/29/02 Gov Ops & Vets Aff Pol | ||||||||
Casinos; privately operated metro area casinos | 2608 | 0 | 1/29/02 Gov Ops & Vets Aff Pol | ||||||||
Casinos; state lottery authorized to establish state-run gaming facility, net profits shared w/Native American gov'ts | 2799 | 1841 | 1/31/02 Gov Ops & Vets Aff Pol | ||||||||
Cell phone use while operating a motor vehicle prohibited; exception | 2677 | 2504 | 1/29/02 Transp Policy | ||||||||
Children and family support, prevention, and self-sufficiency programs, appropriations and previous appropriations reductions | 2901 | 0 | 2/19/02 Return to General Register | ||||||||
Child support guidelines | 3582 | 3351 | 2/20/02 Civil Law | ||||||||
Cigarette fire retardant standards | 175 | 98 | 2/19/02 General Register -- <I>SEE Cigarette Resolution, HF2362, Senate Rules</I> | ||||||||
Civil commitment standards conformity, court authorization to commit to community hospitals | 2735 | 2457 | X | X | Approved - 4/16/02 | X | -- | (335) | |||
Clean fuel; state agencies purchase of cleaner fuels and compatible vehicles | 2814 | 2794 | 2/25/02 General Register -- <I>SEE SF2675, Sec. 1</I> | <I>(312)</I> | |||||||
Corrections dept. technical corrections bill | 3168 | 2989 | X | 5/02/02 Senate Tabled (4/29/02 Recalled) | |||||||
Credit scoring prohibition for homeowner and auto insurance | 2492 | 2363 | X | X | Approved - 5/01/02 | -- | X | (357) | |||
Deer hunting lifetime firearm/archery licenses | 2604 | 3283 | 3/12/02 Rules and Leg Admin -- <I>SEE Game and Fish, SF2674, Sec. 6, 8-10</I> | <I>(351)</I> | |||||||
Deer management; silencers authorization | 3564 | 3333 | 2/19/02 Env & Nat Res Pol | ||||||||
DNR fiscal bill | 2973 | 2738 | X | X | Approved - 5/20/02 | -- | X | (376) | |||
Dry cleaner environmental response & reimbursement law modifications | 3432 | 3352 | X | X | Approved - 4/08/02 | -- | -- | (324) | |||
Environmental sustainability policy | 3326 | 2875 | X | 3/11/02 Env & Nat Res Pol | |||||||
Environmental sustainability policy, waste electronics stewardship | 2815 | 2979 | 3/07/02 Rules & Leg Admin | ||||||||
Ag funding and appropriations reductions | 3157 | 2663 | 2/19/02 General Register -- <I>SEE Omnibus Budget Reductions/Phase 1, HF351, Art. 8-9</I> | <I>220</I> | |||||||
Feedlots; open air swine lagoon construction permits prohibition, state water pollutant release prohibition exemption, upgrade expenditure limits | 2965 | 2664 | 4/11/02 Calendar for the Day -- <I>SEE Omnibus Ag Policy, HF3183, Sec. 30 for Open Air Swine Basins</I> | <I>373</I> | |||||||
Feedlots; open-air & swine waste lagoon prohibition made permanent | 3207 | 3013 | 2/20/02 Env & Nat Res Pol | ||||||||
Feedlot upgrade environmental compliance improvements | 2692 | 2510 | 1/31/02 Ag & Rural Dev Fin | ||||||||
Feedlot upgrade expenditure limits | 2739 | 3037 | 2/18/02 Env & Nat Res Pol | ||||||||
Firearm safety reqs, criminal penalties | 2067 | 1861 | 3/21/01 Crime Prevention | ||||||||
Firearms; MN citizen's personal protection act | 1360 | 1395 | X | 4/11/01 Senate Crime Prevention | |||||||
Firearms; persons convicted of crimes of violence prohibited from possession for life* | 2613 | 0 | 3/20/02 General Register | ||||||||
Flag; state flag design task force | 3556 | 3201 | 2/28/02 General Register | ||||||||
Football stadium; public corporation creation, stadium and parking ramp, taxes and fees, appropriation * | 3423 | 0 | 2/14/02 Gov Ops & Vets Aff Pol | ||||||||
Foreign students in post-secondary institutions monitoring | 2845 | 0 | 2/04/02 Hi Ed Fin -- <I>SEE HF2622, Art. 1, Sec. 58 for a report -- Conference Committee</I> | ||||||||
Game and fish; gross overlimit penalties | 94 | 222 | X | X | Approved - 3/25/02 | -- | -- | (270) | |||
Omnibus game and fish bill; timber permits and leases, hunting licenses, motorized trail task force creation | 2920 | 2674 | X | X | Approved - 4/29/02 | -- | X | (351) | |||
Game and hunting technical provisions | 2684 | 2678 | X | X | Approved - 4/08/02 | -- | -- | (323) | |||
Health plan company regulations, MN provider and tobacco tax provisions | 2641 | 3274 | 2/25/02 Taxes | ||||||||
Health records copy fee exemption for patients applying for disability benefits * | 3623 | 3331 | X | 3/11/02 H & H Svcs Pol -- <I>SEE Health and Human Svcs, SF3099, Art. 3, Sec. 6</I> | <I>(375)</I> | ||||||
Hemp; resolution encouraging development of industrial hemp definition distinguishing it from marijuana | 3569 | 3395 | 2/19/02 Ag Policy | ||||||||
Higher ed; interstate tuition reciprocity agreements | 2828 | 0 | 2/04/02 Hi Ed Fin | ||||||||
Higher ed programs, previous appropriations reductions | 3286 | 0 | 2/19/02 Return to General Register | ||||||||
Initiative and referendum, constitutional amendment | 643 | 0 | X | 3/22/02 Senate Rules and Admin | |||||||
Insurance fraud prevention division creation, criminal penalties | 3497 | 3015 | X | X | Approved - 4/10/02 | X | -- | (331) | |||
K-12 budget modifications (Seagren) | 3150 | 3067 | 2/18/02 Taxes -- <I>SEE Omnibus Budget/Phase 2, HF3270, Art. 3</I> | <I>374</I> | |||||||
MSRS (Minnesota State Retirement System) allowable service credit purchase to include strike time | 2829 | 2773 | 2/04/02 Gov Ops & Vets Aff Pol -- <I>SEE Pensions, HF3127, Art. 2, Sec. 1</I> | <I>392</I> | |||||||
K-12 ed programs provisions modifications (Mares) | 2964 | 2736 | 2/07/02 Ed Policy -- <I>SEE Omnibus Budget/Phase 2, HF3270, Art. 4</I> | <I>374</I> | |||||||
Labor agreements rejected by Resolution | 0 | 0 | X | Resolution adopted - 2/13/02 (75-54) | |||||||
Labor agreements ratification (Rukavina) | 3408 | 3041 | 2/13/02 Gov't Ops & Vets Aff Pol | ||||||||
Labor agreements rejection (Bishop) | 3407 | 3364 | 2/27/02 State Gov't Finance | ||||||||
Labor agreements; state employee collective bargaining agreement legislative approval req. modified | 3575 | 3208 | X | X | 3/25/02 Conference Committee | - | 3 | ||||
Legislators and constitutional officers salary decreases | 2968 | 3317 | 3/07/02 Ways and Means | ||||||||
Legislature; unicameral | 3722 | 3475 | 5/16/02 Gov Ops & Vets Affs | ||||||||
Medical assistance, MNCare, general assistance medical care (GMAC); disqualification for wrongfully obtaining assistance | 2640 | 2750 | 2/14/02 H & H Svcs Fin | ||||||||
Minimum wage increase | 3436 | 3369 | 3/18/02 Motion to recall, motion tabled | ||||||||
Motorcyclists authorized to run red lights, circumstances specified | 3226 | 3137 | 2/26/02 General Register -- <I>SEE Omnibus Public Safety, HF3203, Art. 1, Sec. 42</I> | <I>371</I> | |||||||
Motor vehicle registration personal data disclosure | 2649 | 2448 | X | X | Approved - 5/15/02 | -- | X | (368) | |||
National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact; criminal history data sharing between federal gov't and state | 1934 | 1030 | X | X | Approved - 3/25/02 | (269) | |||||
National guard & military reservists salary differential payment required for those called to active duty on/after 9/11 | 2567 | 2991 | X | 5/18/02 General Register | |||||||
Nuclear power plant security and patrol funding | 2569 | 0 | 1/29/02 Crime Prevention | ||||||||
Nurse licensure compact | 2702 | 2508 | 2/14/02 Civil Law | ||||||||
Nurses overtime limits | 2993 | 2463 | X | X | Approved - 3/25/02 | (272) | |||||
Nursing; supplemental nursing svcs agencies reqs | 2664 | 2459 | X | X | Approved - 3/26/02 | - | -- | (287) | |||
Budget; "Phase 1" appropriations and reductions | 351 | 264 | X | X | 2/28/02 Repassed over Gov's Veto | -- | X | 220 | |||
Open enrollment student athlete participation restriction for one school year | 3465 | 0 | 2/14/02 Ed Policy | ||||||||
Pledge of allegiance recitation in public schools, U.S. flag respect instruction | 2598 | 2411 | X | X | VETOED - 5/22/02 | -- | X | 391 V | |||
Pools; family day care swimming pool reqs, municipal liability immunity for provider's failure to comply | 1517 | 1443 | X | X | Approved - 4/12/02 | X | -- | 333 | |||
Open meeting law; closed public meetings relating to security issues authorization | 2849 | 0 | 2/13/02 Crime Prevention | ||||||||
Organ donor designation on driver's license considered evidence of intent; Darlene Luther Anatomical Gift Act | 2473 | 2807 | X | X | Approved - 4/24/02 | -- | X | 349 | |||
Pools; family day care wading pools exemption from public swimming pool reqs | 2600 | 2419 | X | X | Approved - 3/25/02 | X | -- | (279) | |||
Orphanages; child institutions moratorium, study | 3422 | 2877 | 2/14/02 H & H Svcs Pol | ||||||||
Predatory offender lifetime registration after second conviction | 3049 | 3019 | X | X | Approved - 2/28/02 | - | - | (222) | |||
Prescription drug discount program | 2646 | 0 | 4/11/02 Ways and Means | ||||||||
Ovarian cancer surveillance testing health insurance coverage | 3234 | 3163 | 2/13/02 H & H Svcs Pol | ||||||||
Petrofund provisions | 3209 | 3054 | X | X | Approved - 4/08/02 | X | -- | (325) | |||
Profile of learning repealed, local academic achievement testing | 3624 | 3386 | 2/25/02 Ed Policy | ||||||||
Phosphorus fertilizer use regulations | 1524 | 1555 | X | X | Approved - 4/19/02 | -- | X | (345) | |||
Reference checks; health care providers and employer disclosure authority and liability immunity | 3092 | 3085 | X | Approved - 5/22/02 | X | -- | 396 | ||||
Responsible lending act; home loans | 3434 | 3030 | X | 4/22/02 Calendar for the Day | |||||||
Omnibus retirement bill; various pension provisions | 3127 | 2984 | X | X | Approved - 5/22/02 | -- | X | 392 | |||
Revisor's bill | 3163 | 2792 | X | X | Approved - 5/21/02 | -- | X | 379 | |||
Segue; electric personal assistive mobility device operation regulations | 2882 | 3122 | X | X | Approved - 3/26/02 | - | -- | 285 | |||
Selective service proof of registration for driver's license issuance or renewal | 3457 | 3178 | 2/14/02 Transp Policy | ||||||||
Shooting ranges operation, closing, relocation & nuisance liability | 2971 | 2781 | 2/07/02 Local Gov't & Metro Aff | ||||||||
Sports pool games established by state lottery, proceeds credited to a human resources account | 2676 | 2788 | 1/29/02 Gov Ops & Vets Aff Pol | ||||||||
State land acquisitions and deletions; parks, forests, recreational area lands, and sales | 3025 | 2727 | X | X | Approved - 5/15/02 | -- | X | (366) | |||
Telecommunications consumer privacy act | 3561 | 3272 | X | 3/21/02 Regulated Industries | |||||||
Telephone solicitation limited, no call list | 2710 | 3246 | X | X | Approved - 5/15/02 | -- | X | (367) | |||
Terrorism; MN Anti-Terrorism Act, haz mat regs, biological agents registry, civil and criminal penalties (Stanek) | 2622 | 2563 | X | X | 3/22/02 Conference Committee -- <I>SEE Anti-Terrorism Act of 2002, HF2515</I> | -- | 5 | <I>401</I> | |||
Terrorism; Minnesota Emergency Health Powers Act; national security & peacetime emergencies, bioterrorism and quarantines | 3031 | 2669 | X | X | Approved - 5/22/02 | -- | X | 402 | |||
Terrorism; resolution pledging support, extending sympathy and appreciation to those responding to 9/11 attacks | 2681 | 2469 | X | X | Approved - 1/31/02 | Res. 6 | |||||
Transportation department and other agencies appropriations reductions, Greater MN transit assistance formula modifications | 3416 | 0 | 4/11/02 Calendar for the Day -- <I>SEE Transportation Housekeeping, SF3298</I> | <I>(364)</I> | |||||||
Omnibus transportation housekeeping bill | 3199 | 3298 | X | X | Approved - 5/09/02 | -- | X | (364) | |||
"United We Stand" license plates, anti-terrorism account, annual contributions | 3677 | 3434 | 3/07/02 Transp Finance | ||||||||
Video gaming at racetrack operation by state lottery, horse racing purse payments | 3154 | 2927 | 2/11/02 Gov't Ops & Vets Aff Pol | ||||||||
Wrestling teams gender separation | 2437 | 390 | 2/20/02 General Register | ||||||||
Budget; early childhood and family education | 2902 | 0 | X | X | 5/18/02 Senate passed as amended, House never acted on Senate amendments -- <I>SEE Omnibus Budget/Phase 2, HF3270, Art. 2</I> | <I>374</I> | |||||
Budget; economic development | 3011 | 2579 | X | 3/26/02 Senate 2nd reading, Tabled -- <I>SEE Omnibus Budget/Phase 1, HF351, Art. 12</I> | <I>220</I> | ||||||
Budget; environment and natural resources | 766 | 2351 | X | 3/18/02 Senate Tabled SF2351 - CC discharged and bill tabled in Senate since 5/2001 -- <I>SEE Omnibus Budget/Phase 2, HF3270, Art. 6, Secs. 3-7, 9-1 | <I>374</I> | ||||||
Terrorism; bioterrorism provisions | 2515 | 0 | X | X | Approved - 5/22/02 | X | -- | 401 | |||
Budget; state gov't supplemental budget balancing | 3270 | 0 | X | X | 5/18/02 Repassed over Gov's Veto | -- | X | 374 | |||
Omnibus tax bill | 2498 | 0 | X | X | Deposited w/o Gov's signature - 5/18/02 | - | X | 377 | |||
Omnibus public safety bill | 3203 | 3233 | X | X | Approved - 5/17/02 | -- | X | 371 | |||
Fireworks; definition of fireworks modifications allowing limited sale of novelty items for personal use | 2525 | 2960 | X | X | Approved - 4/29/02 | -- | X | (350) | |||
Legislature; staggered four-year terms for representatives and senators | 289 | 1514 | 4/11/02 Calendar for the Day | ||||||||
Omnibus agriculture policy bill | 3183 | 3219 | X | X | Approved - 5/17/02 | -- | X | 373 | |||
Sex offender provisions | 3613 | 3172 | X | X | Approved - 5/21/02 | -- | X | (385) | |||
Budget; transportation finance bill | 3364 | 3234 | X | X | 4/02/02 Conference Committee | -- | 5 | ||||
Recreational motor vehicle use, lands and trails | 2970 | 3010 | X | X | Approved - 5/01/02 | -- | X | 355 | |||
Clean indoor air act new and amended rules legislative approval requirements | 2625 | 3133 | X | X | 5/18/02 Senate tabled House request to return bill to Conference Committee -- <I>SEE Health and Human Svcs, SF3099, Art. 3, Sec. 7</I> | -- | X | <I>(375)</I> | |||
Profile of learning | 0 | 0 | <I>See SF3133, House vr</I> | ||||||||
3/16ths; sales and use tax receipts portion dedication to heritage enhancement including state and local zoos, constitutional amendment | 1671 | 1589 | 5/16/02 K-12 Ed Finance | ||||||||
Claims against the state | 3643 | 3403 | X | X | 5/18/02 Senate passed (amended Northstar Corridor and Transportation provisions), House never acted on Senate amendments | ||||||
Gambling; charitable gambling | 3073 | 2940 | X | X | Approved - 5/21/02 | X | -- | 386 | |||
Public finance | 2836 | 2572 | X | X | Approved - 5/22/02 | -- | X | (390) | |||
Northstar corridor/commuter rail and transportation provisions | 0 | 0 | <I>See HF3643, Senate vr</I> | ||||||||
Revisor's bill | 3410 | 2891 | X | X | Approved - 5/22/02 | -- | -- | (400) |