1.16 TIME LIMIT FOR CONSIDERATION OF BILLS. If 20 legislative days after a bill has been referred to committee or division (other than a bill in the Committee on Ways and Means, the Committee on Taxes or a division of the Committee on Taxes, a finance committee, or a finance division of a standing committee) no report has been made upon it by the committee or division, its chief author may request that it be returned to the House and the request shall be entered in the Journal for the day. The committee or division shall have ten calendar days thereafter in which to vote upon the bill requested. If the committee or division fails to vote upon it within the ten days, the chief author may, at any time within five calendar days thereafter, present a written demand to the Speaker for its immediate return to the House. The demand shall be entered in the Journal for that day and shall constitute the demand of the House. The bill shall then be considered to be in the possession of the House, given its second reading and placed at the end of General Orders.

The bill is subject to re-reference by a majority vote of the whole House. If the motion to re-refer is made on the day of the demand or within one legislative day thereafter, the motion shall take precedence over all other motions except privileged motions and shall be in order at any time.

Rule 1.17
Rule 1.15
House Rules Index