1.1 .................... moves to amend H.F. No. 131 as follows:
1.2Page 1, line 17, before "
number" insert "
Social Security"
1.3Page 1, delete line 18 and insert "
(iii) the Social Security number is otherwise
1.4required or authorized by state or federal law,"
1.5Page 2, delete lines 13 to 24 and insert:
1.6 "
(8) sell, lease, loan, trade, or rent an individual's Social Security number to a
1.7nonaffiliated third party, unless the disclosure is required or authorized by law, for law
1.8enforcement or public safety purposes, or there has been affirmative consent from the
1.9individual; or
1.10 (9) refuse to do business with an individual because he or she will not consent to
1.11the receipt by the person of his or her Social Security number, unless in connection with
1.12the transaction:
1.13 (i) the person has a permissible purpose to obtain the individual's credit report under
1.14section 604 of the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, United States Code, title 15, section
1.16 (ii) the business is expressly required or authorized by federal or state law to obtain
1.17the individual's Social Security number, and such information is encrypted;
1.18 (iii) the business has a reasonable basis to believe that the person is using a false
1.19identity or false documents; or
1.20 (iv) the business transaction cannot otherwise be completed without the person's
1.21Social Security number."