1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 131, the first committee engrossment,
1.2as follows:
1.3Page 2, lines 1 to 3, strike the old language
1.4Page 2, line 9, strike the semicolon and insert "
(5) send or cause to be sent or
1.5delivered any letter, envelope, or package that displays a Social Security number on the
1.6face of the mailing envelope or package, or from which a Social Security number is
1.7visible, whether on the outside or inside of the mailing envelope or package. A person
1.8is further prohibited from printing a number that the person or entity knows to be an
1.9individual's Social Security number on any materials that are mailed to the individual,
1.10unless state or federal law requires the Social Security number to be on the document to be
1.11mailed or as part of applications and forms sent by mail, including documents sent as part
1.12of an application or enrollment process, or to establish, amend, administer, or terminate an
1.13account, contract, or policy, or to confirm the accuracy of the Social Security number;"
1.14Page 2, line 12, after "business" insert "
. Nothing in this clause (7) prohibits the sale,
1.15transfer, or disclosure of an individual's Social Security number to a third party if the sale,
1.16transfer, or disclosure (i) has no independent economic value and is incidental to a larger
1.17transaction and (ii) is necessary for the purpose of verifying the identity of the individual"
1.18Page 2, line 14, delete everything after "
1.19Page 2, delete lines 15 and 16 and insert "
(i) the person or entity has the written
1.20consent to the disclosure from the individual, or (ii) the disclosure is required or authorized
1.21by federal or state law. Nothing in this clause (8) prohibits the sale, transfer, or disclosure
1.22of an individual's Social Security number to a third party if the sale, transfer, or disclosure
1.23has no independent economic value and is incidental to a larger transaction and is
1.24necessary for the purpose of verifying the identity of the individual; or"
1.25Page 2, lines 17 and 25, delete "
person" and insert "
1.26Page 2, line 18, delete "
receipt by the person of the person's" and insert "
1.27of, or provide, the individual's"
2.1Page 2, line 20, after "
person" insert "
or entity"
2.2Page 2, liens 23 and 25, delete "
business" and insert "
person or entity"
2.3Page 2, line 27, delete "
person's" and insert "