The following House Files were introduced:
Seifert, M.; Mulder; Harder and Workman introduced:
H. F. No. 4130, A bill for an act relating to state government; abolishing the office of environmental assistance and transferring responsibilities; requiring the revisor to make technical conforming changes to Minnesota Statutes.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Governmental Operations and Veterans Affairs Policy
Wolf, Jennings, Davids and Gunther introduced:
H. F. No. 4131, A bill for an act relating to telecommunications; modifying, recodifying, reorganizing, and clarifying laws relating to telecommunications; amending Minnesota Statutes 1998, sections 16A.124, subdivision 8; 18.205; 115B.02, subdivision 14; 256.978, subdivision 2; 308A.210, subdivision 8; 325E.021; 325F.692, subdivision 3; 325F.693, subdivision 2; 326.242, subdivision 12; 326.2421, subdivision 2; 403.09; 403.11, subdivision 1; 412.014; and 609.892, subdivision 1; Minnesota Statutes 1999 Supplement, sections 16B.465, subdivision 1; 221.031, subdivision 2; and 270B.14, subdivision 1; proposing coding for new law as Minnesota Statutes, chapter 237A; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1998, sections 237.01; 237.011; 237.02; 237.03; 237.035; 237.04; 237.05; 237.06; 237.065; 237.067; 237.068; 237.069; 237.07; 237.071; 237.072; 237.075; 237.076; 237.081; 237.082; 237.09; 237.10; 237.11; 237.115; 237.12; 237.121; 237.14; 237.15; 237.16; 237.162; 237.163; 237.164; 237.17; 237.18; 237.19; 237.20; 237.21; 237.22; 237.23; 237.231; 237.24; 237.25; 237.26; 237.27; 237.28; 237.295; 237.30; 237.33; 237.34; 237.35; 237.36; 237.37; 237.38; 237.39; 237.40; 237.44; 237.45; 237.46; 237.461, subdivision 1; 237.47; 237.49; 237.50; 237.51, subdivisions 1 and 5; 237.52; 237.53; 237.54; 237.55; 237.56; 237.57; 237.58; 237.59; 237.60; 237.61; 237.62; 237.625; 237.626; 237.63; 237.64; 237.65; 237.66; 237.661; 237.662; 237.663; 237.67; 237.68; 237.69; 237.70, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, and 7; 237.701; 237.71; 237.711; 237.73; 237.74; 237.75; 237.76; 237.761; 237.762; 237.763; 237.764; 237.765; 237.766; 237.767; 237.768; 237.769; 237.770; 237.771; 237.772; 237.773; 237.774; 237.775; 237.79; 237.80; and 237.81; Minnesota Statutes 1999 Supplement, sections 237.036; 237.066; 237.461, subdivisions 2, 3, and 4; 237.462; 237.51, subdivision 5a; 237.5799; and 237.70, subdivision 4a; Minnesota Rules, parts 7810.0300; 7810.0400; 7810.0700; 7810.0800; 7810.0900; 7810.1200; 7810.1300; 7810.1500; 7810.1600; 7810.1700; 7810.1900; 7810.2000; 7810.2100; 7810.2200; 7810.2300; 7810.2400; 7810.2500; 7810.2600; 7810.2700; 7810.2800; 7810.3000; 7810.3100; 7810.3200; 7810.3300; 7810.3400; 7810.3500; 7810.3600; 7810.3700; 7810.3800; 7810.3900; 7810.4000; 7810.4200; 7810.4300; 7810.4400; 7810.4500; 7810.4600; 7810.4700; 7810.4800; 7810.5100; 7810.5500; 7810.5600; 7810.5700; 7810.6100; 7810.6200; 7810.6300; 7810.6400; 7810.6500; 7810.6600; 7810.6700; 7810.6800; 7810.6900; 7810.7000; 7810.7100; 7810.7200; 7810.7300; 7810.7400; 7810.7500; 7810.7600; 7810.7700; 7810.7800; 7810.7900; 7810.8000; 7810.8100; 7810.8200; 7810.8300; 7810.8400; 7810.8500; 7810.8600; 7810.8605; 7810.8610; 7810.8615; 7810.8620; 7810.8625; 7810.8630; 7810.8635; 7810.8640; 7810.8645; 7810.8650; 7810.8655; 7810.8660; 7810.8665; 7810.8670; 7810.8675; 7810.8680; 7810.8685; 7810.8690; 7810.8700; 7810.8705; 7810.8710; 7810.8715; 7810.8720; 7810.8725; 7810.8730; 7810.8735; 7810.8740; 7810.8745; 7810.8750; 7810.8755; 7810.8760; 7810.8800; 7810.8805; 7810.8810; 7810.8815; 7810.8900; 7810.8905; 7810.8910; 7810.8915; 7810.8920; 7810.8925; 7810.8930; 7810.8935; 7810.8940; 7813.0100; 7813.0200; 7813.0300; 7813.0400; 7813.0500; 7813.0600; 7813.0700; 7813.0800; 7813.0900; 7813.1000; 7813.1100; 7817.0100; 7817.0200; 7817.0300; 7817.0400; 7817.0500; 7817.0600; 7817.0700; 7817.0800; 7817.0900; 7817.1000; 7827.0100; 7827.0200; 7827.0300; 7827.0400; 7827.0500; 7827.0600; 7829.0100; 7829.0200; 7829.0300; 7829.0400; 7829.0500; 7829.0600; 7829.0700; 7829.0800; 7829.0900; 7829.1000; 7829.1100; 7829.1200; 7829.1300; 7829.1400; 7829.1500; 7829.1600; 7829.1700; 7829.1800; 7829.1900; 7829.2000; 7829.2100; 7829.2200; 7829.2300; 7829.2400; 7829.2500; 7829.2600; 7829.2700; 7829.2800; 7829.2900; 7829.3000; 7829.3100; 7829.3200; 7831.0100; 7831.0200; 7831.0300; 7831.0400; 7831.0500; 7831.0600; 7831.0700; and 7831.0800.
The bill was read for the first time and referred to the Committee on Commerce