Minnesota House of Representatives
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State of Minnesota
Thursday, March 13, 2025
Novotny from the Committee on Public Safety Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 16, A bill for an act relating to law enforcement; prohibiting immigration law enforcement noncooperation ordinances and policies; providing for use of immigration-related data; requiring county attorneys to notify federal immigration authorities when an undocumented person is arrested for a crime of violence; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 13; 299A; 388.
Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Elections Finance and Government Operations.
Swedzinski from the Committee on Energy Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 252, A bill for an act relating to energy; amending the eligibility of small natural gas utilities to be exempt from regulation by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 216B.16, subdivision 12.
Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill be placed on the General Register.
Bennett from the Committee on Education Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 630, A bill for an act relating to education; extending the short-call substitute teacher pilot program; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 122A.441.
With the recommendation that when so amended the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Education Finance.
Koznick from the Committee on Transportation Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 748, A bill for an act relating to transportation; amending project assessment criteria and mitigation activities for vehicle miles traveled requirements; modifying transportation policy goals and greenhouse gas emission targets; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, sections 161.178, subdivisions 2, 2a, 4; 174.01, subdivisions 2, 3; 174.03, subdivision 1a.
With the recommendation that when so amended the bill be placed on the General Register.
Swedzinski from the Committee on Energy Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 787, A bill for an act relating to energy; exempting electricity generated outside the state from the requirement that a certain proportion of retail electricity be carbon-free by certain dates; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 216B.1691, subdivision 2g.
With the recommendation that when so amended the bill be placed on the General Register.
Bennett from the Committee on Education Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 914, A bill for an act relating to education; allowing school districts to access personnel files of prospective teachers from their employing districts; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, sections 122A.40, by adding a subdivision; 122A.41, by adding a subdivision.
Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Judiciary Finance and Civil Law.
Scott from the Committee on Judiciary Finance and Civil Law to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1083, A bill for an act relating to witnesses; prohibiting domestic abuse advocates from disclosing certain information; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 595.02, subdivision 1.
Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Public Safety Finance and Policy.
Koznick from the Committee on Transportation Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1167, A bill for an act relating to transportation; prohibiting expenditures for the Northern Lights Express passenger rail project.
With the recommendation that when so amended the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
West from the Committee on Children and Families Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1169, A bill for an act relating to child protection; directing the commissioner to make recommendations for paperwork reduction relating to child protection cases.
With the recommendation that when so amended the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
Bliss from the Veterans and Military Affairs Division to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1225, A bill for an act relating to natural resources; eliminating the all-terrain vehicle registration fee for veterans with a total service-connected disability; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 84.922, subdivision 5.
Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy.
Nash from the Committee on State Government Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1240, A bill for an act relating to state government; modifying policy related to the legislative auditor; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, sections 3.971, subdivisions 2, 8a, 9; 3.978, subdivision 2; 3.979, by adding a subdivision; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 15; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 16B.45.
Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Judiciary Finance and Civil Law.
Novotny from the Committee on Public Safety Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1257, A bill for an act relating to public safety; eliminating the Public Safety Advisory Council; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 626.8457, subdivision 3; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 626.8435.
Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill be placed on the General Register.
Baker from the Committee on Workforce, Labor, and Economic Development Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1355, A bill for an act relating to occupational safety; requiring holders of permits to harvest or destroy aquatic plants to safely use scuba diving equipment; establishing requirements for commercial diving operations; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 103G.615, subdivisions 1, 3; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 182.
With the recommendation that when so amended the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources Finance and Policy.
Backer from the Committee on Health Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1379, A bill for an act relating to health; authorizing the use of nonopioid directives; establishing immunity for certain acts or failures to act; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, sections 145C.01, by adding subdivisions; 145C.17; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 145C.
With the recommendation that when so amended the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Judiciary Finance and Civil Law.
Backer from the Committee on Health Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1429, A bill for an act relating to state government; modifying emergency medical services overdose data; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 144E.123, subdivision 3.
Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Judiciary Finance and Civil Law.
Anderson, P. H., from the Committee on Agriculture Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1704, A bill for an act relating to agriculture; appropriating money to the Board of Animal Health.
With the recommendation that when so amended the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
Koznick from the Committee on Transportation Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1722, A bill for an act relating to highways; designating a segment of U.S. Highway 63 as "Officer Jason B. Meyer Memorial Highway"; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 161.14, by adding a subdivision.
Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Ways and Means.
Quam from the Committee on Elections Finance and Government Operations to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1723, A bill for an act relating to local government; modifying unclassified service and appointment provisions for St. Louis County; removing obsolete county appropriation for historical work in St. Louis County; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 383C.035; repealing Minnesota Statutes 2024, sections 383C.07; 383C.74, subdivisions 1, 2, 3, 4.
With the recommendation that when so amended the bill be placed on the General Register.
Baker from the Committee on Workforce, Labor, and Economic Development Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1768, A bill for an act relating to employment; providing additional circumstances under which a covenant not to compete is valid and enforceable; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 181.988, subdivision 2.
Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill be placed on the General Register.
Quam from the Committee on Elections Finance and Government Operations to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1840, A bill for an act relating to voting; establishing a standard for determining the residence of an individual subject to a civil commitment order; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 200.031.
With the recommendation that when so amended the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Human Services Finance and Policy.
Nash from the Committee on State Government Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1867, A bill for an act relating to the state lottery; modifying provisions relating to retailer contracts; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, sections 349A.01, by adding a subdivision; 349A.06, subdivisions 2, 11.
Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill be placed on the General Register.
West from the Committee on Children and Families Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1916, A bill for an act relating to child care; establishing program integrity requirements in the child care assistance program; directing the commissioner of children, youth, and families to establish an electronic record-keeping system for child care enrollment; requiring reports; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, sections 13.461, subdivision 28; 142A.03, subdivision 2; 142E.17, subdivision 9; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 142E.
With the recommendation that when so amended the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Judiciary Finance and Civil Law.
Scott from the Committee on Judiciary Finance and Civil Law to which was referred:
H. F. No. 1917, A bill for an act relating to data practices; modifying the definition of "public official" in a city or county; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, section 13.43, subdivision 2.
Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill be re-referred to the Committee on Elections Finance and Government Operations.
Quam from the Committee on Elections Finance and Government Operations to which was referred:
H. F. No. 2105, A bill for an act relating to lobbyist registration; amending certain definitions related to lobbying; providing that a lobbyist is not required to disclose certain confidential or privileged communications; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, sections 10A.01, subdivisions 21, 26b; 10A.04, by adding a subdivision.
Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill be re-referred to the Committee on State Government Finance and Policy.
Schomacker from the Committee on Human Services Finance and Policy to which was referred:
H. F. No. 2159, A bill for an act relating to human services; correcting terminology related to nursing facility payment rates; amending Minnesota Statutes 2024, sections 256R.38; 256R.40, subdivision 5.
Reported the same back with the recommendation that the bill be placed on the General Register.