1.07 GENERAL ORDERS OF THE DAY. The Chief Clerk at the direction of the Speaker shall prepare the General Orders of the Day, which is a list of all bills which have not been made Special Orders or placed on the Consent Calendar, numbered according to their order at second reading. Unless otherwise ordered by a majority of the Committee, items on General Orders shall be taken up in numerical order.

The Chief Clerk shall see that a copy of each bill printed under the Rules or Orders of the House is placed in each member's file, which is to be kept at the member's desk in the chamber, at least 24 hours before the bill shall be considered in the Committee of the Whole.

If a bill is progressed three times it shall be placed at the end of General Orders.

Except during the last five days in any year on which a bill may be passed, a bill amended in the Committee of the Whole shall not be given its third reading until it is engrossed and reproduced as amended.

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Rule 1.06
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