1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 32 as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1.
1.4 Subdivision 1. Walk-in access plan. (a) The commissioner of natural resources
1.5shall prepare a plan for a walk-in public access program under which the commissioner
1.6may encourage owners and operators of privately held land to voluntarily make that
1.7land available for walk-in access by the public for hunting and fishing under programs
1.8administered by the commissioner.
1.9 (b) As part of the plan, the commissioner shall explore entering into contracts with
1.10the owners or lessees of land to establish voluntary walk-in public access for hunting,
1.11fishing, or other wildlife-dependent recreational activities.
1.12 (c) In the plan, the commissioner must describe:
1.13 (1) the benefits that private land will provide the public, such as hunting, fishing,
1.14bird watching, and related outdoor activities; and
1.15 (2) the types of game, fish, and wildlife habitat improvements made to the land that
1.16will enhance public uses.
1.17 (d) The commissioner shall explore walk-in public access programs in other states
1.18and recommend a walk-in program for public access to private lands for hunting, fishing,
1.19and related recreational activities.
1.20 Subd. 2. Other law. Nothing in the plan may preempt trespass and liability laws.
1.21Recommendations submitted by the commissioner of natural resources under subdivision
1.223 shall include any changes to Minnesota Statutes, sections 604A.20 to 604A.27 necessary
1.23to ensure that landowners are not exposed to additional liability as a result of the walk-in
1.24access program.
2.1 Subd. 3. Report. The commissioner must present the walk-in public access plan
2.2to the house and senate committees with jurisdiction over natural resources policy and
2.3finance, with recommendations on program implementation, by January 15, 2008."
2.4Delete the title and insert:
2.6relating to game and fish; requiring preparation of a walk-in public access plan
2.7for certain outdoor recreation."