Saint Paul, Minnesota, Monday, March 25, 1996
On this day in 1854, Minnesota's first Swedish governor, John
Lind, was born at Kanna, Sweden. Lind made his home in New Ulm
and served as Governor from 1899 to 1901.
The House of Representatives convened at 10:00 a.m. and was
called to order by Irv Anderson, Speaker of the House.
Prayer was offered by Mary Teurman, Director of Youth and
Family Ministries, Mount Olivet Lutheran Church, Plymouth,
The members of the House gave the pledge of allegiance to the
flag of the United States of America.
The roll was called and the following members were present:
Due to a severe winter storm all members not present were
Abrams Dorn Johnson, V. Murphy Tomassoni
Anderson, R. Entenza Kalis Orfield Trimble
Bakk Finseth Kelley Paulsen Vickerman
Bradley Frerichs Kinkel Perlt Wagenius
Broecker Girard Knoblach Peterson Warkentin
Brown Greiling Koppendrayer Rest Weaver
Carlson, L. Gunther Kraus Rhodes Wenzel
Carlson, S. Hackbarth Lieder Rukavina Winter
Carruthers Harder Lourey Schumacher Wolf
Clark Hasskamp Luther Skoglund Sp.Anderson,I
Commers Holsten Mahon Solberg
Cooper Huntley McCollum Stanek
Dawkins Jaros McElroy Swenson, H.
Dempsey Johnson, A. Munger Sykora
A quorum was not present.
Carruthers moved that when the House adjourns today it adjourn until 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 26, 1996. The motion prevailed.
Carruthers moved that the House adjourn. The motion prevailed, and the Speaker declared the House stands adjourned until 10:00 a.m., Tuesday, March 26, 1996.
Edward A. Burdick, Chief Clerk, House of Representatives