1.1 .................... moves to amend H. F. No. 779, the first engrossment, as follows:
1.2Delete everything after the enacting clause and insert:
1.3 "Section 1.
1.4 The status of the cultures and languages of American Indians is unique and part of
1.5the rich heritage of the state. The state shall collaborate with American Indians to ensure
1.6the survival of these unique cultures and languages. The legislature further recognizes
1.7American Indian culture and language as a vital state treasure and resource. In order to
1.8maximize the potential of American Indian language resources, the legislature recognizes
1.9the need to encourage indigenous language development and continuation, especially
1.10among children.
1.11 The legislature recognizes that one-third of indigenous tongues have disappeared
1.12since the coming of Columbus. Of those that survive, nine out of ten are no longer spoken
1.13by children. If this erosion continues, virtually all American Indian languages could be
1.14extinct within two or three generations. Along with this erosion goes part of the history of
1.15our state. There are many benefits to preserving indigenous languages. These include:
1.16cognitive and academic growth among students; help with identity conflicts; preservation
1.17of family values; increased cultural vitality; preserving unique traditional tribal ecological
1.18knowledge; preserving Minnesota's indigenous native history; and increased student
1.19self-esteem and self-sufficiency. These benefits reflect in greater community involvement
1.20in tribal communities and for the state. Children who are schooled in their native language
1.21will demonstrate greater creativity and participation in the community and the state as
1.22a whole.
1.23 Sec. 2.
1.24 Subdivision 1. Creation; membership; executive director. (a) The Council on
1.25Indigenous Language is created and membership shall consist of a member appointed
1.26by each of the 11 tribes in Minnesota and ten members from the Indian communities
2.1in this state, including members with expertise in languages indigenous to this state.
2.2The ten Indian community members shall be selected by the Dakota/Ojibwe Language
2.3Revitalization Alliance. The tribal appointments to the council are not subject to the open
2.4appointments process under section 15.0597.
2.5 (b) The council shall annually elect a chair and executive secretary and other officers
2.6it deems necessary. The chair may appoint subcommittees necessary to fulfill the duties
2.7of the council. Because the council performs functions that are not purely advisory, the
2.8council is not subject to the expiration date in section 15.059.
2.9 (c) The council shall select an executive director to manage the operations of
2.10the council. The executive director of the Council on Indigenous Language may hire
2.11staff necessary to carry out the functions of the council. The executive director must be
2.12experienced in administrative activities and familiar with language revitalization. The
2.13executive director and office staff shall serve in the unclassified service of the state.
2.14 (d) Members of the council may receive per diem and expense payments as provided
2.15in section 15.059.
2.16 Subd. 2. Duties. (a) The council shall develop specific guidelines for funding
2.17community and educational programs that provide language revitalization to meet the
2.18needs of the community. In order to develop these guidelines, the council shall collaborate
2.19with American Indian community groups to develop the resources needed to provide
2.20native language classes.
2.21 (b) The council shall promote activities and programs that are specific to promoting
2.22revitalization of indigenous language for American Indian children and adults. Since
2.23language revitalization is critical for the youngest of American Indian children, the
2.24council shall focus on developing programs that meet the language needs of children in
2.25prekindergarten through grade 12. In addition, the Council on Indigenous Language shall
2.26work with community groups, educational groups and institutions, and tribes to identify
2.27programs that will promote the preservation and revitalization of indigenous language in
2.28order for children to learn the speaking, reading, and writing of native language.
2.29 (c) The council shall administer grants to organizations, programs, and schools
2.30that meet the guidelines developed by the council for programs that provide language
2.31revitalization to children and adults.
2.32(d) The council shall establish grant criteria and funding priorities to fulfill its
2.34 (e) The council shall consult with tribal governments to maximize the effectiveness
2.35and coordination of policies and programs that support language and culture and
2.36collaborate with tribal governments to develop an integrated language strategy.
3.1 (f) The council shall explore funding opportunities with the United States
3.2Department of Education and other federal agencies to meet the special needs of students
3.3for native language learning.
3.4 (g) The council shall work with existing government and tribal agencies to integrate
3.5funding and remove barriers to enable statewide language revitalization efforts to be
3.7 (h) The council shall work collaboratively to enable native speakers to teach in all
3.8language revitalization programs and schools and to develop standards on curriculum,
3.9critical pedagogy, and scope and sequence as it pertains to indigenous language learning,
3.10consistent with world language standards under section 120B.022.
3.11 (i) The council may contract in its own name including contracting for office space
3.12and equipment. Contracts, including grant contracts, must be approved and executed by
3.13the executive director of the council. The council may apply for, receive, and expend in its
3.14own name grants and gifts of money consistent with the duties specified in this section.
3.15Grants and gifts of money received are appropriated to the council for its purpose.
3.16 Subd. 3. Report required. The council shall report to the legislature by January 15
3.17of each year regarding the use of indigenous languages within the state and the status of
3.18programs and efforts to preserve and promote them.
3.19 Subd. 4. Meetings. Meetings may be called by the chair or at the written request of
3.20five members of the council. A majority of the voting members of the council is a quorum.
3.21 Subd. 5. State agency assistance. Upon request, other state agencies shall supply
3.22the council with advisory staff services on matters relating to the jurisdiction of the
3.23council. The council shall have the right to call upon various state departments for
3.24technical advice and services as needed to fulfill its purpose.
3.25 Subd. 6. Appropriations and money received for the Council on Indigenous
3.26Language. All money and appropriations received for the Council on Indigenous
3.27Language must be used to further the purpose of language revitalization. Money and
3.28appropriations received for language revitalization shall not be transferred or reallocated
3.29for any other purpose.
3.30 Sec. 3.
3.31 The initial meeting of the Council on Indigenous Language shall be convened by a
3.32facilitator designated by the Minnesota Dakota/Ojibwe Language Revitalization Alliance.
3.33The facilitator shall chair the first meeting and subsequent meetings until the council
3.34elects a chair.
3.35 Sec. 4.
4.1 (a) $....... in fiscal year 2008 and $...... in fiscal year 2009 are appropriated from
4.2the general fund to the Council on Indigenous Language.
4.3 (b) $....... in fiscal year 2008 and $...... in fiscal year 2009 are appropriated from
4.4the general fund to the director of the Minnesota Office of Higher Education for grants to
4.5the Council on Indigenous Language for training teachers of indigenous American Indian
4.6language. This appropriation must be included in the base budget for the office.
4.7 (c) $....... in fiscal year 2008 and $....... in fiscal year 2009 are appropriated from
4.8the general fund to the commissioner of human services for grants to the Council on
4.9Indigenous Language for the purpose of language revitalization. This appropriation must
4.10be included in the agency's base budget.
4.11 (d) $....... in fiscal year 2008 and $....... in fiscal year 2009 are appropriated from the
4.12general fund to the commissioner of education for grants to the Council on Indigenous
4.13Language for the purpose of language revitalization. This appropriation must be included
4.14in the agency's base budget."
4.15Delete the title and insert:
4.17relating to American Indian languages; establishing the Council on Indigenous
4.18Language; appropriating money; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota
4.19Statutes, chapter 3."